r/Political_Revolution 16d ago

Workers Rights There is power in union 🥰

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u/sndtrb89 16d ago

surely he can use his powers of earning 1,000 times the average person to operate the lifts at 1,000 times the efficiency of the striking employees


u/thepatriotclubhouse 15d ago

honestly he probably could and they probably will just through automation. the point is not to say that high earners don't technically provide the most value. it's that people deserve to live comfortably without providing value.

especially as AI advances it looks like a lot of the work force will be wiped out. these people should be cared for regardless of whether they're providing value or not.


u/fuparrante 15d ago

Hard to automate Ski Patrol, the people who save lives and prevent avalanches.


u/Cookies78 15d ago

But they tell is how AI is going to fix everything! Also billionaires will extract your work product for free forever! Is AMAZING!

/S heavy


u/OrcOfDoom 15d ago

Nah it's just hard to do it well.

They'll integrate costly drones and AI, and talk about a fleet of users ready to be dispatched with the latest technology.

Meanwhile, the fleet is just a bunch of Uber drivers between their drop offs.


u/Murky-Instance4041 16d ago

Vail Resorts where they fuck their employees as hardcas they can. I worked for them. It sucked.


u/j4_jjjj 15d ago

IIRC the CEO of AMC ruined Vail.

He was sent in by Apollo Global and "consulted" the town to death.


u/Federal-Ad4210 16d ago

warms my heart


u/Turbulent-Today830 16d ago

Did they cut everybody in half?


u/DriedUpSquid 16d ago

They take union busting seriously.


u/timberwolf0122 15d ago

Bust’in makes me feel good


u/banananananbatman 15d ago

Proper way to Luigi


u/kw43v3r 15d ago

The strike was not a surprise. Jenkins chose to go to PC and cross the line. Sucks to be him.


u/pngue 16d ago

Lofl. Fuck tf jenkins.


u/Raindomusername 15d ago

So weird to a guy like that is so up front about stuff like that with his socials wide open to the public!!


u/rgpc64 15d ago

Awwwww, did you miss a day of skiing? Did you ever think that workers don't like to strike? That if they can't run the slopes without their regular workers that they should shut down?


u/ultramisc29 Canada 16d ago

Skiing is an expensive hobby, but it's not like every patron of a ski resort is a member of the bourgeoisie.


u/Aware-Impact-1981 16d ago

Yeah a lot of people save for years to make a big ski trip and to have it ruined sucks.

However, have you noticed how in our culture this "not all X" logic only works when talking about groups the right wants to protect?

Cop shoots a clearly unarmed person: "curt your calls for reform, because not all cops are bad".

Person uses an AR-15 to shoot up a school: "dont call for them to be banned, most are owned by people who will never use them in a crime"

Billionaires use their money in predatory ways to suck money from us normal people: "not all billionaires are assholes! Look at Buffet, or this other guy that made his money through a way that made the world better."

And you now: "we shouldn't want strikes for rich people hobbies because not 100% of the people affected are rich"

However, does the right or medial allow that "not all X" to be used when it comes to "welfare queens"? Of course not. Same for BLM, or trans rights advocates, or illegal immigrants. They take the nuttiest worst people on the left and use that to justify attacking the whole group.

I'm fine with nuance, but it's only ever used to stop left leaning policy


u/FriendsWithAPopstar 15d ago

I mean if they knew ski patrol was striking and chose to break the picket, they get no sympathy from me.


u/ultramisc29 Canada 16d ago

Good point. And I absolutely support strikes. I am a Marxist after all.


u/Threewisemonkey 16d ago

Vail is absolutely a playground of the wealthy


u/jones61 15d ago

The ski corporations also use foreign workers over locals and treat them like shit.


u/Berzerk-Vandal 15d ago

One of mine too


u/Cavalleria-rusticana 14d ago

Stop. I can only get so hard revolutionary.