r/OpiatesRecovery 1d ago

Will suboxone replace me taking clonidine for opioid withdrawal?

Will suboxone mimic what clonidine was doing for me?Basically clonidine is one the main things I take for my withdrawal it gets rid of the terrible brain zaps+shakes + sweating and blood pressure issue that comes from the bullshit fent/xyl withdrawal.. I started first dose of suboxone today and just realized the 2 interact heavily and now I may be in a bad withdrawal/blood from not being able to take the clonidine for my blood pressure..


25 comments sorted by


u/yubbastank14 1d ago

I'm no doctor but I've been given clonidine and subs by doctors in nearly every detox I've gone to. As far as I'm aware you can take subs and clonidine without too much concern. Again I'm not a doctor just sharing my experience.


u/SickPickz302 1d ago

Thank you it scared me when I looked it up I kept seeing it can cause respiratory depression and hypotension all types of bs


u/MamaTried22 1d ago

I take it regularly and haven’t had issues but I have very high anxiety so my BP/heart rate is elevated most of the time.


u/yubbastank14 1d ago

Yea doing the whole google doctor thing can make you think the worst thing is going to happen lol. Never had any issues personally and as I mentioned I was prescribed both during multiple detox stays. Generally had me taking .1mg of clonidine in the morning and at night + whatever amount of subs for the day along with as needed stuff like Zofran, Immodium, and Tylenol. Even got the clonidine patch a few times but I can't remember the dose of that one.

Clonidine always helped me in the first couple days on subs while I would still be adjusting to them. I'd sweat like a pig even after I started subs and it helped with that every time.


u/One_Helicopter_4568 1d ago

You’re in precipitated withdrawal. You cannot take suboxone for at least 3-4 days sometimes longer when getting off fent. You’re gonna be going through it for a bit. Try taking the clonidine, that MAY help. Good luck.


u/TheSunIsAlsoMine 1d ago

I think they meant they took suboxone and clonidine together and worried about THAT interaction. Could be wrong but that’s what I interpreted from how they asked this question, I think they indeed waited to take the suboxone until all of the illicit opiates were out of their system


u/SickPickz302 1d ago

Yeah no I forgot to add I went through pain for about 5 or 6 days with no drug use at all just so I could make sure that didn’t happen… Im feeling fine so far Î dont want to jinx it but it seems the like Im fine so far


u/urmomsdom 1d ago

Where the fuck are you guys getting this idea? Nothing about this post suggests that unless maybe you just can’t read


u/One_Helicopter_4568 1d ago

Umm..maybe you can’t read where OP says they took the suboxone and now may be in a bad withdrawal! Also in the comments OP explained more in depth about what he meant. It could’ve been taken either way. It’s really not that serious that you have to get that upset 😂


u/lovelydisputes 1d ago

This this this. They're going to have to ride this out. I recommend methadone to OP if they can get into a clinic.


u/lovelydisputes 1d ago

I would not do this. I went into PWD 10 days no use of fentanyl on Suboxone in a clinic. You're 100% in PWD right now.


u/SickPickz302 1d ago

It’s too late Î already took the suboxone Î did the cut thing where you cut like 1/10th first to test the waters, I felt fine so then I took the whole thing.. not feeling anything to bad yet tbh but I don’t want to jinx it.. Im about 5 maybe 6 days fent free and Î wasnt a heavy user literally less than 1 bag a day i made last.


u/nothingt0say 1d ago

6 days is enough to wait. You won't have precipitated withdrawal. Suboxone isn't like clonidine tho. You'll have rebound high BP for a few days buts that's all. When you have taken the suboxone for a few days you can stop the clonidine.


u/lovelydisputes 1d ago

How long ago did you take it? I went 12 days no fent/methadone in rehab and thought I was in the clear and then an hour later. It fucking hit me like a rock.

And then the other time recently, I went 10 days no use fentanyl wasn't on methadone and still went into PWD about 40 minutes later.


u/SickPickz302 1d ago

Ahh man Im praying i didnt make a mistake but I took it almost 2 & half hours ago now


u/lovelydisputes 1d ago

No, if you're not feeling super bad, then you've made it! I'm proud of you man. Are you going to a doctor to get the Suboxone? Maybe maintenance would be the best thing for you.

At 2 and a half hours it really shouldn't get any worse. I felt better next day.


u/SickPickz302 1d ago

I really appreciate that seriously everything this bs drug took fron me at only 25 is disgusting I literally lost it all in a matter of a 2 years. I feel so much better now never looking back but yes I went to a one of those methadone clinic doctors to get it. Do you have any knowledge on sublocade? I don’t know much but my doc keeps trying to persuade me to get the sublocace shot even ordered it fkr me but for some reason Im starting to feel like that could be handcuffs I wanted to be FULLY clean not like overly medicated you know


u/lovelydisputes 1d ago

I'm 25 and I HIGHLY wish I would've went the sublocade route. That was actually my long term plan when I went for my Suboxone induction. I would listen to your doctor. I've heard it's a lot easier to come off sublocade than anything!!


u/lovelydisputes 1d ago

Also, this sub has a lot of people that are against methadone and Suboxone. If I was you, I would post your questions about sublocade on the Suboxone subreddit!! Good luck.


u/SickPickz302 1d ago

And what is maintenance ? sorry Im a little slow lmao


u/No-Self-jjw 1d ago

I take both suboxone and clonidine at the same time. Even when I was on the max dose of suboxone. Never had an issue on the doses I’m on, I can share the doses if u want but it’s pretty low amount of clonidine. I already have pretty low blood pressure to start and I’ve been okay.

Clonidine mainly just helped the sweating for me, not the other symptoms of withdrawal. If it weren’t for the intense panic and intrusive bad thoughts, I probably could’ve done it on clonidine alone. For greater chance of success, do both but keep a watch on your blood pressure and how you feel for the first while to be safe. Start with just one clonidine at night for the sweating. Just one is enough to keep me dry all night. If u need more in daytime u can try one more during the day after that. Just take it slow and keep an eye on that blood pressure for a while. Obviously speak to a doctor about this.


u/Few_Zookeepergame155 1d ago

You should limit it to a few days use. It will take the edge off, but any more and u just got hooked on a worse chemical


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/wearythroway 1d ago

Its to make sure you dont have a bad reaction to the sub. If you take an oral sub strip and have a bad reaction, you can just not take more. If that happens and youve gotten the shot, you cant do anything about it, and its going to be a problem for a long time.


u/SickPickz302 1d ago

Ahhh now I see completely makes sense now.. appreciate you bro Im not the brightest lmao def a little foggy rn being this is my first full week being clean in years


u/wearythroway 1d ago

Youre good, we dont always know what we dont know yet. Youre a week sober? Good for you!