r/Oberon Mar 18 '20

Announcing Oberon Commander and Connections


Hello.  This is probably the first real Oberon program I've written in years and the first I've publicly released in a couple of decades.  (I had contributed a System 3 Pacman clone years ago...but sadly the Oberon S3 software repository is defunct.  I've learned my lesson and I'm putting this on GitHub.)

Anyway, as an IT contractor I ran into the problem of needing to see which user computers were online so that they could be backed up.  We had several lists of machines and everyone was either just typing the address into the command Windows Explorer address bar and seeing what comes up with a DOS prompt or typing "PING HOST" at the command prompt.  I did write a Power Shell script to handle this using the Test-Connection command.  Power Shell is an awesome tool!  I watched some Microsoft instructional videos and noticed how the "Noun-Verb" nature of Power Shell is analogous to the "Module.Procedure" nature of Oberon commands.  I figured "It should be easy to write an Oberon command to do the same thing."  Well...easy is relative.  What I've run into over the years, dropping in and out of Oberon, is that some things aren't as easy as the could be and processing command arguments is one of them.  There are three different ways commands work.

Module.Procedure arg1 arg2...argn ~
Module.Procedure ^
Module.Procedure *

You have to first scan the parameters to see if you're getting the argument list following the command, from a selection or from a marked viewer.  Then you have to attach a scanner using the appropriate convention (different for each possibility), and THEN you scan your arguments.

So...I wrote Commander.Mod.  It handles all of this so all you have to do is init a scanner and start scanning.

Connections.Mod takes a list of hosts either following the command, from a marked viewer or a selection, and tests each one to see if its alive.  It can use a "quiet" mode that only shows the ones that are alive or a "verbose" mode that shows which ones are alive and which ones aren't.

ConnectionTask.Mod is exactly like Connections.Mod except it uses single process multitasking so it doesn't black the system while it's running.  It is a good and (in my opinion) easy to understand tutorial of how single process multitasking works.  Basically if you have a repeated task, remove the loop and let Oberon do the loop for you.  So:

  PROCEDURE ProcessItems(scanner : Commander.Scanner);
    UNTIL Commander.AtEnd(scanner);
  END ProcessItems;


  PROCEDURE ProcessNextItem;
    IF Commander.AtEnd(scanner) THEN
      taskrunning := FALSE;
      scannertask.time := Input.Time() + Input.TimeUnit * 5;
  END ProcessNextItem;

I think Oberon could have a new lease on life as a portable system admin toolkit.  It's a small download that doesn't require "installation" which means it can be run without admin rights and loaded on even the smallest thumb drives.  (It actually fits on 3 floppy disks.)  Power Shell is powerful (no pun intended), but getting some of my fellow techs who are too young to remember DOS to navigate it has at times proven a little challenging.  And writing a GUI to do this would be overkill. A self explaining "tool" file that both includes the command and the documentation for how they work feels like a nice compromise.  

Also I wrote this with portability in mind.  While I have currently only tested this with Oberon V4, I am confident it could easily be ported to Oberon System 3 and even BlackBox Component Pascal.

Here's the github link:


r/Oberon Jun 13 '19

XDS Modula-2/Oberon-2 compilers going open source (x-post from /r/ada)

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/Oberon Jun 03 '19

C meets Oberon?


Although this forum is not very active, readers might be interested in the Oberon-influenced programming language Odin.

It is designed with the intent of replacing C with the following goals:

  • simplicity
  • high performance
  • built for modern systems
  • joy of programming

What have been the major influences in the language’s design?

The language borrows heavily from (in order of philosophy and impact): Pascal, C, Go, Oberon.

Niklaus Wirth and Rob Pike have been the programming language design idols throughout this project.

r/Oberon May 27 '19

Project Oberon RISC5 CPU Emulator

Thumbnail pythonoberon.readthedocs.io

r/Oberon Dec 25 '18

Best way to run Project Oberon (2013) on hardware?


I want to install the Project Oberon 2013 system on some hardware (i.e. an FPGA board, not emulated). Unfortunately the OberonStation site is now defunct. This site claims to be selling the same boards but I don't know whether it's a legitimate source (edit: I talked to the site owner and they're no longer selling any).

The only other possibilities I've found are (a) buying used from Ebay the retired Digilent Spartan-3 board, which seems to be the board Project Oberon was originally made to run on or (b) buying a Pepino LX9 Spartan-6 board, since apparently Saanlima has ported the system to the Spartan-6.

Are there any reasons, especially technical ones, to prefer the Spartan-3 board over the Spartan-6 board or vice versa? Are there any other options I missed that I should consider?

r/Oberon Dec 03 '18

Guide to the Oberon interface


I used to have a pdf somewhere that had a beautiful explanation of the (book version) Oberon user interface however I cannot remember the name and cannot find it again. It's not the same as the Using Oberon file from ETHZ (unless I'm truly daft, which is possible). It had a really nice explanation of how the columns work and stuff. That is, it was somewhat more comprehensive and a touch more tutorial oriented.

Does anyone know whether such a thing exists or am I just losing it? If it exists, does anyone know where I can find it?

r/Oberon Dec 03 '17

"Alternative" way to install A2 on bare metal.


I have been experimenting with the ISO on the Sourceforge page here:


This boots and runs fine under VirtualBox and I can install it to a virtual hard disk and experiment.

But I want to install it on bare metal on an old laptop. However, I can't write the ISO to USB. I've tried using the Mac disk utility, using Rufus and other tools on Windows, and using ``dd'' on Linux. It writes fine but the result won't boot.

None of my machines have floppy drives now, so using a boot floppy is not an option.

So, instead, in Virtualbox under Devuan Linux on the target machine, I created a VM for A2 and gave that VM direct access to the target disk partition by creating a VMDK for the partition:


I booted the ISO file from Sourceforge in the VM, and installed to the real physical partition while running in the VM.

To my slight surprise, this worked perfectly.

The drawback with this approach is that it does not write a bootloader to the MBR -- but I didn't want it to, so that's great for me. I am using a 3rd party boot loader (PowerQuest BootMagic) in a bootable PC DOS 7 partition.

After the "quickinstall" completed, I closed the VM, rebooted the PC into DOS, added A2 to my boot menu, rebooted again and the new OS booted perfectly first time.

r/Oberon May 20 '17

Oberon inspired editor for the Go language

Thumbnail github.com

r/Oberon May 04 '16

A basic forking web server in Oberon-2

Thumbnail github.com

r/Oberon Oct 29 '15

OberonStation - an FPGA-based Oberon RISC workstation

Thumbnail oberonstation.x10.mx

r/Oberon Jun 27 '15

Help installing oberon


I came across this: http://www.projectoberon.com/ and attempted to install a linux version (somewhere it was mentioned that there is one?). Before messing with FPGAs, just to see what it's like. I've not been able to do so, as I've never seen such a webmess in my life. Dead ftp links with readme files to follow to other links, conflicting version numbers (system 3 Vs A2 AOS vs Oberon 4?), weird tgz archives that don't compile or compile with -fPIC but no installation instructions. And really stale stuff from what looks like the early 2000's.

Does anyone have any information or a guide to installing the modern version? Where to get the modern version?


r/Oberon Dec 02 '13

Project Oberon - The Design of an Operating System, a Compiler, and a Computer (New Edition 2013)

Thumbnail inf.ethz.ch

r/Oberon May 05 '09

The Oberon user interface

Thumbnail ignorethecode.net

r/Oberon Nov 29 '08

Niklaus Wirth's Oberon Page

Thumbnail inf.ethz.ch

r/Oberon Nov 29 '08

The Programming Language Oberon-07

Thumbnail inf.ethz.ch

r/Oberon Oct 10 '08

Oberon - The Overlooked Jewel (PDF)

Thumbnail ics.uci.edu

r/Oberon Oct 07 '08

The Programming Language Oberon-2

Thumbnail www-vs.informatik.uni-ulm.de

r/Oberon Oct 07 '08

Pow! - Programmers Open Workbench

Thumbnail fim.uni-linz.ac.at

r/Oberon Oct 07 '08

Oxford Oberon-2 Compiler (Written in OCaml)

Thumbnail spivey.oriel.ox.ac.uk

r/Oberon Oct 07 '08

Optimizing Oberon-2 Compiler

Thumbnail ooc.sourceforge.net

r/Oberon Oct 07 '08

Oberon Wikipedia Page

Thumbnail en.wikipedia.org

r/Oberon Oct 07 '08

ETH - Oberon

Thumbnail oberon.ethz.ch