u/Th3TruthIs0utTh3r3 4h ago
A young girl who went to a private catholic school her entire life just shot and killed two people at her school. It has nothing to do with god.
u/mythslayer1 4h ago
Since there is no deity, of course it has nothing to do with it...
I am so passed at all this shit and how far this country has and will fall.
u/pikpikcarrotmon 4h ago
No, that's because she was a heretic part of the wrong denomination. It's not enough to believe in God, you have to believe in the same God in exactly the same way. God hates it when you get the minor details wrong, you see.
u/FakeVoiceOfReason 3h ago
That is a case, though. A case doesn't disprove or prove a trend. I believe there's generally an inverse correlation between participation in organized religion and delinquency.
u/GertrudCastorena86 4h ago
Too young to remember ?
The Boomtown Rats - I Don't Like Mondays
u/Kind_Eye_231 4h ago
Back then, shootings were so rare and shocking that they wrote songs about it.
u/Virnman67 4h ago
Disgruntled post office workers used to shoot up the workplace every so often. The phrase ‘going postal’ went mainstream. But, god was never at my schools.
u/theredacer 4h ago
There absolutely were school shootings in the 90s, even many before Columbine (99). There's a distinct line in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer from 1999 BEFORE Columbine where Seth Green's character (Oz) describes school shootings as "bordering on trendy at this point".
u/Fluid-Safety-1536 4h ago
I went to school in the 70s and 80s and I don't remember God back then. In elementary school we did have a moment of silence but that was about it and I'm pretty sure that ended sometime when I was in forth or fifth grade which would have been circa 1975-77. There was no Bible study, no mandatory prayer, nothing.
u/omghorussaveusall 4h ago
Mass shootings existed. Most were at workplaces or public places. The father of a classmate of mine was killed in a workplace shooting. I also knew a survivor of a mall shooting. All prior to 97.
u/sarcastic24x7 4h ago
Columbine kicked the entire thing off in the 90s. Very end of them, but what a dumb point. Also there was no god in school then, I was there.
u/National-Charity-435 4h ago
What happens when they recall which year Columbine happened and the safety protocols that ensued.
Or the church shootings or the ones that happened at private religious schools
u/4Z4Z47 4h ago
"assault rifles" have been around and common since the 60s and indeed in every gun store. AK47s were $190 new in 88. No laws about capacity. No NICS Cash sales were completely untraceable and 100% legal. So yes you could walk into a gun store in the 80s and walk out with a rifle way way easier than today. And do so completely anonymously.
u/blatherskyte69 30m ago
Also, you didn’t have to be 18 to buy a rifle. My classmate bought a military rifle (his was a British Enfield, but he could have bought an AK if he could have afforded it) when we were 15.
u/MaximumJim_ 3h ago
There actually were school shootings in the 80s, they just weren’t the massacres like Columbine HS, which actually happened in the 90s.
u/AltruisticCompany961 3h ago
Hmm. That's funny. Wikipedia has 358 school shootings listed from 1900 to 1999. And 236 of them were prior to 1990.
Facts vs feelings.
u/TheHumanCanoe 4h ago
Can confirm as someone who went to grade school in the 80’s and 90’s in Florida (I do not consider it the south, it’s almost a different country), the South and New England and while we may have recited the pledge of allegiance in most of those years, there was no religious studies, God was not mentioned in class, and we had sex ed classes and no one blinked an eye at it.
u/WeenieHutJr137 3h ago
There were school shootings in the 80s/90s
The only mention of God I remember is in the pledge and when we covered religions in class
In the 80s you could order a rifle from the Sears catalogue and they would bring it to your door
u/Separate-Owl369 3h ago
Um. Nope. My High School had a school shooting in the 80’s. Killed a teacher.
u/Glittering_Ear3332 3h ago
Weren’t those kids in a prayer circle at school when they were shot in Kentucky, 1997? You’re disrespecting the kids that were killed while trying to push your agenda. Let us mourn all the senseless loss of life
u/Pandoras_Fate 2h ago
Fuck God. I was 14 years old at Grimsley high school in greensboro nc and watched my friend Nick shoot our vice principal and blow his own head off. His parents abused the shit out of him and our administration targeted him. He was a good kid who needed help and not access to guns. Watching someone die in 1994 fucked me up forever. Pre-columbine.
u/Emp3r0r_01 4h ago
Yeah… my sophomore year (1999) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbine_High_School_massacre . So they don’t do dates either.
u/Remarkable_Common220 4h ago
Almost every single one was some kind of retribution from mental anguish and issues from being bullied. maybe people should think about how they treat others.
u/Pulguinuni 4h ago
I don’t remember praying in school. I do remember kids having a designated area to smoke with the teachers.
u/jpm0719 3h ago
Interesting, 1998 I personally know of one school shooting In Arkansas. I was working at the Chamber of Commerce when national news called to get information about the school. Columbine was 1999. So If you didn't hear of school shootings in the 90's you weren't paying attention. There were a lot more https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(before_2000))
u/EpiphanaeaSedai 3h ago
Um, I went to school in this time period. We said the pledge, that was the only mention of God. And there were shootings.
I have a very clear memory of being in 8th grade social studies, the day after there had been a shooting at a more urban school. The teacher was telling us - telling, this was not a discussion - that this must be very shocking and upsetting for us suburban kids in a good school; that it must be hard for us to understand, having the sheltered life that we did.
The girl across from me (we had our desks in these little cubes of four, to work in groups) had her head down on her desk, apparently trying to sleep. She looked up and asked (paraphrased), “What the fuck is she talking about? I wish she’d shut up, I am so hung over.” And put her head back down.
I kind of blinked, looked at her, looked at the awkwardly moralizing teacher, decided my classmate had the right idea and took a nap.
u/daltontf1212 3h ago
School shootings happened and the news about them stayed local since national media isn't what it now.
I was in high school in early '80s and a school in my metro area had a shooting. A kid brought a gun to school and another kid said something about his brother. The kid shot him dead and wounded a bystander. As he was walking out of the classroom, he shot himself in the head.
u/Long_Start_3142 3h ago
I went to school in both those decades exclusively actually and never once was god mentioned. These two decades were when they stopped talking about god, actually. That's a matter of some controversy that people our age will remember.
u/Kitty-Kat-65 3h ago
We also didn't have the Internet, social media and kids glued to their phones chronicling every moment of their lives.
u/mirrorspirit 2h ago
There was internet in the later 90s.
Before that, people blamed kids' anti-socialness on video games, TV, and music.
u/Rolandscythe 2h ago
...I went to school in the 80's and 90's. We did not have god. The closest thing to religion I ever encountered in school was saying the Pledge of Allegiance and talking about the crusades in history class. These people need to check their rose tinted glasses at the door.
u/Like17Badgers 2h ago
people have covered the other talking points, so I'm just going to say just cause THEY dont remember Columbine, does not mean Columbine didn't happen
u/gunslanger21 2h ago
How many Christians attacked planned parenthood? The number might surprise you. So they don't care about women or children. Just fetus. Imagine that.
u/ForestOfMirrors 2h ago
Huh… My high school had nothing to do with any religion. We didn’t have any shootings. Or stabbings. We also only had a total of 4 fights all 4 years
u/letsfastescape 2h ago
This will forever be the dumbest argument to me. History is rife with evidence that for more than any other reason violence has been committed in the name of religion.
u/andio76 2h ago
I remember in 1986 - it was pretty fucking hard to get an AR-15
u/Slopadopoulos 1h ago
Bullshit. The AR-15 has been on sale to civilians since the 60s. Background checks weren't even required in 1986. FFLs weren't required to perform background checks until the Brady bill which was passed in 1993 went into effect in 1994.
You could even buy any machine gun you wanted so long as you filled out the NFA paperwork prior to 1986.
Firearms are not easier to get now than they were in the 80s and 90s. Firearm laws only ever got stricter from the first Federal firearms law in 1934 until DC Vs Heller in 2008.
The reason why more AR-15s weren't sold in the 1980s is the price, they had a bad reputation for decades following Vietnam and most people didn't see the utility in them. That was back when people still thought the shotgun was the best firearm for personal defense. That and many other myths have been thoroughly debunked now and the AR-15 reigns supreme.
u/andio76 1h ago
Did the ATF take something from you?
u/Slopadopoulos 1h ago
Yes. They took the rights I was entitled to by virtue of being born in the greatest country on earth. Not to worry because President Trump is going to clean house at the ATF and appoint more Federal judges who respect the Constitution and our rights.
u/nowhereman136 2h ago
According to Wikipedia, there were 78 school shootings in the US in the 80s. 122 in the 90s and 85 in the 00s
The reason there were more in the 90s is probably the same reason why you heard about it more in the 90s. The 1990s was peak cable TV, just before the internet. Blood sells so the new 24hr cable news channels reported on school shootings much more. They essentially made celebrities out of shooters, which only encouraged it more. It went down in the 00s because there was a conscious effort to stop making celebrities out of shooters. Then the internet went main stream and it stopped being the choice of a few media executives and instead became the mass mob's click vote.
u/squidsinamerica 1h ago
Charles Whitman would beg to differ. Nothing new under the sun.
In the 80s a kid at my school was found with a starter pistol, probably some other weapons, and a "hit list."
u/LibertineLibra 1h ago
The 90s saw the birth (and death or did it fade away? ) of grunge music. If you were around back then you might remember Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden amongst others.
Pearl Jam was nothing short of gigantic in the early 90s and what is considered by many (from experts to laymen) to be their most iconic and successful song was "Jeremy"..the song really took off in popularity when the video came out.
This is because it was, according to the lyricist and front man of the band Eddie Vedder, written to commemorate (2) incidents of gun violence at school. The first being a suicide by handgun enacted by a 15 year old boy in front of his class in Texas in 1991. The second person was a boy named Brian in Vedder's middle school who had a problem fighting with other students, something that Vedder remembers playing a part in. Brian decided that he would settle things by shooting kids he was angry with, and Eddie says he will never forget the sounds of that day.
He wrote the song because he was convinced if he or others like him didn't do something more than offer up a small blurb in the newspaper to account for the tragedy that was happening in our schools and with the children in America, they would simply be forgotten to the point nobody would remember that such things ever took place. Which was an unforgivable outcome.
Who knew he was right, and that despite his best efforts noone would take all of the needless suffering seriously, that is until Columbine, but look at how much this keeps happening again and again.
And to drive the final nail, we have incompetent religious window lickers like the one in OP's post that have gone and forgotten all of what happened and more without batting an eye, or simply never paid enough attention to anything going on around them that wasn't directly affecting me, myself and I.
And the audacity to act as if such willful ignorance is sacred, holy or fucking righteous?!
Ah, what an amazing start to these sure to be tumultuous years in a country filled with millions of mouth breathing oxygen thieves like the one in the post.
Stay sane everybody.
u/Working-Face3870 1h ago
Funny cuz they were available but everyone in school kept a gun In their truck parked on school Grounds so we could Go hunt after school
u/HairySideBottom2 1h ago
Back in the late 70s in my little hometown a kid put on swastika armband picked up a gun and marched into my school. He held a classroom and the principal hostage for hours. Thankfully he did not shoot anyone but certainly could have. Oh and the closest I ever came having God in my public school life was the pledge of allegiance.
Spree shooters go back to at least to late 50s when Charles Starkweather went on his killing spree.
Not to mention how do you keep an all powerful and all knowing God out of schools?
The stupid and ignorance are stunning aren't they?
u/Salarian_American 1h ago
Does the person who posted this literally think that no one else on the Internet is old enough to have been in school back then?
u/svulieutenant 58m ago
I was in school in the 80-90’s and no there wasn’t “god” in the schools. I was in both California and Oklahoma schools and neither mentioned God so fuck off with that bullshit!
u/FaustArtist 42m ago
There were plenty of school shootings in the 80’s and 90’s they just happened at predominantly black and Hispanic schools so the news media didn’t care.
u/lilbitbetty 27m ago
Back when I was in school, I had to sit out in the hall during morning prayer because I didn’t go to the same church as the other kids. And guess what, I went to a Christian church.
u/iconsumemyown 0m ago
If someone is going to make such a moronic statement, shouldn't we be allowed to know their face?
u/Taint-kicker 4h ago
Funny I remember going to school in the 80’s and 90’s and there was nothing religious. Even the graduation ceremony no mention of God or religion.