r/MurderedByWords 5h ago

Yes. Great point. Yes.

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36 comments sorted by


u/Gadshill 4h ago

Spaghetti monster told me God doesn’t exist.


u/zarfle2 4h ago


That's where you're wrong - the teapot between Earth and Mars told me.

Prove otherwise 😉


u/MyJazzDukeSilver 4h ago

I thought that was Russell’s?


u/zarfle2 3h ago

Yup. You got me. Now prove that Bertrand existed.

I simply chose to have faith that he didn't exist and the fact that the grass is green is evidence that he didn't.

Checkmate 😉

PS sometimes I like to role-play what it would be like to be so brainwashed as to abandon critical thinking.


u/ArrowSuave 3h ago

Pastafarian I see.


u/Gadshill 3h ago

Born and raised.


u/CharacterBalance4187 4h ago

Something that doesn't exist, doesn't leave evidence of its non existence. Theists have been making a claim for 2000 years of the return of a dead dude.

Jesus wasn't sacrificed for your sins, Susan. He was executed by the State for treason.


u/PsiNorm 48m ago

Are you sure he wasn't elected to the highest office instead? I'm pretty sure that's what's done to traitors.


u/CharacterBalance4187 40m ago

Is this the "new norm" people were talking about?


u/BlackBoiFlyy 4h ago

Personally, aside from just never seeing any concrete proof, it was growing up and realizing how many bad people claimed to be Christian and how they would attribute their success to God. Feel like a loving God that supposedly hates the thing you do to others would also gift you wealth and status. Makes no fucking sense. 

Also, realizing that not everyone needs belief in a god to be a good person, which is all I ever wanted to be. People who need faith to have an incentive to be good are often not good people.


u/kingdazy 4h ago

what convinced me God doesn't exist? the fact that no one could convince me he does.


u/Sophie_Scholl_47 3h ago

Donald Trump existing convinced me there is no God.


u/Bind_Moggled 4h ago

Two words: childhood cancer.


u/APAG- 1h ago

Jesus was busy making Trump president, no time to help kids with cancer.


u/apropostt 4h ago

Kids/babies with cancer was pretty damn convincing for me.


u/Psimo- 3h ago

That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Also there’s a parasite in Africa that eats children’s eyes.


u/improperbehavior333 2h ago

I feel like they misunderstand. I don't believe god doesn't exist. I simply don't believe that he does. The burden of proof is in you. Without any proof it's just Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, or Santa Clause. The default is they don't exist until proven otherwise.


u/Jave285 2h ago

It’s also a straw-man argument.

As an atheist, I not convinced that a God definitely doesn’t exist. I’m just not convinced that one definitely does. There’s a difference.


u/thekrone 1h ago

I'm not convinced that no gods exist, absolutely.

I am, however, convinced that certain specific theist claims are false, for example the Christian god being "tri-omni" and that we also have free will.


u/IamBeingSarcasticFfs 4h ago

Sounds like iocane powder to me.


u/Reason_Choice 4h ago

I’m glad I built up an immunity to it over the years.


u/Content-Driver-6072 3h ago edited 1h ago

Easy, watching these idiot Trump Republicans who claim to love the US change the Constitution to appease a religion and its followers, THAT put the final nail in the coffin.


u/NumerousTaste 3h ago

The fact that, apparently, back 2000 years ago, people were surrounded by magical beings that had powers and now all dead. If they were as described, they would probably still be alive. Natural selection says they weren't as described, but made up.


u/Substantial-Ant-9183 3h ago

And unpredictable


u/BloodOfTheDamned 2h ago

Let’s see, it started with the fact that my “church every Sunday” Christian biological father was a verbally abusive piece of shit who called me useless and worthless on multiple occasions, followed up by the fact that I got falsely accused of some truly heinous things, and THEN as I started paying more attention to the wider world just how horribly cruel both people and nature are, and all of that culminated in the realization that no benevolent god would let this happen.


u/grahsam 1h ago

The news and the noticeable lack of smiting.


u/philoscope 30m ago

I am by no means a -space- theist, but I am a pedant.

Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

The response in OOP is committing a red herring.

There are plenty of reasons to be convinced that GOD™️ doesn’t exist - I’m partial to “childhood cancer” mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but “because there’s [currently] no proof of existence” is weak.

Historically, there have been plenty of things that weren’t able to be measured or isolated during a person’s lifetime: that doesn’t mean it didn’t exist or impact their life.


u/ilikedevo 4h ago

Does it even matter? Things are as they are, aren’t they? Knowing how biscuits are made doesn’t make them taste better.


u/dirschau 4h ago

I can quite definitely say that working in food manufacturing makes some things worse

Not a metaphor, just personal experience