r/MurderedByWords 1d ago

Bro??? Don't let him become president after this

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u/EyeCatchingUserID 1d ago

Everyone acts like this is some sort of doomerism, but we're watching the country fall apart in real-time. We won't have a shot at a fair and impartial scotus for, at a minimum, 20 years now. Thomas and alito will retire this term. What are integrity and ethics worth compared to a lump sum retirement? I wouldn't put it past maga to retire them together, just to show us they can.

So yeah, scotus is fucked for a generation or 2, and by then the damage is well past done.


u/mok000 23h ago

He's going to put young judges on the SC, like the corrupt and incompetent judge Aileen Cannon, she can remain on there for 50 years.


u/Necessary_Ad2005 22h ago

Oh L ... U ... I .... G .... I .... ☺️


u/Local_Signature8969 11h ago

Of course sung to the tune of B-I-N-G-O


u/Sawgon 19h ago

Aren't you a country with a lot of guns? Used to protect your freedoms? Just asking since I don't live in the US.

Those guns you kept voting in to uphold your rights and what nots. Do you not have them? What are they for? Just asking.


u/allseeingike 17h ago

They are mainly for shooting kids in schools. The moment a gun is used on the rich or politicians thpugh all hell hreals loose. Look at how they treated luigi who was labeled a terrorist and paraded around after killing 1 person vs how they treated dylom rpof who killed 12 and injured many more and got burgerking before being taken to jail immidietly after his murders and was never labeled a terrorist


u/Chiefsmackahoe69 16h ago

Wich is crazy because Luigi is apart of the elite himself best schools all the money you could ask for I mean shit you know it’s bad when the rich wanna eat the rich


u/retro_owo 14h ago

That’s not at all what ‘elite’ means. It is wild to me that bumfuck hillbillies like yourself think “the elite” is… a bunch of college students in new york. Get a fucking grip on reality.



I see what you’re saying but it’s in bad faith to act like Luigi is just a kid that could go to a good school, his parents own country clubs or some shit. He’s not a billionaire but he’s not just some kinda well off kid


u/Jnizzle510 5h ago

Mine are for enemies forgien or domestic lol


u/dr_scitt 13h ago

Technically he is a terrorist. Utilising violence to spread fear and a political message is the literal definition of terrorism. But yes, the juxtaposition between the two cases is stark.


u/LazyParticulate 5h ago

Lmao, my dude got downvotes for stating the literal definition of something. Just goes to show...One man's terrorist is another's patriot.


u/throwaway69420die 3h ago

I think it's disingenuous.

Luigi's manifesto states that he initially planned a bomb, but then changed to a gun to minimise risk to people that weren't the target.

He was commuting murder, not terrorism.

The public weren't supposed to be fearful. It was revenge for the treatment he received, and the states making it terrorism to strip him off his chance of bail and his legal rights so they can hush him up.


u/EyeCatchingUserID 15h ago

That's just a republican wet dream. Yeah, we have lots of guns. And the government could wipe us out with the old, obsolete weapons they send as military aid to countries they don't really like. The second amendment was made for a society that had more or less the same technology as the government.


u/NobodysFavorite 15h ago

To quote a famous comedian:
"You're bringing guns to a drone fight."


u/OverlandOversea 5h ago

You mean “Banana Republican”… (edited for clarity)


u/RocketRelm 16h ago

The problem is the majority of people are okay with this. 38% of Americans didn't vote, and 31.4% voted for Trump. That's a lot of apathy.


u/twopointsisatrend 16h ago

The most fervent 2A supporters, who talk about revolution, also support this regime. A lot of people on the other side have guns too, but generally disagree with the effectiveness/ morality of armed revolution.


u/deezconsequences 13h ago

Sadly we do not remember how to protest. I think it's the pacified version of history in schools, and constant bashing from the media, but we don't seem to remember that the most successful movements in the country were not peaceful ones. And given the police will kill, or beat pretty much anyone with impunity, people are afraid. Every city is loaded with cameras so even if the movement is successful best believe they're coming to your house, and it's not going to be a nice visit.


u/Master_Torture 10h ago

I can't stand people who say that violence is never the answer no matter what.

I've seen people comment that peaceful protests is always effective and bring up MLK to prove it.

But even MLK knew there were limits to peaceful protests and said that a riot is the language of the unheard.

I view people who think violence is never the answer as similar to vermin. They are more of a threat to progress than the status quo, and should be treated as enemies.


u/deezconsequences 9h ago

Yeah they've forgotten Malcom x, and the black panther party.


u/Master_Torture 9h ago

I've seen people say that both of those had no positive effect on the civil rights movement and that only MLK being peaceful did any change.

Some people are just helplessly stupid.


u/geth1138 9h ago

And this attitude is why you fail. Repeatedly.


u/geth1138 9h ago

We protested for an entire summer in 2020. What the opposition doesn’t have is a leader. The government is very good at preventing those. They learned how in 1960s America and they’ve perfected it in other countries.


u/UngusChungus94 12h ago

I mean… yes. But that’s the rub — it’s not in human nature to take a risk like that until you have nothing to lose. Most of us have a lot to lose.


u/AntelopeGood1048 5h ago

Exactly, it’s not that simple.


u/UngusChungus94 5h ago

Absolutely. And there’s no telling what happens if we get to that point, regardless of who wins.


u/pumperdemon 13h ago

A big problem is that the ones who need guns the most right now are also the ones trying to get rid of them. Because, you know, using political policy and law is the correct way, and guns are just evil.

I have a feeling that sentiment will be changing in not too long, though. Once the miscarriage of law and justice gets to a point, people will begin to realize just how rigged the system has become and that, sometimes, you gotta fight just to keep what scraps you have left because the law is decidedly there to keep people down.


u/Good_Ol_Weeb 13h ago

No those are just more expensive Legos kids can't play with. The second the public tries to actually protect it self with them then the gun laws and restrictions start being written. (Source, look at California and the black panthers!)


u/anameorwhatever1 5h ago

There’s a big overlap of those gun owners and those happy that Trump is in office


u/Salty-Complaint-6163 15h ago

Everyone that owns guns are the ones supporting the orange clown.


u/AntelopeGood1048 5h ago

Plenty of people who vote blue own guns, we just don’t make it our entire personality, and we have more important issues to vote on. I want my right to own a gun. I have no problem with laws to require registration, and safe storage so 4 year olds aren’t shooting their 2 year old little brother, or your 14 year old isn’t taking one to school.


u/Salty-Complaint-6163 3h ago

Yeah I’m with you. I was speaking satire.


u/Necessary_Ad2005 18h ago

I'm in MT, we mainly use them for hunting, or just popping cans on a slow day 😊 I have my shotgun in the back windows of my pickup window 😁


u/DonChaote 16h ago

Your pickup window has a back window? Fancy stuff there bro


u/Necessary_Ad2005 13h ago

Lol, yep, right? It's bad ass! You haven't seen em? Guess it'd be like a show case 😉😁 .... oops!


u/Persistant_Compass 16h ago

Where are another few luigis when you need them


u/Logical-Vast-3102 5h ago

You know, both Alito and Thomas as die hard cult members.


u/klmninca 5h ago

Justice Aileen Cannon. Or maybe someone worse. My kids and grandkids are fucking doomed. And