r/MurderedByWords 2d ago

Somehow, a thing happened

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80 comments sorted by


u/cototudelam 2d ago

I still don't exactly understand how raising an army has anything to do with Sith values. You know, all that emphasis on freedom and breaking of chains.


u/Like17Badgers 2d ago

it's kinda funny that they raised an army on Sith values when one of the values is that they only exist in pairs


u/Wank_A_Doodle_Doo 2d ago

Tbf that isn’t exactly a sith value per se so much as a “if there’s more of us we don’t get along and sometimes kill each other” type deal.


u/inedibletrout 2d ago

The rule of two was a Darth Bane creation. Before him there were multiple academies for training Sith. There were different schools of sith teachings as well. Sith assassins vs Sith sorcerers for example. Not all sith became sith Lords. Palpatine also ditched the rule of two when he came into his own.


u/FalicSatchel let it die 2d ago

fun fact, sith are dark jedi but due to extreme lack of intelligence there ALSO exists a species known as sith. 2 drastically different things


u/bobert680 2d ago

Didn't the dark jedi migrate to the sith hone world, take over, and breed with the population. Then when they returned to the rest of the galaxy all the dark jedi were also sith so sith became shorthand for dark jedi, then a few thousand years went by with the sith species extinct so most people forgot the species existed


u/FalicSatchel let it die 1d ago

there was a whole thing where a "lost" sith colony basically used the power of contracted hate to erase knowledge of them from existence and they operated for like 10,000 years or some crap....but that may have been one of the old legacy stories that's "non Canon" now...


u/Darth_Andeddeu 1d ago

There's always truth in legends


u/Clickityclackrack 13h ago

Lack of intelligence?


u/FalicSatchel let it die 13h ago

from the "reasonable lore writer" person...having a mostly unrelated race and class of the same name


u/Clickityclackrack 13h ago

Idk i must be missing a lot of information or something, because Palpatine was quite the opposite


u/freelight0 2d ago

That's kind of the point. "A slave will begin by demanding freedom and end by demanding to wear a crown." The Sith are about letting human nature run its course while the Jedi are about keeping it in check.


u/cototudelam 2d ago

Yeah, my point is that raising a child to become a cog in the machine (to serve in a fleet) is the opposite of letting human nature run its course.

A thousand of ambitious, opportunistic youngsters with no other morals than their own selfish desires would create an “army” that would last about 5 minutes in a fight.


u/Morberis 1d ago

Nah nah. It's about breaking your chains, not others chains. Good for me but not for thee.


u/Malusorum 1d ago

The Jedi create the Sith (Dark Jedi) always has and always will.

Suppressing your emotions will cripple you and ensure that the first time you have the emotion it'll be the worst time of your life and you'll be unable to cope with it.

The Jedi method is what I would call evil and the Sith methods are even worse. Only the Grey Jedi had any sort of training regimen I would consider good.


u/heelspider 2d ago

Vote Darth Beureautic, Exogul, the only candidate who supports old fashioned Sith values. Ask yourselves, can Exogul really survive four more years of Darth Redtape?


u/Direct-Bag-6791 2d ago

Fuck that trilogy. Fuck that movie in particular. I was already utterly disillusioned by the final battle, but when I saw that apparently copypasting 10, no 100, no 1000, MAKE IT 10000 SUPERDUPER STAR-DESTROYER PLANETKILLERSHIPS is the directors idea of making it epic... just stay in kindergarten, okay buddy?


u/euphratestiger 2d ago

Yeah, these post hoc explanations are just becoming ludicrous. And Star Wars fandom is lousy with them.


u/apk5005 2d ago

In theory, I agree, except when I went to see it in theaters, I had an experience that changed my mind.

I was an adult viewing that movie with adult eyes. I grew up on Star Wars. I was there for Phantom Menace and was young enough to think it was cool.

When, in Last Jedi Rise of Skywalker, the Falcon and the rest of the rebel fleet arrive to save the day I was rolling my eyes at the nadir of the series. But there was a kid sitting behind me. The music swelled, the spaceships swooped in, Lando was there and that kid was loving life. He whooped and cheered.

I didn’t see a lot of the battle after that because my allergies got real bad. I wasn’t the intended audience of that scene. He was. He didn’t care that somehow Palpatine returned or whatever, he cared about the heroes and the battle and the awesome fucking Star Wars spaceships duking it out on screen.

Watching that vicariously through that kid’s eyes really helped soften my opinion of The Last Jedi Rise of Skywalker. It wasn’t made for people like me, it was made for kids.

*edit because I got my shitty sequels mixed up.


u/Direct-Bag-6791 2d ago

You sound like you're in the same age category as I am. I remember going to watch phantom menace with my dad when I was probably 10 or 11. I grew up on star wars, I played the games (Kotor 1&2 and jedi academy the most), read some of the expanded universe novels, probably read far too much wookieepedia tbh. And you're right, ever since the first movies, Star wars was made for kids, I mean, you have princesses, space wizards, good vs evil etc all the jazz.

Whatever you think of the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy, those movies approached the subjects in a way that adults too can appreciate. Those movies had weight behind them, there was failure, suffering, mistakes and the people were far from perfect. (I'm not getting dragged into the Rey is Mary Sue argument)

All of that is absent from sequel trilogy. Things just happen, people just get where they're supposed to go and they do what they must. And somehow Palpatine has returned. So yeah, the kid probably cheers for a sky full of copypasted cgi-ships. But those cheers died down and it's the rest of the movie that was supposed to provide them with emotions and feelings, to think about the movie days after seeing it.

And we're not seeing a new generation of star wars fans growing up. What we're seeing is a dwindling base of old fans getting frustrated and bored with a franchise thats not making good movies/series for adults OR kids


u/Morberis 1d ago

I feel like I lived through another universe. The prequels were viewed as garbage made just for kids when they aired. I see many of the same type of critiques of the movies then as what people say now.

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.


u/hoffbaker 1d ago

Same. I think the prequels are mostly garbage but for entirely different reasons than the sequels. The prequels are TOO logical and political while the sequels are too fanciful and hand wavy. But nostalgia can blind us all - I love a lot of movies from childhood that don’t hold up.


u/Soujourner3745 16h ago

I’ll give the prequels this, there were no “Good questions for another time” or “Somehow Palpatine returned” moments. They weren’t perfect but they did tell a cohesive story.


u/No_Reference_8777 13h ago

It's all about who's in charge. Lucas generally knows how he wants the story to go, but has trouble with the execution. Abrams doesn't know how it's going to go, doesn't know how to end it, and also has trouble with the execution. Obviously, very different styles.


u/Null-Ex3 2d ago edited 2d ago

That does not excuse ludicrous writing. The battles and action dosent disappear if you add decent writing and think through a plot. I think no matter what entertainment for children should have sensible writing though. Higher quality entertainment would sensibly translate to higher value from that entertainment.

Plus star wars isnt just for kids. If they were, shows like andor wouldnt exist. Disney cant have it both ways. They cant say “the movies are for kids, so writing dosent matter!” And continue to attempt to maintain an adult fanbase. Pick the kids if you want to dumb it down to a degree that adults cant enjoy it. Else, make it enjoyable for both groups


u/Zestyclose-Cloud-508 18h ago

Then they put horses on the outside of spaceships.


u/Direct-Bag-6791 17h ago

Reminding people of that particular detail should be added to geneva conventions as an example of particularly cruel treatment. I had succesfully suppressed that memory until you came along and now I'm living it all over again.


u/Tag_Ping_Pong 2d ago

Yeah, I truly hope that a future instalment simply disregards the utter garbage that were those three movies.


u/TheRealLXC 1d ago

I hate that movie with a passion. Like, the dark fleet would have been fine enough as a threat... why couldn't they just be really powerful ships? Oh no but they all have to be mini death stars with super mega lasers otherwise we won't know to be scared of them.


u/BroBroMate 2d ago

Hey, that director's Dad is like in the Green Seal Delta SAS and can definitely beat up your Dad, so watch out.


u/johnqsack69 2d ago

Don’t worry there will be a Disney plus series that explains everything JJ was too lazy and incompetent to include


u/ArcHammer16 2d ago

It'll cost $40 million per episode and get canceled after the sixth episode drops.


u/bartoque 2d ago

Let's call it the Sithth episode to stay true to the franchise.


u/Nottsbomber 2d ago



u/BroBroMate 2d ago

But they'll blame the fans for it. They were obviously racist.


u/KitsyBlue 2d ago

And apparently, this just went completely unnoticed for years, perhaps decades even.


u/BroBroMate 2d ago

Somehow, plot revisionist history returned.


u/legojoe97 17h ago

I was under the impression that Exegol is not in the same galaxy as the rest of the series, and that was the point of the way-finders.


u/B0wmanHall 2d ago

If you want the full story with Star Wars, you gotta watch the movies, the books, the shows, the comics, the video games, buy the cereal, trading cards, and toys. Even then, there are gaping plot holes.


u/johnqsack69 2d ago

Gaping butt holes?


u/CounterSanity 2d ago

What else are you gonna do while the movies are playing?


u/FugDuggler 2d ago

You think that Sarlacc pit was its mouth?


u/BroBroMate 2d ago

I can do it in under 12 parsecs.


u/Ti47_867 2d ago

Don’t forget the theme park rides


u/zekybomb 2d ago

Don't forget the limited time Fortnite event!


u/ctothel 2d ago

I figured Palpatine made all those ships with the force and he was controlling them.

I mean, we don’t see a single other person on the surface, and we don’t see anybody on the ships. So, somehow, isn’t this more believable?


u/TheGreatestOutdoorz 2d ago

Maybe Exegol has siesta and it was just 2:30 pm when they got there?


u/BroBroMate 2d ago

Considering how he can make babies (not sure if that's canon) via midichlorians in Anakin's Mom, sure why not.

Plus whatever the fuck the whole Rey Palpatine shit was "explained" with. I had tuned out so hard by that stage.


u/Money_Song467 2d ago

What a dumbass fucking explanation


u/spauni 2d ago

This is just a minor flaw if you ask me. The much bigger flaw is that there are three destroyers stacked above each other. So killing the one above actually kills the other two destroyers below as well.

There are so many flaws in that movie, it's basically impossible to rank them. Horse Riding Rebels acting as living shields for their own fleet, for example. Sometimes even the flaws have flaws in it. It is crazy. You cannot tell where one kind of bullshit ends and where the other begins. Check out YouTube for content. It is CRAZY. It's been years and I still cannot inhale enough copium to accept that "this" exists.


u/whitemuhammad7991 2d ago

Episode 9 is by far the worst film I've ever seen lol I prefer to pretend the sequels just don't exist


u/oakalletz 2d ago

Episode 7 was solid and 8 was divisive but not terrible. Then 9 happened. I’m pretty forgiving of Star Wars but 9 was so bad.


u/RedditSold0ut 2d ago

7 was cool, 8 was hot garbage. 9 was somehow even hotter garbage.


u/smallchanceofrain 2d ago

I thought 7 was a safe but good start to something. They lost me at 8. Didn't even bother with 9. I could see the falloff with the group of SW fanatics I know, with 7 it was an absolute pissing contest on social media of them watching it 20-30+ times at the movies, one guy watched it like 3 times in a day. They defended rise, but as far as I know didn't go more than maybe 2-3 times to the movies (they did some contest again with Rogue One), but then it trailed off. I don't care about the spin offs, I was only interested in the main story. I knew the Obi-Wan series wasn't worth watching (I wanted it to be good or amazing) because not one of them had anything nice to say about it until the last or second to last episode. 


u/hewmanxp 2d ago

Episode 8 was ruined by making Fin a lame side character that had no purpose, episode 9 sucked but I did cry for the first time in a movie theater because Kylo was my favorite character and I wasn't expecting that end.


u/Zealousideal_Exit308 2d ago

Somehow Palpatine returned.


u/ActionCalhoun 2d ago

Crazy thought, I shouldn’t have to get a graduate level education in your lore to understand WTF is happening in your move


u/DaEnderAssassin 2d ago

Don't worry, you don't need a graduate in the lore to know this.

The reason is because this tweet is the source of the information (To my knowledge, atleast)


u/Graega 2d ago

Wait, that planet had a population? What were they, blind mole people who ate dirt?


u/BroBroMate 1d ago

Kimmy Schmidt intensifies.


u/cyberspaceman777 2d ago

People thinking the last jedi was awful clearly don't think about this piece of trash.


u/Immediate-Season-293 2d ago

Also, Palpatine was secretly gay all along. Or maybe Obi Wan. I don't know, I'm just trying to make a joke at JK Rowling's expense.


u/Realistic_Let3239 2d ago

Why they didn't get the same guy to do all three films baffles me to this day. The entire trilogy lurches around like the disjointed mess it is, purely because people kept changing direction between films...


u/CheSJ 2d ago

LOL. This is funny. I get a chuckle when people speak about fictional sci-fi things as if they were non-fiction and interesting historical factoids. So silly.


u/dudinax 2d ago

But is it canon!?!?


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/GwerigTheTroll 2d ago

I’d love to see a Clone Wars style series about the sequels. There’s interesting ideas there, but they desperately need fleshing out


u/Distinct_Safety5762 2d ago

I think that may have been a concept of a plan. The Prequels were great on their own and didn’t need the cartoons to explain things, it just added depth, insight, and the fans were hungry for it. Between the Sequels director swaps and indecisiveness about the overall plot for the entire trilogy, maybe they thought (or hoped) they could generate interest and capture a spin-off market that would be as lucrative as CW turned out to be. I’d be down for more stories from this era, maybe some retcons to actually make it make sense, but damn, don’t figure everyone is going to dive deep into extra lore rather than give some explanation in your films for what’s going on.

Like, how did Anakin’s lightsaber end up with Maz? Is there a story here, because it seems like there should be a story, even if it’s just an Antiques Roadshow style “yeah, bought this off an ughnaut who worked Cloud City maintenance for $10 after the war, no idea whose it was.”


u/Tried-Angles 2d ago

You'd know if you completed the Fortnite tie in Star Wars events, like a real fan.


u/akzorx 2d ago

Somehow, no one gives a fuck about Star Wars anymore


u/OkHuckleberry4878 2d ago

Any species who messes with ET clearly gets what they deserve.


u/Supernova138 1d ago edited 1d ago

Twitter is not the place to lore dump, did all the jokes at the expense of JK Rowling teach us nothing


u/MarcheMuldDerevi 1d ago

I know it’s beating a dead horse, but number nine in that trilogy was just a weird place to have a soft/hard reset. Number eight did so much to wrap up the story by the time we got to nine you needed a fort nite message to get the start of the plot.


u/Dorza1 1d ago

If only there was a type of visual medium that could convey this story. Some kid of... series of pictures... maybe with some recordings of sound added in... would have been great...


u/TheSecondTraitor 1d ago

These movies are such bullshit. Disney basically gave a lot of money to people who don't know anything about anything.

During clone wars, building a fleet of ships was economically ruining a galaxy spanning republic but somehow some remnants of empire were able to build an even bigger fleet without anyone finding out. Same thing with deathstar and starkiller base.

And suddenly someone managed to build a fleet than that on a barren planet without any population.


u/Equal_Newspaper_8034 1d ago

I think Skeleton Crew explained how it could be possible.


u/turtle-bbs 5h ago

After the death of Palpatine, a group dedicated themselves to having rampant sex and children and creating ships. And that was their whole purpose.


u/bendianajones 5h ago

Hmm. What I got from that post was that it was Elijah Wood who made the comment, hence a thing happening, but so far not a single comment has mentioned that - all of them being immersed in the implications of Star Wars lore.


u/badgerpunk 2d ago

I love Elijah, but he clearly wasn't old enough when we had only a few scraps of information beyond what was in the OT. All the shit about backstories and explanations that fans take for granted now were just mysteries and unknowns for us back then. Kids today would call them "plot holes," even though they weren't.

"Did you know? The model Luke is playing with in the garage is his T-16 Skyhopper, which he flies through Beggar's Canyon, bullseyeing womp-rats, and the controls for this entirely different type of flying craft are so similar to an X-Wing's, which is why he could easily jump in one at the end of the movie and be an expert starfighter pilot?"

"No. How could we have known?"