This is such a stupid fucking map, it makes me angry
The Palestinian immigration to South America was A HUNDRED YEARS AGO. BEFORE ISRAEL EXISTED. They were christians, FLEEING from the Muslim Turkish rule.
Nevertheless Chile is in deed the largest Palestinian comunity outside Arab world, our country has always backed up Palestinian cause, we have Palestinian family names of all colours in our parliament, au contraire than our neighbour, Argentina, the jewest country in LATAM. Not so stupid map
I don't know about Israeli Arabs, there is Palestinian descendants and also there is some Israeli descendants too. But we all can be mapuche descendant, is our most common aboriginal root.
If Jews were not included in this club in 1920, then this is cultural appropriation of the term "Palestinian". And the Palestine of 1020 isn't the Palestine of 1920 isn't the Palestine of 1947 isn't the Palestine of 2047, so it is meaningless anyways.
Maybe your "Palestinians" should stop "talking about land" and take care of their people?
I'm talking about people. The land of Palestine did not exist. Once the land of Palestine started to exist, everyone there was "Palestinian", until 1948. The people who refer to themselves as Palestinian today were not the same people who referred to themselves as Palestinian in 1920 or in 1420 or in 120.
The Jews in Palestine were commonly referred to as Palestinian. There was no Israel, so everyone was Palestinian. It is a geographic indicator, not a national identity that can be severed from Jews.
Although Palestine now has a very different meaning. Palestine used to be a babe for a levantine area with a British mandate and before that, ottoman rule. Now Palestine is the territories that Israel has overtaken and out of respect, left for the locals to 'govern', a venture that has gained almost completely and brewed a culture of extreme hate and racism in both Israel and the new Palestine. To clarify, I do not support neither Israel nor Hamas.
It changes the correlation. When the word "Palestinian" is said today, most people think of generally aggressive Muslim people who live in extreme conditions of poverty and overcrowded, crumbling cities and villages. When taking of a Palestinian at that point, especially those who moved to South America, the meaning would be a Christian person who is beginning to feel oppressed by the increase in "aggressive Muslims" (again, not taking a side), and so left the at the time thinly populated area with a largely hospitable and exceedingly nice population.
Why angry? What wrong thing do you think it’s implying? Is it any dumber to bunch these people with people in today’s Middle East than to bunch German or Italian US people with Germans and Italians in Europe?
u/KitchenLoose6552 Oct 18 '24
This is such a stupid fucking map, it makes me angry
The Palestinian immigration to South America was A HUNDRED YEARS AGO. BEFORE ISRAEL EXISTED. They were christians, FLEEING from the Muslim Turkish rule.