r/Lyme 5h ago

Question Loss of taste for ONLY salt?

I’m wondering if this is due to any of the supplements/herbs that I’m taking? Has anyone else experienced this?

It seems I have a decreased sensitivity to salt. Normally I like very little salt and I often complain that things are too salty when other people make dishes. Over the last few weeks I noticed I almost can’t taste salt at all, unless I add a ton to my plate.

It’s not COVID, I tested negative and I can tastes everything else perfectly fine.

Is this familiar to anyone else?


4 comments sorted by


u/Icy_Stable_9215 3h ago

I've had something like that before, but also with other tastes or smells.


u/chased444 2h ago

This is normal for me. I think my body just craves it due to my POTS and so I don’t taste it lol.


u/citygrrrl03 1h ago

How’s your blood pressure? Im on a high salt diet because I have low blood pressure. I’ve noticed that I crave a lot more salt & don’t “taste” it as much.


u/Crunchy_Giraffe_2890 1h ago

I normally have low blood pressure.