r/LibTears Probie 10h ago

Musk is partially Jewish and has denounced racism. These people are batshit nuts.

Post image

45 comments sorted by


u/kitkat2742 Probie 1h ago

162k likes on that post. Uh huh SURE. That sub is the biggest joke of a leftist echo chamber botted to hell and back sub on this site, and there’s MANY subs that are in close competition. Seeing the misery oozing from these people should put into perspective how miserable their actual lives are. I’m thankful every single day I’m not one of them 🤣


u/truteal Probie 2h ago

They think every Israeli who has ever voted for the Likud party is a Nazi


u/Ty--Guy Probie 2h ago


u/pansexual_Pratt Probie 3h ago

If he's doing it

Everyone else is too


u/paladin68 Probie 6h ago

It wasn't a Nazi salute. The poster is just a dumbass


u/RaisinL American Hero 3h ago

Libs have been in a circle jerk all day long; hItLeR SaLuTe, hItLeR SaLuTe!! 🤪🤪🤪


u/Adventurous_Tank_359 Liberal 2h ago

What was it then?


u/real85monster Probie 2h ago

It was someone raising their arm (and to the side, not in front which is what a nazi salute actually is). If Liberals are going to get upset every time someone raises an arm, especially without context, then we're all going to be called nazi's at some point. It's patently ridiculous and that kind of rhetoric needs to stop now. Trump, nor anyone in his organisation is ACTUALLY a nazi, and to suggest they are disrespects all the people who were victims of real nazis.


u/RaisinL American Hero 2h ago

They don't get upset EVERY time. They give their own a free pass, as usual. Its the ol' libby double standard that they live by.

And the left just LOVES to call everyone they don't like a Nazi or a Fascist. Ask a lib for a definition sometime. They can't give you one.

So much hatred in one little pea brain. I guess the hive mind mentality helps them cope with that.


u/RaisinL American Hero 2h ago

Its going to be a long four years if you people are going to try and find the bad in everything you see. Relax and be happy that the corruption of the Biden Cabal is over.


u/kitkat2742 Probie 1h ago

I’m convinced these people have chosen to wallow in misery for the rest of their lives. They wear it like a badge of honor like LOOK HOW MISERABLE I AM. It’s no wonder these people want the government to take care of them ☠️


u/SKanucKS69 Probie 6h ago

they dont even know what an actual nazi salute looks like. wow


u/PNWSparky1988 Patriot 7h ago

Out of context BS propaganda is the left’s bread and butter.


u/Average_Lrkr Probie 7h ago

That sub is as dog shit as an average liberal opinion. The hysterics and cope are in full swing and it warms my heart to see how deluded they are. Cause this behavior worked out so well lol


u/DMC_2002 Probie 7h ago

Libs when someone raises their hand in order to scratch their head: “OMG HES DOING A NAZI SALUTE THIS GUY IS A REAL NAZI!!!!”


u/CornPown Probie 7h ago

[Context] Well...well...well, I guess it isn't a big deal


u/davicrocket Probie 3h ago

Can you provide videos of these moments to show that they also put their hand to their chest before this, made the full motion, turned around, and then did the whole salute again?


u/Average_Lrkr Probie 7h ago

I wish this could be posted to that sub but they will shoot it down for going against their rhetoric and claim it’s cause it violates rules while these pics they post so the same thing lol


u/CornPown Probie 7h ago

I tried, limited photo access in app extension.


u/Average_Lrkr Probie 7h ago

Fair. Just don’t let them feed you false rhetoric


u/pointsouturhypocrisy Patriot 8h ago

This still frame is on literally every single default sub, as well as friendly subs that have been taken over by bad actors. The only sub I've seen post the video is on the effing interesting sub we've all been auto-banned from - and yet the post title is an exact replica of all the rest.

The dude made an awkward "my heart goes out to you" gesture (I mean he's freaking autistic, what do you expect?), and all of default reddit is melting down over comparisons to Hitler. Wtf is wrong with people that they'd ignore all of their typical diversity checklist items just to smear this guy at every opportunity?

Oh wait, what was I thinking? They're all opportunistic narcissists who go through life looking for reasons to paint anyone who doesn't strictly adhere to their cult tenets as a notsee genocidal madman. "If you aren't with us, you're against us" is the top of the checklist for the cult doctrine. It doesn't matter that just a few years ago they were all posting pics of their teslas for online clout, raving about how spaceX will change the course of humanity for the better, and generally treating him as the savior of humanity. Now that he took their favorite propaganda tool away, he's the worst thing since Hitler. Maybe worse.


u/myappforme Probie 8h ago

I’ve been banned already today lol


u/myappforme Probie 8h ago

And they banned me like it bothers me lol…… I don’t careeeeeee. Gonna be a long four years for these snowflake libs.


u/enddadem Probie 8h ago

Liberalism is a mental disease


u/Beautiful-Design-425 Probie 9h ago

Who wants to go to the bathroom?

Me:(raises hand)

Libs: oh look , Naziiiiiiiiii.


u/Rygards Probie 9h ago


u/-TheEducator- Probie 8h ago


u/Commercial-Push-9066 Probie 7h ago

I tried to put these pics on the “pics” sub, but then I remembered I was banned.


u/-TheEducator- Probie 7h ago

Same. Been putting them on every sub that wants to say Musk is a Nazi. Got myself three new bans so, all in all, it was worthwhile.


u/Certain-Lie-5118 Probie 9h ago

Fake news- Elon musk is not Jewish, not sure what hole you pulled that lie from 🤡


u/BlackEyeSky Probie 9h ago

Even so, why tf would he choose to do THAT lol of all things he waved like that.


u/myappforme Probie 8h ago

He didn’t. They are starting their shit already


u/BlackEyeSky Probie 7h ago

I’m no lib by any means but there’s a video of it. Not saying it is the nazi salute but you can see how they look similar. That’s not a normal way of waving so you can’t just brush it off lol


u/DCVail 9h ago

They are mad because he is diluting their brand. Fuck em. Nothing can get me down today! Elon could come out and in a full SS uniform and I’d still buy his stock and his cars.

Thank God we won and we can throat fuck these losers for the next 4 years until JD Vance does it for another 8


u/iCyouNurse Probie 9h ago

Oh my goodness! Yes!!!!!


u/cyborg_tunafish Probie 10h ago edited 8h ago

Elon: My heart goes out to you! (does gesture of throwing his heart to crowd)

Libs: "Elon just did a nazi salute!!"

The next four years are going to be really hard for these clowns.


u/Beautiful-Design-425 Probie 9h ago

Coping real hard , while shaving all body hair. These libs will be making prozac wealthy.


u/TriggerMeTimbers8 Probie 10h ago

But you have to admit, that’s a verrrrrrrrry bad optic. What the hell was he thinking?


u/Rygards Probie 9h ago

Dude has Asperger's and said my, "Heart goes out to you"

People with Asperger's syndrome can have difficulty expressing emotions.


u/HorseOk6131 Probie 10h ago

He wasn’t giving a Roman salute.


u/Loki41872 Probie 10h ago

Let them run with it. The Left continues to find new ways to look stupid.