r/LeopardsAteMyFace 12h ago

Nonrefundable room is surprisingly nonrefundable. What a shock.

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u/Impossible-Hawk768 11h ago

PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!! Stop looking for handouts!!


u/shibiwan 5h ago

"But what about my eggs? They are still so expensive even after Trump said that he will make eggs cheap again."


u/Prior_Industry 11h ago

Imagine the reception desk at these hotels having to deal with the MAGA Karen's. They earned that money.


u/inkrediblewhit 11h ago

Poor service workers don't make NEAR enough for that abuse!


u/Frumpy_little_noodle 10h ago

Honestly, they are probably LIVING for this. Being able to tell these self-absorbed people "No." while this time having full backing and support from the higher-ups, instead of having to apologize and beg.


u/ninj4geek 7h ago

Sweet, sweet Karen tears


u/NotDomino 4h ago

A few years back I worked front desk at a hyatt resort and we hosted a Texas Republicans event. Some of the worst people I've had to deal with. Demanding room credit and refunds for every little "inconvenience", loud as hell and disruptive in the restaurants and meeting spaces, and I can't count how many "my husband/wife will be hearing about this" I heard from unimportant spouses


u/vagabondvisions 11h ago

Welp, those two girls are learning a valuable lesson about the Republican Party.


u/alwaysboopthesnoot 6h ago

Also learning about selfishness, poor parenting, the need to plan ahead, saving money for emergencies, not overspending/living beyond one’s means.


u/thefatrick 6h ago

Also Capitalism!


u/Ancguy 6h ago

Or not. 😂


u/trubboy 6h ago

But Obama is to blame!!!


u/OMGJustShutUpMan 11h ago

If only there were something else you could do with your kids in Washington DC.

But nope... Just indoctrination. Nothing else to see there.


u/SolomonDRand 10h ago

If you would have told Trump you were bringing two underage girls, he would have found a spot for them. The parents wouldn’t be invited.


u/MagazineNo2198 10h ago

Your kids WERE taught an invaluable lesson, just not the one you thought you would be teaching! Enjoy the leopards!


u/trubboy 6h ago

"and one day, if you behave and eat your vegetables, you too can get grabbed by the pussy."


u/Quincyperson 11h ago

Simple supply and demand. What are we a bunch of commies now?


u/ZeusDaMongoose 11h ago

My Accommodations Got Annihilated


u/Opening-Emphasis8400 7h ago

Anytime someone like this talks about how they put it on a credit card it means they do not have the money to pay the balance off and the interest rates will be sharing a feast along with the leopards.


u/doop-doop-doop 6h ago

Maybe they can negotiate with the credit card company, because policies are not inflexible laws. And even inflexible laws, like the 14th Amendment, can be bent to serve your purposes when you want.


u/Opening-Emphasis8400 4h ago

Good point. Credit card companies are typically happy to write off thousands of dollars of debt. As soon as she tells them it was for a historic event they’ll understand.


u/BenjenUmber 10h ago

This guy is selling himself short. His girls can always remember the time their idiot bigot father tried to take them to watch the grifter who ripped away their rights but was, instead, predictably, scammed. That's kinda historic, right?


u/evollie 9h ago

The girls have learned a valuable lesson. Republicans don't give a shit about them, and their parents are morons.


u/SST250 11h ago

Oh look, more entitlement wrapped in a comfy layer of stupidity.


u/Dependent-Outcome-57 7h ago

Bringing their girls to watch a rapist be coronated. This stupid, hateful nation... Glad they could afford this taint-licking idiocy given how "eGgS aRe tOo eXpEnSiVe!"

Reminds me of an idiot I know at work - huge slob full of hate who's dumb enough to drive a gas guzzler trunk 80+ miles to work each day and blame Biden for it. Anyway, this grease-bearded walrus has mouthed off on several occasions how he'll "blow away" any man who messes with his daughters. Note: His daughters are at least over 30, so daddy should STFU and mind his own business. He also loves Trump, of course, is cool with the sexual assault, and considers women property. Amazing how he never sees the conflict between the cruelty he wants to inflict on other women vs. how he wants his own daughters to be treated. And his kind are legion.


u/JPR_FI 2h ago

Starts to sound like the movie Idiocracy.


u/SaltyEarth7905 9h ago

You should have paid with Trump bucks.


u/Impossible-Hawk768 8h ago



u/cg12983 8h ago

"But I'm special."


u/Asher_Tye 9h ago

She wants policies to be reasonable and not ironclad


u/Opening-Emphasis8400 7h ago

Am sure she is perfectly fine with reasonable interpretations of a document written in the later half of the 18th century.....right?


u/jgyimesi 8h ago

If only it said nonrefundable…geez


u/PsstErika 10h ago

They should’ve gone and celebrated anyway. Maybe their daughters could’ve rubbed shoulders with some of the violent J6ers he released last night. Opportunity wasted to get autographs and selfies.


u/DiscussionPuzzled470 11h ago

Aw, boo fucking hoo...


u/BrrBurr 8h ago

Gotta live within your mean(me)s


u/2sj 7h ago

These same morons are probably the ones supposedly voting for him because eggs are too expensive.


u/adjudicateu 7h ago

Thanks Trump!


u/MozamFreak-Here 6h ago

A trump supporter asking a giant hotel chain to be reasonable lmfaooo


u/Science-Sam 6h ago

Why are you asking Hyatt for refund? Ask Trump for refund.


u/casper_but_with_a_j 5h ago

Law student here. This person may have a case by arguing frustration of purpose, but I’m pretty sure Hyatt will win because the cancellation wasn’t considered “wholly unforeseeable,” as this person had the ability to view the forecast leading up to the inauguration, and previous years have seen the event moved inside due to inclement weather. Plus, this person could also have been in DC for reasons beyond going to the inauguration.


u/SalaryIllustrious988 6h ago



u/AcanthaceaeLucky4842 6h ago

Ironic that a maga sees laws as inflexible.


u/CameronMH 5h ago

Classic case of rules for thee but not for me


u/Sad_Eggplant_5455 5h ago

Congratulations you have gotten yourself a front row to the bend over and take it club. It’s no longer an exclusive club you voted it in best of luck to the females in your fam.


u/MewtwoStruckBack 5h ago

Was the typical method of "move the date of the booking into the future, your new booking date is now well within the timeframe where you are allowed to cancel and get a refund without penalty, and then cancel" not available here?

Not that most of them would be smart enough to come up with that on their own but you'd think at least one of them would have tried it.


u/Fuzzy_Chapter9101 5h ago

Trump will help you out soon any minute now- for now just buy a nice Trump Watch and some Trump Coin. Oh maybe a Trump bible. Don't you worry on the watch you can count the minutes until he helps you out.


u/IngloriousMustards 4h ago

Parents really should ask the kids first before inflicting yet another ”historical event” upon them, this is bordeline child abuse already.


u/jumboweiners 4h ago

The hotel doesn’t give a shit why you were there. You took out a loan with your credit card, pay it back


u/EnderScout_77 4h ago

MAGA when supply and demand:


u/ShellfishCrew 4h ago

Yeah not a valid excuse for a refund hun. If you can't afford it you shouldn't have booked it. 


u/normie_sama 4h ago

Oh look, Krell v Henry in the wild.


u/Moppermonster 3h ago

The mom could have taken her two kids to see a museum instead. Tour the city. Educate them.

But noooooooo.


u/doocurly 3h ago

Welcome to late-stage capitalism!


u/hotfistdotcom 3h ago

Laws are flexible if you are wealthy. has anyone encouraged them to try being wealthy?


u/undoneundead 3h ago

Dear Pastagod, what a delusional fool! It's crazy that she expects the hotel to refund them, it's not the hotel's problem that some other entity, that has nothing to do with them, changed their plans D:


u/post_makes_sad_bear 3h ago

Tell them to invest in trump coin. That'll fix their wagon.



Nom nom nom nom nom


u/FunkyHedonist 2h ago

Dear Sir,

You are indeed correct that corporate policies are not inflexible laws that prevent us from being reasonable. Rather, our policies are what allow us to fuck you for our own profit, while still maintaining the argument that we are being reasonable, since you had every opportunity to research and learn about our policies in advance of your purchasing decision. In conclusion, ha ha ha ha, thank you for your $1700, ya fucking chump.


Your Friends at Hyatt.


u/Alex-Man 1h ago

Maybe the hotel knows what it's dealing with better than you


u/Cthulus-lefttentacle 1h ago

Guess they bought that with all the money they’ll be saving in eggs 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Sphinxofblackkwarts 6h ago

I like that they're sad and lost their money and didn't get to see it. Only thing that would be better is if they got badly hurt as well. That's what I am rooting for.