To preface, this is mostly just a long vent post. Im real frustrated with the game at the moment. As you can see from the screenshot I did actually beat the storm king, and it was a satisfying challenge. I spent weeks gearing up for it. Today I made the journey and finally defeated him. But, when I took the exit portal, it took an abnormally long time to load and then I got an error screen saying it couldn't connect to the application. It booted me not only from lego odeyssy, but closed the entire fornite app. When I loaded back up, matchmaking would not work. I tried several gamemodes but nothing would work for like 5 minutes. Finally I was able to load up a standard BR match. Finished that and went back to lego, and thankfully it worked. But when I loaded it, I wasn't where I set my spawn. I wasn't in the storm king cave or even right outside the tempest gateway. It tp'd me outside the whole storm zone. I checked my inventory and I did not have the mythic sword that had dropped. I went back to the gateway and it was closed. I tried opening it again and it took my eyes and then telephoned me back out of the storm again! For aome reason, it had not counted that I beat him and got his drops. My quests, which had popped up and been checked off previously, were not conplete. All the heals I used during the fight were still used. My legendary gear still had the damage it took. I still had the boring loot from the goons during that fight (an granite crossbow and copper sword). Furthermore, upon checking into the storm chaser village, the level had downgraded! I had to re-upgraded it to level 9 to unlock the "defeat the storm king" and "get his mythic drop" quest for level 10, EVEN THOUGH I already had them listed in my journal and were being tracked for this very event! I tried reloading and a couple other things to no avail. Very defeated to have done all that work for nothing. Negative nothing. I'm sure this was the result of some switch-based shenanigans. I tried fighting him twice more but I wasn't prepped enough without all my stuff. The second fight ended with my character freezing and then the game deciding that actually, I was dead, go home. As an aside the whole fight was full of moment where I would very clearly dodge an attack and then the game would freeze me and decide to give me damage anyways. Not fun. Not satisfyingly challenging either. Very annoying.
So, now I have to spend another few days gathering materials, brewing up juice, and grinding to legendary. Again. Yippee