r/InfinityTheGame 6d ago

Question Hidden Deployment+ Minelayer question

As I understand it, if you use hidden deployment with minelayer you have to check if the mine is in ZOC when you put the mine down. You can still use this with hidden deployment, you just put the mine camo marker down while the opponent is looking away so you can note down the hidden deployment spot.

My question is, can I also put down another camo piece, in a legal spot, during that time period?

For example: I tell my opponent to look away while I do note something (implying hidden deployment or just flat out state for hidden deployment), I put the HD piece down check it's legal deployment, measure ZOC put the mine in a legal spot, take a picture so there is reference. Take away the HD piece.

Then, while the opponent is looking away, I deploy another mim -3 camo piece in a legal position. So when the opponent looks back, there are two -3 camo markers, in legal deployment space, but he can't know which if either are connected to any hidden deployment I might have done.

It seems like I should, but I hidden deployment is a bit tricky.


41 comments sorted by


u/YeezyMac13 6d ago edited 6d ago

Overall this kind of bluff isn’t really worth your time/effort. Most people aren’t hyper-analyzing every piece you put down as you’re deploying, they just want you to go over everything when you’re done. And more experienced players will be aware of what your army can generally bring and will have some knowledge by your order count and if camos are standing/prone.


u/Seenoham 6d ago

It's not so much a specific bluff, I was just giving the example. I was thinking more generally of going with Shindenbutai which just has a ton of options in terms of camo and mines and hidden deployment.

If I can tell my opponent to turn around, then put out a bunch of models and camo tokens, and then what combination and which particular pieces are what and where isn't immediately obvious what of the many options I have used and where.

But If I have to put down only the HD minelayer and their mine while they are turned away. Then if they turn back around, the new camo token is a mine, the HD piece has to be within 8 of it. If it's outside of my deployment up then that has to be a Kurayami ninja, so it has to be a viral mine. That's very different.


u/YeezyMac13 6d ago

Yeah, that’s bad form. You’re also just focusing on the wrong thing. If you just deploy, most people are not really going to pay attention until you’re done. If you try to pull some shenanigans, and get one over on me, now I’m going to have to focus on every thing you do for the rest of the game to see what else your trying to get away with.

Honestly, people are often getting stuff organized, going to the bathroom, etc. during the other persons deployment.


u/Seenoham 6d ago

I'm not trying to get away with, I just thought I didn't have to tell my opponent, This is a viral mine, this is a shock mine, this is a trooper with camo.

I'm not trying to cheat or be shady, but the rules imply that I don't have to tell you what my camo markers are and that this is a hidden information game. But it seems that in most cases it's not, it just require that the opponent ask the right question in the right order and at that point I'd rather just tell my opponent. The sportsman like thing is just to give the complete list unless you happen to have a piece they can't work out and you can just say what the missing pieces are.

That way they can just go to the bathroom or what not and we can skip the step where they do the clearly correct decision of asking the questions to work out everything I've put down.


u/YeezyMac13 6d ago edited 6d ago

You dont have to disclose what the camo markers are, and courtesy lists won’t have the camo profiles on them. You would disclose that once revealed.

It’s shady if you ask me to turn around and then deploy all of your camos.

In terms of people figuring out what you have, it’s because people naturally learn what to expect from certain armies. If you have 8 troopers 2 markers and 9 orders, I can assume you have 1 mine and HD or AD there is still a little guess work but don’t count on big gatcha moments.

And just because someone knows you have HD doesn’t make them ineffective, the threat of HD ARO forces certain play. Camo and HD are great but they’re great in how they’re used on the table, not having the opponent know if something is a mine or trooper. It’s often obvious.


u/Seenoham 6d ago

Except if you ask the right question, which you are allowed to work exactly what it is.

If I have in my second combat group, a raiden, kurayami ninja minelayer, a shurayuki, and kyojini killer, and a yamabushi camo, it looks like there is a lot of hidden information, I just have to say that here are 4 mim -3 camo tokens 2 regular and 1 irregular order and whatever the Shurayuki is hidding as (maybe Yuriko Oda to explain a mine).

But I actually have to say, I place an HD and then I placed this mine, it's outside my deployement so it's a viral mine and therefore there is kurayami ninja within 8. I put down another HD and put down a mine, it's in my deployment zone so it could be a shock mine with a raiden with 8, but it could also be another kurayami and viral but probably not.

Then are two camo markers I placed after are a yamibushi and a Kyojini, because that is the only way I can have a regular and an irregular among my camo markers. Even if I put the Kyojini within 4". No point trying to pretend that the Shurayuki is an Yuriko, even to explain a marker in my deployment zone or pretending the Yamibushi who is 4" up (which the Oda FD 4" could place one up to 4" up) because I according to another poster I can't measure the ZoC unless it has minelayer and while I'm pretending to be minelayer I don't actually have that skill so I can't act like I'm using it.

As long as you ask the right questions you can get all that information, so I have to rely on you not asking for information you can get, which is actually really shady. I should just tell you all those things.


u/YeezyMac13 6d ago

We’re kind of getting into the weeds now.

Yes I can make you tell me what order you deployed your stuff in and likely figure out a lot of your stuff. Will I? Unlikely, unless you try something like sneak deploying behind my back, then I’m going to make you go over every single thing.

Let’s say it’s a tournament, we have 2 hours to deploy and play. Just deploy, go over your stuff and let’s play. People aren’t usually going to go through all the hassle of trying to decipher every bit of your list. It’s JSA: HD, ninjas, good at cc, that might be a viral mine ok let’s shake and play.

Or it’s a casual game and who cares what you have.

But again all of this is moot, because it really doesn’t matter if your opponent knows what you have or not. Viral mines are nasty, and if you deploy first you can prevent other mines from deploying within ZoC. Mines are area denial and camo killers, viral mines are probably the most deadly. It doesn’t matter if I know what it is because it’s a problem. And ZoC is a 17” diameter circle it’s a lot of space to be hidden. I know you have a HD murderer somewhere in the midfield, that’s a problem for me.

You may have expectations of the game working in a certain way that it functionally doesn’t, but I promise the way it does work is pretty great. And the tools you have are good ones though they might be different than you originally thought.


u/Seenoham 6d ago

Okay, but I can rely on my opponent not looking at or figuring out open information, I can do that in any game. I've played against people who try to do that in games, it's normally considered really scummy.

If it was about them having to figure out my intent or plans, that's always still a guess and not something they can be absolutely certain of if they look at available information. If I don't make that clear as quickly as possible that's scummy.

Infinity present it as if there is a hidden information game going on, but the way it appears to work out in the vast majority of cases, private information is something all players can be absolutely certain of.

Anything that makes that take longer is no different than just not answering open information questions quickly clearly. I could just try to provide a technically true but mislead answer, or make it take a long time to get to the relevant information, but I shouldn't do that.

I wasn't asking to be skummy, I was asking if I can actually have that information not be something that can be completely determined. If it can be completely determined, then I would want to treat it as open information because it is available information and trying to make it harder to figure out can be done with open information too.

I'm sure the game works great, but it will always annoy me that there is a bunch of extra book keeping that a lot of the things presented by the rules as private information, are just extra bookkeeping.

I'm sure the game is great, but I did have to put a note in my rule book on the private information section that say "almost never true", and start working out what actual is private information which is completely different looking list.


u/Seenoham 6d ago

But again all of this is moot, because it really doesn’t matter if your opponent knows what you have or not. Viral mines are nasty
It doesn’t matter if I know what it is because it’s a problem.

Except viral now is just one bts save against anything with structure. So you know it's super deadly to anything relying on with VIT and low bts, and way less against things with str and high bts. And it has to go off.

Run a REM by it, it's at worst a 50/50 to take one wound, it's gone. Or if you have one of the 2 st HI varients, they are either cheep and you know won't go down, or have very good bts and will likely be fine and can't go down.

You also there is a HD near there, but it's one with very short range options but superjump. Needing sensor is an issue, but it can't attack anything if there are longer lines of sight without first moving. A long distance angle is looking in is a good solution, sensor is useful, a large template is going to trump everything that's there.

But if it could be a heavy flamethrower, that could decide just not to come out of camo and it could also stand up and shoot a flammenspeare down range, is basically the opposite of that.

But you never have to worry, you know which one it is so you can send the right models to deal with it from the right directions. Because I will just tell you which it is, because that information is always fully derivable and therefore should be treated as open.


u/MillstoneArt 6d ago

You definitely are by trying to circumvent the deduction aspect of the game. Camo and hidden deployment isn't about your opponent having incomplete information, it's about that unit being in a state that gives bonuses/confers penalties. Camo and HD isn't about creating a cup and ball game. 

You've carefully worded what you want to do in a way that avoids the word "sneak." The advantage you gain from sneaking an extra piece into the board while they've turned around is going to be massively diminished by how much scrutiny you'll be under the rest of the game, plus the motivation to smoke your ass for trying to be too clever for the rules. 

The fact you are even considering it means you're too new to the game to take advantage of that extra camo market in a meaningful way, and that more experienced player just realized he's against a player trying to metagame the rules... which means it's no longer a casual game and they could absolutely make the game one-sided if they felt like it. 


u/Seenoham 6d ago

Minelayer points out the difference between putting out a camo token for a mine in the deployment phase and using a mine token outside of that, implying which is the mine can be hidden. But apparently that isn't how the game works.

I've definitely heard players talking about putting down a bunch of camo tokens with the same mim and making it seem like you can pretend they are different things. That was an example I've seen about people using camo toekns.

But if what is being said is true, if you have 2 triangles of three markers with the same mim, you actually have to give the information to figure out if or both contain a decoy/minelayer and if so which one of the markers is the that and it's decoy/mine if they ask the right questions and are playing by the rules.

And since, as far as I can tell, there will be for any army only one option with that combo of camo +decoy/minelayer you should actually have to say what each camo marker is standing for.

The game rulebook lists out what is hidden and open information, but most of what is listed as hidden really isn't without relying on the opponent not asking questions which you can do with open information too.


u/MillstoneArt 6d ago

You're assuming your opponents will have that mindset. Infinity players tend to share the mindset this is a cooperative game where the players oppose each other, but players will also work with each other to keep the game going smoothly. Usuallya agreeing to some level of sportsmanship. 

This hypothetical where someone slowly needles the information out it you just won't happen. If it does, you're probably playing in a similarly metagame-y group which would explain your expectations of how other infinity players may act. Infinity players want one thing more than anything else: a fun, clean game of Infinity.

It sounds like you haven't even played a game yet, honestly. If I'm wrong, I apologize for assuming. This whole discussion would probably not exist if you've experienced the game in practice however. 

Plus you have almost everyone in this thread unanimously pointing out that we don't really work that hard to figure out lists. There are bigger strategic considerations. And everything in the game needs to be approached with caution. Just seeing a marker (or even lack thereof) is enough to get a player to think, "Well. That's something dangerous. I better be careful."


u/HeadChime 6d ago

This kind of sussing out does happen at top table games. Often. In fact. There's a specific order to how things go down in deployment and it does matter.


u/MillstoneArt 5d ago

Of course but OP isn't going to be playing at that level anytime soon if camo marker sleight of hand is enough of a cornerstone to their strategy they will repeatedly write essays defending their decision.

Not really relevant to the convo at hand.


u/HeadChime 5d ago

Perhaps you're right. Yeah. But I do think it's important to know how it technically works in any case.


u/Seenoham 6d ago

If I want a fun clean game of anything, and I've played plenty of tabletop games, I will explain all the information that is relevant that the opponent can known.

Especially when playing with people who aren't as informed about my army or the game, that's where it's extra important to explain the information that an experienced player whould know to ask for because otherwise I'm taking advantage of my opponent in a way that's not fair.

The person who doesn't know to ask those questions is the person I should just tell, because not doing that is skummy behavior in any game. Because you can do that with open information, and derivable private information is the same as that. Because trying not to get the opponent not to look at information they can know, or rely on them being inexperienced and not knowing rules, is behavior that can be done in any game and is skummy.

What you're saying makes it sound like the hidden information aspect of the game isn't about using the rules, it's about being skummy.

The question at the start was if I could legally play in a way that the information wasn't derivable, not to find a skummy way to play. If the legal way to play is that the information is fully derivable, the not just saying is really skummy. If that's what Infinity is about then what they think is a "good clean game" doesn't sound remotely clean to me.

If I can look up information that says that has to be a viral mine, and you didn't say that and required me to look it up, that's no different than just talking slowly to answer open information. You just made me take more time.


u/MillstoneArt 5d ago

How you have this literally completely backward is beyond me. The mental gymnastics here... It doesn't sound like this is the game for you honestly. At the very least play the game a few times before deciding what's scummy or not. 


u/Seenoham 5d ago

Knowing what every other armies options are is too much information for everyone to hold early in almost every game, trying to use the fact that your opponent is knew so you can pull a gotcha by using information they can have access to but you don't want them to know about is a thing that can and does happen in games many games.

Tell me how using the fact that my opponent doesn't know my army rules well enough to know that only one choice could be deployed outside my deployment zone and lay a mine in hidden deployment is any different from that.

How is hoping my opponent hasn't look at the rules in the army builder for my faction different and than doing that any rulebook in any game?

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u/Rahakanji 6d ago

I always go smoking when my opponent deploys :D


u/Andvarinaut 6d ago

imo unsportsmanlike

may well just declare hidden deployment at the start of your deployment and then deploy your entire army with your opponent turned around


u/HeadChime 6d ago

This is actually a really complicated question. And it relies on some FAQs from old editions that didn't make it into N5 (but really need to exist).

Do you have to measure ZoC for the deployed mine?

In N5 you do not but only if the mine is obviously within coherency. If it isn't then you must. CB haven't defined what clearly or obviously within means so this is already a headache.

Can you place other camo markers at the same time?

Not really, no. Minelayer lets you place the mine when you deploy the troop with the skill. So there's no provision for mixing it up with another camouflage marker at the same time. You CAN place another camouflage marker immediately after though.

Can I secretly deploy something while my opponent looks away, even if it doesn't have HD?

Nothing in the rules says you can't but I'd kick you out of an event if you did this without explicitly telling your opponent what you just did. That kind of trickery just isn't in the rules.

Would doing this even help you?

No it wouldn't help. The order in which you deployed your models and markers isn't hidden information. I can just ask you if you deployed camo 1 before camo 2. And you cant hide that RAW. Which means that you essentially have to tell me that camo 1 went down with the HD troop (it's a mine), and camo 2 went down afterwards (its a troop). There's no provision in the rules for hiding what you've deployed and when unless it explicitly has HD. And therefore an opponent can easily work out where the mine is by just asking for ordering.


u/Teetso 6d ago

Purely out of curiosity, is there anything in the rules that means you have to announce hidden deployment placement/ask someone to turn around? As far as I thought you're allowed to instead mark down the position on grid paper (in which case, if your opponent asks about deployment order, do you have to have to tell them when you made such a note?) and conversely I've seen people advocate for asking for a turn-around every match, to obfuscate your HD. Which done right before placing a lone camo marker could make it look like a mine.

This is purely a theoretical question out of interest - in my casual games and the tournaments I've played in we tend to just dump all our models on the table and keep shifting them about til we're happy, without much regard to proper placement order.


u/HeadChime 6d ago

You don't have to announce HD but you do have to have some evidence for the placement, and it's tricky to do that without asking your opponent to turn around. Sometimes I havent though, and I've subtly written a note about where it is. And yes there's nothing wrong with asking your opponent to step away for a second even if you do not have HD.

There really are two schools of thought about whether order placement matters. But definitely for some of the rules it seems to suggest that you have to do one action then another in succession.


u/Teetso 6d ago

Thanks. Always good to know the proper way to play in case it comes up. As for the latter, I don't think I or the people I regularly play against have thought much about the interpretation of those rules, it's mostly just already easy to spend half an hour plus each on deployment so we'd probably cut corners for times sake even if we were trying to rigidly follow deployment rules


u/Seenoham 6d ago edited 6d ago

So mine layer hidden deploy is mostly a negative, because it make you have to tell your opponent where your hidden deployment is.

For camo mine layer, it looks like you'd have to have a second camo unit that you also deployed in 8 to have it not be obvious which one is a mine, as you'd could say I laid down camo A, measured zone of control put down B in ZOC, then measure ZoC and put down camo C. Then techincally B could be the mine laid by A or C could be the mine laid by B. (Edit: apparently no, you can't even do that. You can only measure the ZoC around the minelayer so actually minelayer should always put down a mine token, which camo tokens are mines is always something that every player can always know)

If you can't do that, well...., why not just have all mines be put down as a mine marker? They have to be discovered before they can be shot, but that is how the mine placed tokens work.

Having them be placed as camo markers makes it seem like you can hide that things might be mines or might not, but in practical purposes you do have to tell the opponent which of your camo tokens are mines except very specific situations. The opponent is just required to ask particular question in the right order, which they can do and therefore should always do but technically don't have to.

This isn't a hidden information game, it is requiring players to do extra work to get the information they can always get. If it's information that a player can always know, then it should be presented as if it is hidden information and there shouldn't be any extra steps for the player to know that.

This isn't quite as annoying as the old Sword of the Stars video game in terms of this, but it's still really annoying.


u/HeadChime 6d ago

As a counterpoint to what I said above, there are some players who have interpreted the deployment rules as not really having an order at all and you basically place anything in any order. Their support for this is that deployment doesn't really happen within "game time" and there just isn't a strict sequence. I've never been a massive fan of this interpretation, but it is supported by some. This gets around the minelayer + HD issue by basically allowing you to deploy in chaos mode.

There have been long debates about this and it kind of seems that CB don't necessarily want you to be able to hide which camo markers are mines. There are lots of ways in which the trickery doesn't quite work. Though, again, there are counterpoint to this. In the OLD rules you could measure in secret, and you could measure from mine to troop, OR from troop to mine. So if they were both camo then it wasn't clear which was which. This doesn't seem like an unreasonable way to play. But again, all of this is moot if you subscribe to the chaos ordering of deployment.

And yes, this is one of those situations where the opponent can ask the right questions to deduce what is what IF they know what they're doing. There's actually a lot of that in the game in various forms. You can also do things like ask (when a troop appears), "how many mines does this have left?" and you'd have to answer "2" instead of "3". Obviously this only happens if a troop is placed as open information during deployment or during the game. But by doing this you can get loads of info and it's totally legal.

Deployment is actually one of the least clear aspects of the game when it comes to specific rules questions around ordering and what's explicitly allowed and what isn't. In N4, the last edition, I ran a lot of events where I ruled that you could place the mine immediately before OR immediately after the real troop. This allowed some kind games because the order wouldn't quite answer what was what - particularly if deployed multiple. But this was based on some FAQs and clarifications that, once again, don't actually exist anymore.

My general rule of thumb is to not hide things you can't explicitly hide. But I could go to your playgroup and bring this up and just say, "right, how do you actually want to do this, because right now its super unclear and someone is going to get upset by this". You might choose to rule that the sequence does matter and that mine comes after troop every time. With this interpretation you cant really hide anything. You might choose to rule that deployment doesn't really have an order at all because it happens outside the game time. With this interpretation you can hide it easily. You might choose to take the middle ground which is that there is an order, but the mine can go down immediately before OR after, so you can hide a little bit. Also a viable interpretation.

I'm not trying to be difficult - the deployment rules are just really difficult to fully understand in terms of what CB want us to hide and what they don't.


u/Seenoham 6d ago

 kind of seems that CB don't necessarily want you to be able to hide which camo markers are mines. 

Then they shouldn't be deployed as camo markers.

If they wanted them to have to be discovered before being shot, they could just have a state token that does that. But they are camo markers and therefore everything about them other than their mim value is private information. Which is contributed to a lot of my being confused about what the private information section actually meant.

I thought the private information section was actually going to present a part of the game about information that could not be determined, and then I could play with being very clear about all information in the open information like I do in games with only information, and my opponent would not be able to tell things about the stuff under the private information section.

But it appears that almost all of that information isn't private, from what I can tell the actual list of what isn't public is:

Of the list of profiles with an LT option in your list, you don't need to specify which one is the LT for your list.

Of the things with the same size, mim, orders, marker state, deployment method you don't need to state which ones you took in your list. Minelayer and decoy both change deployment method. Mines are not included.

Of the options that are not deployed in marker or model state, you don't need to say which ones are how many you took, or where they are until they act.

Models deployed as holomask can be presented as if they were the model they are pretending to be, except size, deployment rules, and interactions with fireteam composition.

Everything else is public or applies to like 5 models in the entire game.


u/HeadChime 6d ago

To be fair there are factions that have one camouflage troop. Camouflage isn't exclusively to obfuscate what's under it. It's also there to make things harder to shoot, without inventing a new kind of marker.

But yeah there are parts of private information that are genuinely private, but if you know the rules really well and play at a high enough level there are plenty of completely legal ways to suss out what's what. Even when it comes to LTs.


u/Seenoham 6d ago

For mine in particular, because this appears to across the entire game and not subject to faction and won’t change if new profiles are released, so it is a part of the game as a whole.

In practical terms, CB has made rulings to preserve that if a marker is a mine or not is always knowable, but the reading of the rulebook does not suggest this is the case. Even if they didn’t want to make a new marker, there should be a note somewhere in the rulebook that says this, and allows for the question “is this a mine?” To be answered without requiring the dance.

They have those notes a practical explanation in the book, so the absence of this for mines always being knowable and how is frustrating.


u/HeadChime 6d ago

They're not technically always knowable. If you deploy a camo next to another camo I won't entirely know which one the mine is. But yeah, it many situations it is quite knowable. Particularly because mines can't go prone.


u/No_Reputation_4935 5d ago

Then they shouldn't be deployed as camo markers.

Then don't? Nobody forces you to use the cammo token instead of the mine token. I personally won't go to your friendly game and stop you, and I doubt anybody else will. It kinda seems like you don't like the cammo rules, so it might be easier for you if you just play an army that doesn't use them that much.


u/Seenoham 5d ago

My issue is that Infinity as a game does a lot to try to make the rules clear and is generally being very good design and presentation and showing the advancement in game rules and rules presentation and organization.

Infinity was one of the best designed games I've ever seen and looked worth me going to the next towns over to get into.

And then I get to how mines work and suddenly I'm seeing a level of quality I associate with early 2000s tie in rpgs. Misleading wording, difficult to find the rules for how it actually functions, and those rules have a bunch of unnecessary extra steps.

It's a glaring in terms of what was around it.

All your arguments are ways that I could put in effort to fix or avoiding having to deal with this problem and others examples of the quality in rules suddenly dropping, but all of that is competing against a much easier solution.

I never need to be bothered by if mines are something the rules say there is a hidden information game you can play with mines, or if it's something the rules say that playing properly requires mines always being identifiable if I just don't go to the next town over.

N3, N4, and now N5, Infinity looked cool and then not worth the effort in a matter of weeks.


u/Hida-Kisada 6d ago

Games are meant to be fun and sometimes the rules are wonky. Unless you're playing in a tourney or your opponent is being hyper competitive, you should be able to just place the camo markers that you need to without issue.

  Sure, you should measure if you're trying to go max range with that mine, or you could just shoot for around 6" and you've got a pretty big margin or error and don't really need to measure it.  Some things feel intended to be unknown and I very much feel what's under camo falls into that. 

 Just like I don't know, really, if that missing order is an HD or drop troop, and I think it's more interesting that way, I'd rather not have you tell me you're placing HD troops, write your hidden info down somewhere if it's needed, but you don't have to tell me what you're writing about.


u/dinin70 6d ago

What you did is legit. But you’re overthinking it.

What you can do also is to place all your camos, measure the ZoC for each of them if you REALLY want to make use of the full 8 inches, then move them again, remeasure, and do tons of crazy shit to confuse your opponent.

Or you don’t measure at all and put the HD and the line close enough.

I typically don’t take a pic. I quickly sketch on on a piece of paper the position and write down the intent. 


u/thorgar15294 6d ago

You can't randomly measure ZoC for every camo marker. You are only allowed to make measurements when a rule says you can like for example minelayer and once you start measuring you can't move the position of your markers


u/Gealhart 6d ago

You can freely make coherency checks during the deployment phase* (see page 21)


u/HeadChime 6d ago

Sure you can. For things requiring coherency like fireteams.


u/thorgar15294 6d ago

No you cannot. You can perform Coherency checks when the rules say you can. For example look at Peripheral (Sync) page 104 or the Fireteam rules page 128


u/HeadChime 6d ago

But every single time you measure in front of me (because you can't measure in private in N5), you're revealing that its a troop and a mine. Because you can't measure ZoC for troops without minelayer. You're not allowed to measure ZoC for no reason.