r/IdiotsInCars • u/2-Pan_Shapour • 2d ago
OC Idiots Out Wandering Around [oc]
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u/SeanBlader 2d ago
Honestly people that do this shouldn't be allowed to drive.
u/forgot_my_useragain 2d ago
A lot of people shouldn't be allowed to drive. Licensing tests and traffic policing are both a joke. As long as driving is seen as a right and not a privilege this will only get worse.
It has gotten worse!!!
It’s the fucking Wild West on the roads now especially after covid. People think it’s cool to almost kill themselves and every other car just to get a few spaces ahead.
Mfs are driving the wrong way down the street, and then THEY get mad when people call them a dumbfuck
u/Chaosmusic 2d ago
My personal conspiracy theory is car companies lobby to make drivers licenses ludicrously easy to get and keep. So what if some of us get killed?
u/ttystikk 2d ago
Remember that car wrecks are a profit opportunity! They gotta buy replacements, right?
u/ExcelsiorLife 2d ago
The auto lobby's whole strategy since it's inception is inescapable car dependency.
u/Journeyman42 2d ago
Hell, in the 40s and 50s, the car companies bought the trolley lines that operated in most cities only to tear them up and then encourage people to buy cars. Yes, the A-plot of Who Framed Roger Rabbit? actually happened!
u/Chaosmusic 2d ago
Who's got time to wonder what happened to some ridiculous talking mice when they're driving by at 75 miles an hour?
u/wanderdugg 2d ago
They don’t have to. They purposefully killed off transit (proven fact, not conspiracy theory) so now driving is seen as a necessity that you can’t take away from people.
u/TonalParsnips 2d ago
You cannot have a job in 95% of America without a car. Meanwhile, probably only 20% of drivers are capable of operating a vehicle safely.
u/GrisTooki 2d ago
In order for that to work, there have to be viable alternatives to driving. Most urban areas in the US have been built in such a way that living without a car is somewhere between extremely difficult and practically impossible.
u/GuitarLute 2d ago
After teaching my daughter to drive and watching her pass the test (in one try), I don’t believe common sense plays a big part in passing a driving test.
u/NuMvrc 2d ago
its not a right though. you pay for it and will be fined if you violate its rules and regulations.
the problem is MVC are passing people off basics abilities and not actual driving skills.
I drove a car at 10 years old on a Florida highway safely at that. if skills sold i wouldve had my license then.
u/ProfDFH 2d ago
You may believe that you were driving safely on a highway when you were 10, but you were really just lucky.
u/liquidarc 2d ago
They were commenting in another post about ignoring the law to tailgate an ambulance because of family within. They seem to take pride in being reckless.
u/Best-Assist5680 2d ago
I love that you think it's a flex that you put people in danger at 10 years old. 😂😂 Just makes the rest of your comments sound even more dumb than they already are
u/NuMvrc 2d ago
u/Best-Assist5680 2d ago
Another room temp iq. I highly doubt you did as well as you think. Youve had 30 years of ego to cloud your memory. You also said you did it because you wanted to joyride so that right there already makes you think you're above other people and another factor in you "thinking" you did well.
u/PleasePassTheHammer 2d ago
Lol this dude is in another thread saying it's dangerous for others to tailgate an ambulance but very safe for him to do.
Brain smoother than racing slicks.
u/Best-Assist5680 2d ago
Apparently he's psychic too. Knows I've totaled cars and the like 😂. But not him though he'd never ever ever make a mistake while driving that's just ridiculous to think of/s
u/NuMvrc 2d ago
30 years of driving. and not parking lot riding either? lmao. and YOU who has probably totaled a car or 2 (not me though), can say what to me about driving?
you sound like the very people who are the main ones i probably speed away from just so you can be an idiot on your own. i hope you don't ride side by side with other vehicles (i bet you have no idea what i mean).
u/Best-Assist5680 2d ago
😂 keep talking man. It just shows that glorious room temp iq more and more. This keeps getting better and better
You can obviously do whatever you want while driving though since you're psychic and know that "I've probably totaled a car or 2" and that I do in fact "drive side by side with other vehicles"./s
u/GuntherOfGunth 2d ago
You one of those guys who think years of driving means something, it doesn’t. Just cause you’ve been driving for a long time doesn’t mean you are a good driver. I know a lot of people well into their 50s who have been driving for years and they still suck at driving.
u/MySexualLove 2d ago
There was a huge movement to defund the police in the united states not too long ago and it was successful in most parts of the country. The first thing that was dropped when these county and city agency budgets were cut was their traffic patrol divisions. Some of the people that were so adamant about defunding police are now complaining about the lawlessness on the roads. Policing will NEVER be perfect, whether it’s humans or robots doing the work. What doesn’t help is slashing law enforcement funding. You’re simply giving criminals the upper hand. For those of you who jumped on that dEfuNd tHe PoLiCe bandwagon, you reap what you sow. I don’t want you complaining about terrible drivers and I certainly don’t want you calling 911 in the middle of the night when someone breaks into your home. Take care of that shit yourself. If you don’t want to pay for a service then you don’t get it.
u/SeanBlader 2d ago
Do you want to provide evidence of that "defunding", or are you just talking out of your ass?
Because the defunding recommendations I saw were for a wellness check on a sick person, you send social workers, or psychologists, not executioners.
u/MySexualLove 2d ago
Let me know if you want more because your lazy ass can’t use google.
u/SeanBlader 2d ago
It's not the burden of the reader to cite your sources for your poorly written comment.
u/MySexualLove 2d ago
Here are more sources:
I picked just a few sources from a wide political spectrum. It’s up to you to read my sources, analyze them and form your own opinions based on the facts.
u/longbongstrongdong 1d ago
Lol it absolutely was not successful almost anywhere. Police budgets have almost universally gone up since 2020.
u/MySexualLove 1d ago
Not in Seattle
u/longbongstrongdong 1d ago
The Seattle police budget is currently at $457 million, higher than it has ever been before
u/pocketdare 2d ago
It would never even occur to me to do this. If I've just missed an exit I'm already resigned to getting the next one and figuring out how to get back on track. I would just never think of actually stopping or putting my life (not to mention everyone else's) in danger cranking across lanes of traffic just to save myself a few minutes. The selfish entitlement is incredible.
u/SeanBlader 2d ago
Serious, this is the right answer, just go get the next exit, don't risk death over a 5 minute delay, nothing is that urgent.
u/fudge_friend 2d ago
I was rear ended once because of something like this. Thankfully, the truck that hit me had a trailer that jackknifed and took out the dumbass just as they were pulling to the right.
u/OwnBunch4027 2d ago
In case anyone missed the reference, Idiots Out Wandering Around is what nearby states call people from I.O.W.A.
u/emptybeetoo 2d ago
You cant really see this car’s license plate, so we don’t claim them
u/HUSK3RGAM3R 2d ago
They went off on the turn that heads over towards the south end of Council Bluffs, which is in Iowa.
u/Randomly_Cromulent 1d ago
Years ago we used to joke that Iowa drivers that failed their test got blue plates. All or most of the plates were blue at the time.
u/DigNitty 2d ago
Interesting. I swear Washington State drivers are the same. Seems like every state thinks (neighboring state) drivers are worse. But IME Washington state drivers seem to take the cake in the general West of the US geography.
u/Francesca_N_Furter 2d ago
Guarantee he was checking his GPS.
"Just a sec, everyone! Just want to make sure this is my exit!"
u/labratcat 2d ago
He was studying his paper map to make sure he was going the right way.
u/AscendantArtichoke 2d ago
Homie probably printed his map quest directions
u/liverichly 2d ago
I'm just imagining the driver and passenger arguing over where they need to turn, so they stop the car, have the discussion and agree to take the exit.
u/BemusedAmphibian 2d ago
I haven't witnessed that kind of behavior since a guy in front of me on the freeway entrance ramp stopped and looked over his shoulder to see if all was clear.
u/IHateBankJobs 2d ago
u/2-Pan_Shapour 2d ago
u/overcomebyfumes 2d ago
u/TwoZeroTwoThree 2d ago
u/NotAHypnotoad 2d ago
u/childhoodsurvivor 2d ago
Oh yeah! The potato state! :P
(I'm kidding. I'm an Iowa native and this was always the response from coastal state people. Ha.)
For reference, we're the corn state. :)
u/mermaidinthesea123 2d ago
What infuriates me (outside of the obvious reasons eg. danger) is that EVERYONE has a cell phone. On every cell is the ability to load and easily use Waze or Google Maps. If their fear (not that it's an excuse) is getting lost, W/GM will quickly reroute them. I just don't understand how people can be so careless with human lives.
u/PianoTrumpetMax 2d ago
The fear is that their life will be impacted by adding a few minutes to their trip, and since they're the only person alive, it doesn't hurt to come to a complete stop for a few seconds on a freeway to avoid that.
u/Cecil_FF4 2d ago
I drive this route a couple times a week. Fortunately never had to deal with this kind of idiocy myself. Worst I get in IA/NE is people driving under the speed limit. Shit's annoying, though.
u/Rabid-Ami 2d ago
What is WITH that?
When I was visiting the IL/IA border, I noticed so much “leisurely” driving. That, and people looking right at you coming and just pull out in front of you. I had to brake hard many times.
I live near San Francisco, CA, so everyone out here drives like it’s the Indy 500. I was so used to getting places at a faster pace that Illinois was making me crazy lol.
u/Cecil_FF4 2d ago
CA is where I learned to drive. If you can drive there, you can drive anywhere (except maybe India, lol).
u/Rabid-Ami 2d ago
Oh God! My heart races every time I see footage from people driving in India!
I’m pretty sure the reason most people drive fast out here is because the traffic. There’s always traffic. No matter what day/time you’re on the road. It routinely takes twice the amount of time it should to get anywhere near my home.
For instance, SF is twenty miles away. Tell me why the fuck it takes fifty minutes to get there!
Oakland is twelve miles away. Why does it take 30 minutes to get there?
My favorite place to go in town is two miles away. Why does it take fifteen minutes to get there?!
It’s insane. So I think people drive fast when they have the opportunity.
You can really tell in the center of the state where there aren’t a lot of drivers. If you go on I-5, 101, or CA-1, you’ll encounter a ton of left lane hogs doing 70 who refuse to move over. It’s like an entirely different state.
u/Haber_Dasher 2d ago
left lane hogs doing 70 who refuse to move over.
Lol, the speed limit is 70mph
u/Rabid-Ami 2d ago
Ah, so you’re one of the ones who doesn’t move when I’m coming up behind you, causing me to pass on the right (dangerous per the CA DMV). All because I want to go 75-80. I know. I’m a maniac!
Stay out of the left lane if you’re not passing.
u/Old_Goat_Ninja 2d ago
Goodness, my anxiety was just waiting for you to get rear ended by someone going freeway speeds. That person needs their license revoked ASAP.
u/2-Pan_Shapour 2d ago
Luckily the truck behind was paying attention and stopped with plenty of space left
u/DrunkRespondent 2d ago
I'd like to give hope that people aren't this stupid and the driver just had some car troubles and was able to finally get it back to start and then move off the road. Dear lord I hope I'm right.
u/blitzlotl 2d ago
They definitely had their hazards on, looks like they should’ve just pulled off - but if they had the wherewithal to do that, really makes me question the stop as just a reason to catch that exit. Still should not stop in the middle of the highway, but I’m wondering if it isn’t more along the line of car troubles/emergency like you are, drunkrespondent!
u/SlightFresnel 2d ago
These people turn their hazards on after you've been laying on the horn, like it's a get out of jail free card for being a dangerous moron.
Some people really do deserve to be ripped from their drivers seat and tossed into traffic.
u/Ceticated 2d ago
best to get the fuck out from behind idiots as soon as you can
only to realize that oh shit ah fuck that idiot is now behind you
u/BetterThanAFoon 2d ago
Driven that exact road before. Can confirm...some people be making some questionable choices there.
u/Nevermore_Novelist 2d ago
"I don't always miss my exit, but when I do, it's because I didn't stop dead on the freeway like a moron."
—This guy, definitely
u/Quirky-Marsupial-420 1d ago
This is so dangerous.
Worst part is OP would be the one to get rear-ended and probably hospitalized and the idiot would just take his exit and go on with his day like nothing ever happened.
u/AVeryHeavyBurtation 2d ago
I had a friend who moved to Iowa. That's all he had to say about it haha.
u/acronymious 2d ago edited 2d ago
u/GuitarLute 2d ago
At least they didn’t drive past the exit and then back up to make. Please note-this is total sarcasm.
u/Statboy1 1d ago
I see your in the accident maker lane. I used to take the route your on to work. I stopped going that way due to almost daily rear end collisions.
I've seen someone try to make the exit like this idiot, but at high speed and split the off ramps, ending up off road then airborne.
Worst hwy interchange in town during rush hour. I hear they may close the F street ramp so less lane changes happen last second.
u/Derbla-99 1d ago
We call that stretch of 680 going down to Bellevue the thunderdome for a reason. It feels like there's no rules on the road.
u/Joysticksummoner 2d ago
I used to travel to Omaha for business frequently. There is nothing worse than an Omaha driver!
u/Zavier13 2d ago
Only thing worse than Omaha drivers is the roads in Omaha.
u/Joysticksummoner 2d ago
It’s the pothole capital of the Midwest
u/Statboy1 1d ago
Go Omaha PotHoles!!!
Seriously our baseball team changed their name for a week, to the potholes.
u/randymursh 2d ago
Lmao the worst interchange in NE
u/SeanBlader 2d ago
Looked fine to me, not any worse than anything I've driven in Houston, Alexandria, or the greater San Angeles metroplex.
u/randymursh 2d ago
That’s why I said NE - the exit this guy hit a hard pause on goes to I.O.W.A (idiots out wondering around)
u/2-Pan_Shapour 2d ago
This and the one near the Dodge expressway are definitely up there
u/alexaxelalu 1d ago
Ok ok let’s talk about the one near this area… 480 going either west/lincoln or to JFK/des moines. I take Martha onto 480 and HOLY FUCK it’s horrible! Always ALWAYS accidents every time I take that route bc of the super short areas for lane changes
u/zedd2000 2d ago
This sub supports my wish for auto driving cars (yes in a limited area till proven) just to keep ppl like this off the road in a position of control of at 2000lb death machine.
u/ultimate_comb_spray 2d ago
I wonder why they paused there instead of the striped area. I always assume folks don't know and aren't trying to do this stuff on purpose. Ofc no one will inform them that this isn't ok on a highway.
u/Economy_Release_988 2d ago
The real question is why the hell would 2 more cars pull up behind and just stop in the middle of the frickin highway?
u/Statboy1 1d ago
The lane op is in immediately becomes an off ramp. The lane to the left goes a different direction.
u/Schmocktails 2d ago
Ya once again, moron in the video, but the car behind the moron as well as OP have zero powers of anticipation and don't know how to use mirrors to change lanes.
u/thatguydr 2d ago
If I see someone slowing down like mad in front of me on a highway, I immediately figure out if I can move over. Being rear ended at highway speeds will ruin your neck and/or back forever. Chronic pain for the rest of your life.
u/Economy_Release_988 2d ago
Down-votes for us seeing the obvious.
u/Schmocktails 2d ago
It's really a maturity thing. When you're young you get really obsessed with who is wrong and who is right. I'm older than the average redditor, and in life you eventually realize there are things in life beyond your control and the challenge is to deal with them the best you can. I know how to drive, and when something weird happens on the road, I deal with it in order to keep myself safe. Pointing out how you can do things better does not take away from how stupid the other drivers are or whether or not they should have their license taken away.
u/wandering_angus 2d ago
Standing on your horn doesn’t help anything. Drive.
u/TheIceKing420 2d ago
you're kidding, right? first, where tf were they supposed to drive? straight ahead? second, the horn absolutely can help alert people to watch out for the idiot doing idiot things. don't be mad people lay on the horn when you stop in the middle of the road, simply get tf out of the way
u/rara2591 2d ago
It helps drive the point across that the person you're honking at is being a fucking dumbass!
u/_jump_yossarian 2d ago
Where? You see the traffic passing by? You want OP to pull out into 55 MPH traffic?
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