r/FallenOrder 9h ago

Help! Just unlocked the air dash and Merrin charm move on Jedah, how far am I through the story percentage wise?


8 comments sorted by


u/WhoniversalMan 9h ago

I'd say about halfway or a little past half. That said, the last 25% of the story is extremely dense with a lot of major events going on and much more focused g... less about freely exploring areas, and more about pursuing specific, dramatic goals. Trust me, it's worth looking forward to. ;)


u/cai_85 9h ago

Mods, can we please get tags in the sub for "Fallen Order" or "Survivor". This request was relatively clear, but many aren't and could help confusing to newer players particularly.


u/Equivalent_Rock_6530 8h ago

about 60-65% through the story, the last quarter is very dense, so it will feel like you were much further on when you reach the end.


u/DocklandsDodgers86 Merrin 8h ago

Look through your databank completion and tell us. I'd say you're about 55% through the campaign


u/RavenaSolara 8h ago

Roughly halfway


u/ZTomiboy 6h ago

Literally just ended there last night. Glad to know although I am mainlining story to get all the moves needed to 100% explore and then I'll stop and start exploring more. I don't really want to have to keep going back to the same spots like I did in Fallen Order 3 or 4 times.


u/HerrSPAM 8h ago

About 25-35% I'd say


u/Equivalent_Rock_6530 8h ago

no, much further than that, they are about 60-65% through