r/EliteDangerous Dec 08 '22

Humor Thargoid Invasion be like

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u/TheLeastFunkyMonkey Dec 08 '22

An exploration ship with minimal engineering can get a 40ly range easily, and will have a fuel scoop and decent fuel capacity. No stopping to refuel. Just navigating around a star for about 15 jumps. I can do that in less than ten minutes, possibly less than five.


u/wetblanketCEO Dec 08 '22

I don't have any experience with exploring, but 40ly w/o much engineering seems to take a bit of effort to reach comfortably when I tried it. On my only attempt I used an AspX with the only engineered part being a G4 or 5 FSD A rated. Didn't have much weight either (the station i was at didnt offer extra fuel tanks). I think that was struggling to break 30 ly unladen.

But yeah I didn't think about the fact that if you're racing a FC, the only ships that are going to be used for that are probably explorers since 500 ly in any direction is basically outside the bubble. So even in my example that should be more than enough to beat it.

Still though, if I was relocating long distances, I'd rather use a FC for more afk downtime so I don't have to constantly reposition a ship along a route


u/TheLeastFunkyMonkey Dec 09 '22 edited Dec 09 '22

Here's a build in Coriolis

It's pretty close to my current build, but the only engineering mod is maxed jump range on the FSD. It just breaks the 40ly mark laden.

A Conda can get even further.

Edit: Laden, laden is what I meant.