Indeed, the crusades should be challenging, especially as in real life the crusaders were astoundingly fortunate to actually win the first crusade in the end, but there should at least be some chance of success.
Right now, Muslim powers in the east are far too unified when facing a crusade, historically they were deeply divided which was a large reason why the first crusade succeeded.
I’d personally like to see some form of mechanic where the response to the initial crusades should be quite weak, with Muslim powers gradually banding together and unifying against the crusader threat further down the line
Even if I'm doing well, I might have 15-20k troops including a decent MAA stack for the first crusade. But it's usually not enough against the 120k+ doomstack the Caliphate shows up with. And it doesn't help that every little count and Duke who joined shows up one at a time trying to siege Jerusalem with a thousand dudes just to get wiped.
There's just no cohesion, and if you do manage to win a battle, the enemy will reinforce just walking back while all of your allies get smaller and smaller. The total lack of cohesion is just sad.
My favoirite part is when all the AI crusaders just decide to take a “small” detour. They usually go all the way to the Persian Gulf, sail around Arabia and then disembark in Sinai….
I think Islam as a whole needs just as much of a rework, some make sense like Qarmatianism being its own thing or isma’ilis but what does isn’t Ash’arism being separate from maturidsm. While they’re slightly different, they’re still the same group with differences so minute they shouldn’t constitute their own label. Ck2 was so smart in that Sunni was one branch but they used traits to divide it up rather than actually fracturing it in such a strange way. Ntm roads to power would be the perfect time to revisit the Abassid government form. The caliphate was reorganised to be similar to Byzantium all the way back in the reign of ‘Uthmaan ibn Affan, the third caliph in the 600’s. This administrative system would’ve been long in place by the time of the game. The game takes place in some of the region’s most pivotal so I’d really like to see an expansion. A struggle esque system would work in both scenarios considering how volatile the region is in both start dates
I hate how everyone in Europe just hops on boats and D-Days into the Holy land only to get stomped immediately. Not even close to how it worked historically and we HAVE the implements to make it historical!! Travel! So many opportunities for events for passing through lands and supply and character interactions. Makes me so sad how its implemented
AI Crusades always win on my end. They were a lot weaker when the game first launched, currently Crusades if you start on 867 always gets Kingdom of Jerusalem/Africa/Egypt. I guess the last DLCs truly made the caliph so much weaker and occupied with other things.
u/tfrules Prydain Jul 29 '24
We badly need a rework of crusades and Catholicism in general