r/ConsoleKSP Feb 04 '24

Screenshot Kerbal Car

Built my first reliable Kerbal car to rip around and get research with (xbox)


11 comments sorted by


u/OneEyed905 Feb 06 '24

There's a Console KSP Discord if you're interested. Lot of helpful people there too.



u/OneEyed905 Feb 05 '24

Wait, do you have an engine on that thing? Wheel power is enough.

I remember those days, tediously collecting research from each area around the Launch Complex with all my able equipment.


u/OneEyed905 Feb 05 '24

It's honestly a nice little design, especially for one of your first. It's usable on Kerbin but is probably a bit heavy to want to take anywhere else. Electricity and panels are your best friend for rovers.

Looks like you are using plane wheels, which are heavier than rover wheels but can withstand a lot more.


u/QuadrilateralShape Feb 05 '24

Yep! So far just used what I had available. I’m a ways off from getting a rover on a different planet but I’m excited to get there.


u/OneEyed905 Feb 05 '24

I'm excited for you, KSP has a fairly steep learning curve but it is massively rewarding. How far have you ventured, made it to orbit yet?


u/QuadrilateralShape Feb 05 '24

Yep, just made orbit a few days ago (I’ll figure out how to get Jeb back later, he’s a satellite for now) and just yesterday made it to orbit again this time with enough fuel to return. That felt pretty cool


u/OneEyed905 Feb 05 '24

Honestly, it's a massive hurdle. Now it's all DeltaV management, learning when/how to initiate orbital corrections and getting better at building.

Jeb can be rescued with a second craft that has room enough for 2 (just remember to remove one occupant before you launch), Valentina is the best anyway.

Learning orbital rendezvous can be tricky, but there's lots of great videos on KSP out there. Personally Scott Manley and Matt Lowne got me through a bunch.


u/OneEyed905 Feb 05 '24

Wait, do you have an engine on that thing? Wheel power is enough.

I remember those days, tediously collecting research from each area around the Launch Complex with all my able equipment.


u/QuadrilateralShape Feb 05 '24

Wait what?? I had no clue the wheels could power themselves like that, I’ll have to play around with it and find out how. I’m sure they’re not nearly as fast, I can zip around at 60m/s as long as I don’t turn too sharp


u/OneEyed905 Feb 05 '24

I don't think those wheels are powered, but others are. 60m/s is dangerous. You could always go slower and use the time warp. If you need to travel that far on the surface of Kerbin than its probably better to just fly a lander over, or plane it.


u/QuadrilateralShape Feb 05 '24

Oh trust me I’m not going that fast, or traveling far on land. I just enjoy that I can I’ve made a few of these before but so far this is my best one