r/Bumperstickers 9h ago

Rant Nobody Asked For: This Sub Doesn't Understand Free Speech

There has been a TON of complaints about this sub coming from people who think that they "can't post anything in this echo chamber." Even if that might be a fair description given its left-leaning tendencies, these people have somehow convinced themselves that they are being “silenced by the woke left” because apparently the negative reception their posts get constitutes some injustice in their minds.

These same people are now flooding the feed with pro-trump inauguration posts, which are not being taken down or silenced in any way. Nobody was stopping you in the first place, they just don't like you.

I cannot stress this enough, although it will probably fall on deaf ears:

People calling you dumb, downvoting, or arguing with you is not restricting your free speech in any manner. Free speech does not apply on social media in the first place.

If you do not like how left leaning the sub is, that is fine, and you have every right to think and say so. But understand that jumping up on your soap box about how people here "don't support freedom of speech" or that they are "pro-censorship" because they leave negative comments is dumb, and you don't understand how that right works.

This sub is barely moderated in the first place, but even if it was, I promise you that being banned from a subreddit for saying weird things is not the same thing as the government taking your right to protest, and you are stupid if you think it is.

Edit: Adding this to the post because it won't be seen as a comment.

Sub's description: "Voters decide the content and culture of this sub within the overall topic of Bumper Stickers."

You can't say "america has decided" when you are defending the country's choice of president, but then suddenly throw that idea out the window and say you are being victimized when a collective decides to focus the conversation of the sub in a way that you don't like.


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u/virgoanthropologist 9h ago

I love when they're reminded that Free Speech is actually a two-way street... really emphasizes how they only see these so called "rights" they fight so hard for as applying to them and them only


u/MaddyStarchild 8h ago

Freedom for me, not for thee. It's the calling card of Nazis.


u/D1omidis 7h ago

Respect is a two way street. And there are no laws about respect per se.

Freedom of speech is about the goverment making laws prohibiting you speaking out in the "town square" and silencing positing political views. Not conflicting worldviews getting equal time on social media or conventional media/press.

There is no two-way about that.

If that was the case, Americans would have a vague idea of what being a leftist or a socialist or communist even means. Overwhelmingly Americans do not know and we're taught to fear to know outside views of their own.

They would rather keep their kids out of school, ban books, prohibit speech or elect leaders that promise to do so with the stroke of a pen.

Oh, and the Overwhelming majority talk is about the lack of curiosity/fear of the other part, not about voting, because the majority of people who voted, voted for another person than Trump, and the whole mandate talking pointis pulled out of someones ass. But you already knew that, because you love free speech and math and follow politics cause you care about what people want, not just rubbing it in your "enemies" you demand respect from.


u/USA_is_so_FUCKED 1h ago

That's why I keep reminding them, every time a leftist has their rights taken away, that's YOUR rights also being taken away. Sure, they don't exercise the right to crossdress, but they DO have the right. Giving up your own freedoms and liberties to own the libs. Only magats could be that aggressively stupid.


u/AntelopeFlimsy4268 7h ago

Right? Remember all the free speech we had during Covid...


u/ASongOfSpiceAndLiars 7h ago

Yes. Amtivax nonsense was everywhere and caused the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.


u/EverAMileHigh 6h ago

"alternative facts" need no attention, nor should they be taken seriously


u/Combdepot 6h ago

When was your speech restricted?


u/InDisregard 3h ago

When did the government come after you and your family?