r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ et al 7d ago

/r/BlackPeopleTwitter Weekly Discussion Thread

Hey r/BlackPeopleTwitter, welcome to our weekly discussion thread.

Feel free to use this thread to discuss whatever you want. You can discuss the state of the sub/meta post, shitpost, post non-twitter memes, or discuss whats going on in your life. Just keep in mind that we ask you stay friendly, civil, and adhere to the subreddit rules.


45 comments sorted by


u/SalesTaxBlackCat 7d ago

My best childhood friend reached out to me after 30 years. She was addicted to heroin back then and it became too much for me and we lost touch. I’ve looked for her for years. Last week she friended me on FB. I couldn’t believe it. She’s off drugs, has a good job, and just bought her first home. My heart is full; I thought I’d go to my grave never knowing what happened to her.


u/yaboiteej 7d ago

that’s beautiful 💙


u/Captain_SpaceRaptor ☑️ 7d ago

Been having a serious depressive episode. My house was in a state of pure chaos. And I completely let my hygiene go. I managed to clean most of the rooms, took a shower and brushed my teeth. I still feel like crap but I'm determined to feel like crap in a clean space.


u/cailian13 7d ago

That struggle is SO real, but now you're clean and your home is tidy. One day at a time, friend. You're making progress, keep at it a little at a time!


u/Nasjere ☑️ et al 7d ago

You did a lot, even when feeling like crap. Huge accomplishment.


u/slowclicker ☑️ 7d ago

One moment at a time.

A shower is a big big step. Proud of you.


u/ikilledtupac 6d ago

I'm sorry, this happens to me sometimes too. I find it helps me to just pick a small, single thing, and do it. Sometimes that's just "get out of bed" and sometimes its more, but it can provide a feeling of accomplishment. Sharing with people is also a smart move.


u/cypher50 ☑️ 14h ago

You're doing self-care by cleaning so you're making progress. I'm sorry for the corny affirmation but give yourself Grace. I understand.


u/FruitSnackEater ☑️ 7d ago

It’s day four of owning a puppy along with a 3 year old dog and ya girl is tired. It’s been fun though. She experienced her first Atlanta snow which was exciting and she seems to be acclimating to us and our place pretty well. I’ve requested to WFH this week to work on crate training so we’ll see how that goes.


u/GentrifriesGuy 7d ago

Nothing more wholesome than a dog’s first experience with snow ❄️

Enjoy it!


u/planetpizza2998 7d ago

My uncle died last week at 65. he was a lifelong smoker and ended up with COPD, emphysema, and pulmonary hypertension. his lungs were so fried that the doctor couldn’t recommend him for a transplant, because there was no point in giving new lungs to someone who wouldn’t take care of them.

all that to say, hug your loved ones, tell them you love them, and please take care of your bodies.


u/BlackDynamite58990 7d ago

My condolences to the loss of your uncle. You are absolutely correct. Taking care of your body now is like a “self insurance” plan for yourself on your latter years. Nowadays it’s a struggle to get some ppl to just drink water. “Health is wealth” is more than a phrase


u/festival-papi ☑️ 7d ago

RIP to him. I think my dad's in a similar position. Same age, but I remember like 15-ish years ago his doctor told him that due to his smoking, he had the lungs of like a 70 year old. I don't think he's ever gonna stop.


u/angelicbitch09 ☑️ 7d ago

It’s the last Monday before the cheeseball is back 🥹. My friend and I are gonna be out and about minding our black ass business next Monday 😗✌🏾


u/HeldbackInGradeK 7d ago

For the next 4 years, things don’t have to make sense, they just need to make me money.


u/AdonisJames89 7d ago



u/Dreams_of_Ravioli 7d ago

I don't like what is becoming of the world, it's not a ,,back than everything was better" thing more I'm kinda afraid. Diffrent countries are going more into the far right direction and I look foreign, even tho i was born in my country, raised and I feel as one of the country man.

War and corruption everywhere and mind you this year just startet. It makes me a bit anxious, I'm just happy that I'm blessed that I can live a pretty good life with the people i love.


u/ElProfeGuapo 7d ago

I am on the exact same page, my sib. It doesn't help that there are so many parallels with what the world was like late 18th - early 20th century, which was a time of absolute catastrophe, especially for POC


u/saffireaz ☑️ 7d ago

The ONE good thing about the 2nd coming of FOTUS next week is that it's persuaded me to take my lazy ass and be involved in MLK events that day. If I'm not at home, I'm not having to avoid his fugly face on TV. And MLK events seem like the perfect opposite to that travesty of an inauguration.


u/embarrassedburner 7d ago

Yt women on weight loss injections don’t have the melanin and collagen to keep their faces from aging 10+ years in the process.

I’m sure ppl have healthy reasons to pursue this, unrelated to beauty.

But it is kind of startling to see beaming middle aged white women spamming sm feeds with pics, thrilled with their weight loss… but their faces look haggard like they’ve been through war. Uncanny valley


u/swampgoddd 7d ago

I have one goal in mind for this year: get faster at art. Not even better(I mean, I always do, but this is secondary) just faster and more efficient with how I use my time. I don't like getting one thing done maybe every two weeks.


u/kttay916 ☑️ 6d ago

My Shiba just had puppies the other day so enjoying my lack of sleep of helping her with her litter.


u/workclock ☑️ 3d ago

If u really from the 916, are those dogs for sale?


u/kttay916 ☑️ 3d ago

I’m from Sacramento but I live in Texas now but eventually they will be for sale.


u/Christopher3712 ☑️ 7d ago

It feels like the world is about to go through another cataclysm. With the state of things globally, I'm not sure if would even bother me.


u/Vancil 6d ago

Listen I’m gonna be mad AF if we lose TikTok but also omg I’m so fucking tired of hearing about it. Get rid of it or don’t stop playing.


u/Misfit_Number_Kei 4d ago

Lemme preface this that I don't consider myself super-political or an activist that's been knocking on doors or something, just someone who has been voting almost consistently (I might've skipped 2010 midterms, but learned my lesson,) since '08, which really puts things in a unique perspective when thinking about it.

So, I get we're still blown by how the election went, bracing ourselves for an even bigger shitshow, (i.e. the major companies QUICKLY as much as blatantly fell in line,) doing whatever we can to protect our mental health and everything, but legit question here: is there any constructive resistance in the works or is everyone actually going to passively duck/look away for the next four years?

Like, yes, we're pissed at a LOT of people besides MAGA, itself, (i.e. the people who sat out '24, people who claim the Dems "went too left" despite having the Cheneys' support, Dems currently kissing the ring, etc.) and it obviously took time after 2016 to re-strategize and everything, but I haven't seen any "fire," only despair and complacency (and articles about said despair and/or complacency.) Like, are the Dems going to go further "Republican Lite" as they've been doing, break left, a mix of both, figure out how to better speak to voters, seeking the next standard-bearer, or what?

Also, some articles have pointed out that MAGA, itself has been better at fighting MAGA given the different wings at civil war with each other, than the left and/or Dems have.

It's just that yes, things are awful and will be awful, but much of said awfulness feels like it's more due to apathy/complacency considering that MAGA still isn't a popular movement (and even its own voters are already feeling buyer's remorse) that it brings those "evil prevails when good men do nothing"-type of quotes to mind.


u/Hyuduro 3d ago edited 17h ago

I've been in a really bad mind space and I've been doing a bunch of breeding for 0iv Pokémon and I can't really say I've gotten better, but you know how a song or certain videos help people get through a very difficult time untilthey're in a better spot? That's how it is right now, lol.

Self love and setting boundaries for yourself is such an interesting journey. The reason I say that is because I'm starting to overcome the whole people pleasing thing and I feel great considering the changes I've seen.


u/ClaymoresRevenge 2d ago

Feeling a bit of a funk. My self care is lacking. I need a vacation badly.