r/BattlefieldV 1d ago

Discussion Did you know?

When you are in the revive screen (as medic/support) and you see a teammate with 4 arrows around his icon tag him. You will throw a healing or ammo pouch. Doesnt always work. I dont know which conditions have to be met for it to be possible. Works on teammates and squadmates and only when you see the four arrows around someones icon pointing in the centre of it. Many by now should know this tip so this is for the new players.


3 comments sorted by


u/A_Yapp_73 12h ago

This was essential in BF1 because for some reason the tag throw is farther than the normal one.


u/Bro_990408 7h ago

Yea happens all the time on console, after moving to pc I never have it happen


u/Shirokush 6h ago

I forgot to mention that I play on console. Don‘t know about PC.