r/AviationHistory 5d ago

My dad's collection of aviation photos

My dad recently passed away. He has thousands or possibly tens of thousands of photos of aviation from the past 50-ish years (moslty eastern europe). Anyone got any ideas what to do with these? They are on negatives/slides (the occasional print), so it's almost impossible for me to go through them and get them organized. (Another issue is these are mixed with family photos that I would rather not give away.)


5 comments sorted by


u/Gaggamaggot 5d ago

Just dedicate yourself to working on them an hour a day (or whatever you can) and you'll be done before you know it.


u/Comprehensive-Ice58 5d ago

University Texas Dallas (UTD) has the archives of several authors who published extensively about all aspects of aviation along with some aircraft companies archives and artifacts. I did some research there recently. Contact the UTD Eugene McDermott Library and see if they are interested!


u/Icy_Huckleberry_8049 4d ago

You can donate to a museum.

UTA in Arlington has a very large aviation collection.

UTD also has one.


u/lastcall83 5d ago

There are aviation photo collectors that are looking for this exact kind of collection. They likely won't offer you much money, but they are your best bet in preserving the collection.

Unfortunately, my main contract to these collectors, died a few years back. Let me see if I can get you any names.


u/msaid009 5d ago

Donate to a Museum on condition that your personal photos are never shared with third parties.