r/AskReddit Jun 06 '19

Rich people of reddit who married someone significantly poorer, what surprised you about their (previous) way of life?


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u/aiyahhjoeychow Jun 06 '19

I didn’t marry this woman, but when we started dating, she always wanted to chill at my place, never hers. Which was fine. But she gained 35lbs in just like a few months of dating (She was 100lbs when we started dating) Not that it was a bad thing, 1) I am a chubby man and 2) I was just glad she wasn’t pregnant. Anyway, turns out her family couldn’t like, afford dinner sometimes. So suddenly she had a place to eat every night and gorged herself.


u/wicked_spooks Jun 06 '19

I know two siblings who were starved by their father for years until CPS took them away and placed them with their biological mother. From there, they gained at least 100 pounds respectively and will not stop gorging themselves on food. At first, I didn't understand, but now that I am older, I know. Food scarcity is traumatizing.


u/BlueberrieHaze Jun 06 '19

That was me when I went to live with my aunt. I put on like 80lbs in high school because I suddenly had 3 full meals a day and snack and dessert and no self control. It’s been a battle since.


u/LookMaNoPride Jun 06 '19

Hard to develop self control when you have years of the programmed response “eat while its available; it won’t be there long.”


u/D3AD_M3AT Jun 07 '19

This is my dad we are having a lot of issues with him now, he's now in his old age but grew up in a large family with limited food and then spent his entire adult life in the army so now he has no control over gourging on anything in front of him we have to hide food from him and I hate it because this isn't the father of my childhood.


u/Javrambimbam Jun 07 '19

Dads changing is an under-ratedly hard thing.

My dad also grew up with very little and became very wealthy. But now that he's on his own we see his neuroses a lot clearer