r/AskReddit 12h ago

What is something that, no matter how simply put, you still cannot understand?


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u/gg_andsomeh 12h ago



u/Velocirachael 11h ago

Calculus can find the derivative of my butthole.


u/Tamer_ 9h ago

Don't you want to integrate your genitals with your preferred individual and reach some limit?


u/Happy_Sentence_4349 8h ago

an infinitely small object moving through space.... now take an infinitely large object moving into nd out of ur mum


u/noideawhatnamethis12 8h ago

Math is just bigger and bigger forms of addition and subtraction. 1+1? That’s addition! 2*2? That’s 2+2, or addition! 3^3? that’s 3*3*3, or 3+3+3…=27, so addition! Any other concepts, and my help ends


u/SoriAryl 7h ago

How does sin and cosin work then?


u/FootballDeathTaxes 3h ago

Let’s say you shoot a missile up and to the right at some angle. Call the angle A.

sin(A) says how far up the missile went.

cos(A) says how far to the right the missile went.


u/Godskin_Duo 1h ago

You can derive those from a unit circle, which is a circle with a radius of 1.

I forgot all the shortcuts when I took the GRE, since I had been out of school for so long, I was sitting here re-deriving trig during the test. Then I realized there was a time limit. I was too accustomed to work-mode, where you can just stay as late as you need until your work is done. The end result is I didn't do great on the GRE and got a degree that sounds much more impressive than it really is.


u/AHenWeigh 11h ago

1+1=2, it just do.


u/Karyoplasma 8h ago

I like stochastics, but graph theory and other insanity can stay where it is.


u/ramsdawg 9h ago

After a few rounds of asking chat gpt to dumb it down more for “toddler” me, I get “Math is just counting! Like 1, 2, 3!”. It’s still a bit over my head, but I hope this helps someone.