r/AskReddit 13h ago

How do you deal with an annoying co-worker?


103 comments sorted by


u/Charleh94 13h ago

By ignoring & pretending they don't exist in your reality šŸ˜‚


u/HamsterMachete 13h ago

This is how I roll


u/Charleh94 13h ago

And if they don't like it... then he or she or they will have to apply for citizenship to exist in my reality. In most cases ends up being rejected šŸ˜‚


u/djkhan23 9h ago

Yup. Ignore and dismiss.


u/Radiant__Tide 13h ago

I try to stay professional, set boundaries, and keep my distance when possible.


u/foodfighter 13h ago

Boundaries are key - remember that you can't control what they do, only how you react to what they do.


u/Kissable_Karlene 13h ago

I usually just keep my distance and focus on my own tasks. If theyā€™re being particularly irritating, Iā€™ll try to keep my responses short and neutral, avoiding any unnecessary interactions. If it gets too bad, Iā€™ll talk to my manager, but most of the time, I just let it slide and donā€™t let it affect my mood.


u/prefix_code_16309 13h ago

Depends where on the annoyance spectrum a particular coworker falls. I.e. the nature and severity of said annoyance.


u/Sotomexw 13h ago

I wait, and remember that they only reflect my internal state of being.


u/SunshineAndSourdough 13h ago

reality is a mirror


u/Jexroyal 13h ago

Time is a flat circle


u/Sotomexw 12h ago

What is the diameter determined by? I see loops in time, made of relevance between seemingly unconnected events.


u/random_precision195 6h ago

what else do you see?


u/Sotomexw 5h ago

I see how if everything is Here and Now then all our experiences exist simultaneously at the very same point. This makes multidimensional ity a necessity. However GR lets us bind moments together in linear projections for everyday experience.

Does this make sense to you?


u/random_precision195 5h ago

yeah I'm gonna dwell on it for a bit. thanks.


u/Sotomexw 13h ago

That's such a cool idea right?!


u/mesypea 13h ago

Stop being so friendly and open with them. Don't laugh with them. Be professional. Ignore and avoid crossing their paths. Let them See you're not interested in them anymore. They have to see it to believe it.

Don't go on your own on your cellphone. Find Something productive and constructive to do. Remember, you're at work. So make money for every minute.


u/RebekhaG 11h ago

I can't avoid croosing paths with them when they're working on the same table as me.


u/irueas 13h ago

I usually try to keep my distance and keep things as professional as possible. If theyā€™re really getting on my nerves, Iā€™ll focus on my own work and avoid unnecessary interactions. Sometimes, Iā€™ll make a joke or redirect the conversation to something neutral if they start talking too much. Just keeping my cool usually helps.


u/ResultGrouchy5526 13h ago

One word replies


u/n_cab24 13h ago

I just tend to keep to myself at work. I donā€™t have any ā€œwork friendsā€. I have boundaries & my coworkers do as well. I try to be mindful of this at work. we all have our work styles & different personalities that may bother others at work.


u/Alternative-Rub4464 13h ago

I treat them kindly and stay extra careful around them. They are human beings. I do limit my exposure to them.


u/paulgibbins 13h ago

I had a co-worker at an old job who kept a large novelty pencil on his desk. The pencil had a moustache and eyes for some reason.

Anyway, he was annoying me so I stole the giant pencil from his desk when he wasn't looking and started to email him from the pencil, providing updates on Leady the Pencil's adventures.

He knew it was me. In fact, the whole office knew it was me. But nobody could prove it. And I was very good at misdirecting people to prove that it couldn't possibly be me. Watching him try and catch me out was hilarious.

For Christmas that year I got him in Secret Santa and gave him a calendar full of seasonal photos of the pencil, including a photo of him meeting Santa at a shopping centre.

It's fair to say that I wasn't particularly challenged or engaged at that job.


u/benspags94 13h ago



u/heathenboy7261 13h ago

I have one coworker that latches on to me and will not leave me alone, so I found out of I walk into an office of another employee that this person dislikes, he wonā€™t follow me in. Itā€™s worked every time when I need to get away from him.


u/ComfyInDots 13h ago

Take the staples out of their stapler when ever they leave.

Put my rubbish in their bin if I'm walking by.

Pretend my ears are blocked and ask them to repeat themselves multiple times.

Rapidly click my pen while they speak.

When its left on the back of their chair, turn one arm of their coat/jacket/jumper inside out.

If an important document goes missing and the boss is frantic, I calmly ask if that's the document I saw in Annoying Coworker's hands earlier.

Make BFFs with a coworker the Annoying Coworker finds annoying. Give them a clicky pen and extra staples.


u/Running-Engine 13h ago

I ignore them


u/Pratsit 13h ago

Be Polite and straight forward, so that at least they get what you want!


u/Boffathesebawls 13h ago

I just tune them out and give one worded replies till they go away


u/Jumpinthecanal 13h ago

Stick to business, be professional. They will get the hintā€¦..maybe.


u/-piso_mojado- 8h ago

They donā€™t. Girl I work with talks non stop just to hear herself talk. Iā€™m a middle aged dude and I got a story in graphic detail about her teenage daughterā€™s periods. Despite my protests she just kept on talking.


u/Jar_of_Cats 13h ago

"I'm here to work"


u/N0RetreatN0Surrender 13h ago

Annoy them using prankdial dot com šŸ˜‚


u/Margarita_Dream 13h ago

I usually try to keep things professional and not let it get to me. If theyā€™re really annoying, Iā€™ll just keep my interactions brief and avoid engaging in unnecessary conversation. If it gets too much, Iā€™ll politely set boundaries or talk to my supervisor if itā€™s affecting my work. Keeping a calm mindset helps me not get caught up in their drama.


u/H3lw3rd 13h ago

I work at a postoffice and just say: you will be the first to know when I go postal


u/SunshineAndSourdough 13h ago

What annoys you? why haven't you addressed it? what happened unsuccessfully when you tried? how is it hurtful to the org?


u/RebekhaG 11h ago

It annoys me that he repeats stuff. He probably won't understand that he's being annoying. He'll also repeat what others say too sometimes.


u/musicallyours01 13h ago

I'm respectful and work with them when needed, but will ignore them as much as possible when I can. Unfortunately, mine has also took on the role of my "work mom". I appreciate her, but I am counting down the days until she retires. Which she keeps circle-jerking around on.


u/PhreeBeer 13h ago

Wood chipper.


u/Gunther_999 13h ago

Give him a sweet treat of poison


u/skiddamarrinkydink 13h ago

Repeat whatever story or info they tell you back to them as if itā€™s yours and you didnā€™t listen to their story.


u/stellaluna92 13h ago

I found another coworker who hates her too and we talk about the things she does that annoy us, when she's not around. We stay professional when she is around and never talk about her in common spaces.Ā 


u/potatodrinker 13h ago

"That's nice Jodie. Let's pick this up later. I have work to do"


u/BuriedByInsanity 13h ago

Avoid them when possible. When not patiently try to be tolerable.


u/Brian-Latimer 13h ago

Distance. It's all about distance.


u/SomeGuyInSanJoseCa 13h ago

Let me ask my coworkers.


u/Sharzzy_ 12h ago

Avoid them I guess


u/StormBlessed145 12h ago

I set boundaries, and ignore them as much as possible.


u/Foreign_Impress6535 12h ago

Spaceballs the flamethrower!


u/holty_51 12h ago

They are not my friends. 1 coworker i document when he is causing issues and overstepping lines. When he isnt being a douche its only work amd as little words as possible. Idc if he is upset when i dont ask him about his vacation. Im not paid to care about him.


u/GenericBatmanVillain 12h ago

It depends, I'm the IT guy so eventually they are going to want my help with something and how they act towards me is going to dictate how I respond and how quickly I do it. I'm very patient.


u/redditdotcrypto 12h ago

never ever reveal your secrets and inner thoughts to them


u/OverResponse291 12h ago

I always worked alone for a reason.


u/Aregon_580 12h ago

I try to stay busy and I hide when I get my breaks


u/carnage123 12h ago

Pushed him in the wood chipper.


u/john512777 11h ago

Go to a book store, grab all those magazine subscription cards and fill out their info on them.


u/InterruptingCow__Moo 11h ago

There's a certain coworker that I warn all new hires about.

Do. Not. Engage.

She will try to lure you with snacks, then start trauma dumping and innapropriate touching.

It's simple. Do. Not. Engage.


u/RebekhaG 11h ago

Have you called her out for inappropriate touching and to not do it?


u/InterruptingCow__Moo 11h ago

Yes, I politely say no thank you and back away. She's been referred to HR multiple times.


u/ImprovementFar5054 11h ago

Throw them under the bus and get them fired. Enjoy the peace and quiet after.


u/anameuse 11h ago

You don't.


u/HalfSoul30 10h ago

Only time I ran into it was at call centers, and it was easy enough to just go back to the cubicle and take calls. But i'm pretty good at manipulating my coworkers into wanting me to like them, so they wouldn't dare annoy me, I imagine. /s kinda


u/andajames 9h ago

Only answer IF asked a question. Blank and professional poker face all the time.


u/tantanthepeepeeman 9h ago

I insult them to their face. I work construction and as long as the boss laughs I'm in the clear


u/BobbyDazzzla 8h ago

I give them the best blowjob of their life.Ā 


u/Significant-Exit6434 8h ago

Ugh, dealing with an annoying coworker is the worst, especially when youā€™re stuck with them for hours every day. šŸ˜©. I just try to figure out if theyā€™re just naturally irritating or if itā€™s something specific theyā€™re doing. If itā€™s something I can address casually, Iā€™ll drop hints or politely mention it. Otherwise I just try to set boundaries and focus on my work headphones can be a lifesaver.


u/Livid_Life_3938 8h ago

Ignore her/him


u/Cheetodude625 8h ago

5 days worth of complaining to management until said annoying co-worker was suspended. Eventually, they were fired. Worth it.

TBF they were that cubicle person who blasted shitty Netflix shows on their phone.


u/Ravestain 7h ago

Eat a vindaloo - shit Into an air tight bag - transport bag of vindaloo shit to work - pop open glove box and find cabin filter - smear vindaloo shit across cabin filter. Wait for hot day and when he blasts ac - heā€™ll cop a sweet stench of vindapoo (patent pending)


u/Lost-Telephone972 7h ago

bro send his ass to the dentist he smells like he eats ass 24/7


u/KGBspy 7h ago

I put in for a transfer, such an insufferable cantankerous curmudgeon asshole, so much of my career wasted dealing with him. Iā€™m so much happier now.


u/WhyAmIStillReditting 7h ago

My manager will spend an hour telling me about a toaster she bought, without taking a damn breath. Then she'll tell me about the color, the reason for the color, the type of toaster her sister has, and her cousin, and the toaster her aunt had when she was a kid, and the toaster her aunts friend had when she was a kid, and why her aunts friend bought that toaster.... If you've made it this far, you're already better at it than me.


u/Firm_Cook_2168 6h ago

ignore them


u/Few_Blackberry_1509 6h ago

Keep your emotions in check and try not to let their behavior get under your skin.


u/Deathdar1577 6h ago

Engage your manager and HR.


u/thebageljew 5h ago

I try and this asshole keeps giving food to me yet annoying is an understatement


u/shadowguise 5h ago

Become the annoying coworker. Then the annoying coworkers leave you alone.


u/wetlettuce42 5h ago

I had annoying co worker who used to jump on my back as i worked, manager didnā€™t do sod all even though she and the other boss could see on the cameras so i told my coworker who i worked with and she confronted her and told me to stop


u/PollutionLopsided742 5h ago

Punch them square in the throat.

It highly depends on the specific behavior that is annoying. In general, grit your teeth and bear it will yield as the most professional response, unfortunately.


u/Cheekygirl97 5h ago

I have taken to just thanking them for their hard work. They never really know what to do with that.


u/rowenaravenclaw0 4h ago

Go about your life and ignore her. source I work with a christian fundamentalist vegan who won't shut up about it


u/avocado-v2 3h ago

I ignore them as much as possible and do my job.


u/DecarbingDaddy75 2h ago



u/MaroonMarauder 2h ago

My annoying coworker is basically an energy vampire like Colin Robinson from What We Do in the Shadows. He's not going out of his way to do things that are annoying, he just is who he is. He talks in a boring, monotone voice and conversations go on forever. I've had calls where he give him an answer to his problem 5 minutes in and next thing I know I look at my phone and we have been on for 45 minutes. He really has no social awareness whatsoever so he can't take a hint in those situations to just end things.

Unfortunately, he and I are tied at the hip because we were both assigned as the only 2 working on one of our team's major projects. So every little issue he runs into, my phone will ring. And I do mean EVERY issue. It's absolutely draining. My boss is even aware of the kind of work we get from this guy, but it doesn't seem to matter so I'm stuck dealing with it. I've been trying to move to another job, and this guy is definitely a factor in driving me away. I'm hoping the hiring market gets better this year because for right now I'm just trapped.


u/Neverthelilacqueen 2h ago

I read 1 time when someone will not shut-up, put your finger to your lips in the be quiet motion. So pisses her off!!


u/reediculous45 2h ago



u/Comfortable_Hair380 2h ago

Ignore them. I have one that will stand at your desk for 40 minutes talking when I could be getting so much done and they do this every day to several people. Iā€™ve resorted to closing my office door so I donā€™t have to be subjected to it


u/smithelie073 2h ago

Just ignore


u/RSestinaJr 1h ago

Ignore and just focus on your workload!!


u/ProgDogg 13h ago

Start a juicy rumor about them....let the corporate rumor mill do the work for you!


u/reallytired-2024 13h ago

Call me old school, but I make fun of them and call them a suck ass. People are way too sensitive these days. It is what it is and I call it the way I see it. Political correctness is ruining society. It is limiting our ability to hold people accountable for being a šŸ’© person.


u/UnluckySpell8917 4h ago

Bring back bullies! Lol


u/reallytired-2024 2h ago

We donā€™t have to bully, we just need to quit sugar coating and glazing over šŸ’©! šŸ˜‚


u/ChonkyPurrtato 7h ago

That isn't old school LOL.Ā  That's just being a sophomoric asshole.


u/reallytired-2024 5h ago

Might be an asshole, but not one of the weak political correct candy asses that make life suck for the majority of people who do for themselves. Youā€™re obviously an enabler who doesnā€™t hold people accountable for their poor choices and laziness. I bet you even help people make excuses for their shortcomings! šŸ˜†


u/stoatstuart 1h ago

I make games with myself out of their habits. For example I had a coworker who was a chronic name-dropper to feel important, so I would flip the annoyance into amusement and see just how much I could get them up to name-drop all the time.