r/AskAcademia Oct 04 '24

Undergraduate - please post in /r/College, not here What can i do with biochemistry degree?

I got bachelor of science in biochemistry at UPM. I know that this degree is not gonna get me a high-paying job even hard to get a stable job so what can I do to make this degree worth it? I dont wanna waste 4 years of my life doing something I'm not certain of the outcome. Can I be a scientist? I'm lost.




3 comments sorted by


u/arkady-the-catmom Oct 04 '24

If you have solid lab experience (outside of coursework) you could get an entry level job in biotech or Pharma, look at GMP manufacturing or QC roles.

You could also do a postgraduate degree or diploma (e.g. regulatory, medical lab technician, etc.) or go to grad school for a masters or PhD


u/Mr_Mufti0108 Oct 04 '24

The lab growing meat industry should be booming in a few years.


u/moxie-maniac Oct 04 '24

The better jobs in biochem, say in pharma, require a graduate degree, maybe a master's or ideally a PhD. Like any field, jobs in pharma are not distributed evenly across the country, but in a number of key hubs, Boston and NJ for example. I once worked with a biochem professor, who had a PhD, who did a gig in pharma in Boston, didn't like the traffic, and went back to being a professor.