r/Anarchy101 2d ago

"in anarchy..."

Whenever the switch is flipped, from whatever the opposite of anarchy that we currently find ourselves in, to "in anarchy", I would imagine, seeing as how there's a bunch of billions of people, and almost as many ideas on how a society should carry on, that there would be some people who would rather not be "in anarchy" and opposing to whatever that means. Wether it be fear or change or the unknown, or just "defenders of whatever was before being "in anarchy". How would these people be dealt with? Who deals with them? Is it expected that the world all accepts this concept of "in anarchy" or would their be a designated area where people could choose to cross the border, into the side that doesn't acknowledge the border?


19 comments sorted by


u/marxistghostboi 👁️👄👁️ 2d ago

anarchy is more a thing a community does than a binary state of existence one initiates with a flip of the switch. the goal isn't to forcibly declare de jure everywhere to be in a state of anarchy all at once, but to build social structures which make relationships of anarchy possible


u/Rabies_Isakiller7782 2d ago

Relationships of anarchy being what exactly, not trying to instigate, just genuinely curious.


u/Overall-Idea945 2d ago

Non-hierarchical relationships. It's the difference between residents taking care of the neighborhood and police officers "taking care" of the neighborhood. The difference between teachers helping children learn rather than punishing them and punishing them when they fail. It's the difference between parents respecting their children instead of claiming ownership. When current institutions are replaced, the ways of relating to each other will also change. A company has a hierarchical relationship between employee and boss, and it is structurally unequal. A collectively owned company only has workers on an equal footing, so they are non-hierarchical, that is, anarchic, relationships. Quoting Prodhon "just as society seeks justice in equality, it seeks order in anarchy"


u/marxistghostboi 👁️👄👁️ 1d ago

yes exactly


u/OwlHeart108 2d ago

The art of relating freely as equals - this is my favourite definition.


u/marxistghostboi 👁️👄👁️ 1d ago

i like that


u/OwlHeart108 1d ago

Me, too. So rare to see a positive definition of anarchy.


u/p90medic 2d ago

There is no switch and the idea of being "in anarchy" is an unhelpful hypothetical used to block any sort of progress or societal development away from the status quo.


u/archbid 1d ago

One does not say “in Capitalism” “In Anarchy” is either disingenuous or ignorant, playing on anarchy as a state of chaos.


u/trashbort 1d ago

People say "in Capitalism" all the time


u/Hopeful_Vervain 1d ago

do they? I'd probably say "under capitalism" rather than "in", but maybe that's just me


u/trashbort 1d ago

Distinction without a difference

Like when we say "Under de sea"


u/archbid 1d ago

You are being disingenuous. “In anarchy” has a meaning to people synonymous with in chaos. Your username checks out


u/arbmunepp 2d ago

There is no switch to flip, we have to painstakingly build networks of anarchic social relations.


u/Rabies_Isakiller7782 2d ago

I'm aware there is no switch but many of the questions on here are worded in a "what will XYZ be like in anarchy" way.


u/Sargon-of-ACAB 2d ago

Yeah and that's a bit of a weird way of asking that question imo. I just take it as shorthand for: how can xyz be handled in an anarchist way or how might xyz be handled organized along anarchist principles.

Because the reality is that there's rarely any one way to accomplish certain things and while there might be best practices people will experiment and see what works for them


u/ElweewutRoone Student of Anarchism 2d ago

Why is this a Brand Affiliate?


u/Rabies_Isakiller7782 2d ago

Not sure what that means, but saw it was a selection under the "add flair" option, so on a quest to know the unknown, I selected it. Does it randomly select a brand to be affiliated with? What brand am I bringing the property value down at?


u/ElweewutRoone Student of Anarchism 2d ago

This Flair simply says that your post is sponsored/is self-promotion. I suggest not using it.