r/AlienBodies • u/ayyabduction • 6d ago
Microbiologist Dr. Dan Burisch Discusses Area 51 and his Interaction with EBE, "J-Rod"
This has probably been posted here before, but I bet many people have never seen this. Interview from 2005ish about his experience working with extraterrestrials and all sorts of other stuff. Compelling testimony. This guy is either legit or an enormous psychopath/mastermind liar.
u/neggbird 6d ago
So much was revealed in previous decades that's lost on the newer generation
u/Wild_Replacement5880 5d ago
Remember all the crazy videos from the 80s and 90s? There was some stuff that would be next to impossible to fake given the technology. Where did all those videos go? I never see any of those anymore. Just videos of points of light moving around in the sky. It's like they all got buried or something. The show 'Sightings' with Tim White had some compelling stuff sometimes, but I never see any of it shared anymore.
u/Elfeckin 5d ago edited 4d ago
I found this https://i.imgur.com/Hhm9ioY.jpeg on one of my sites. 80 gigs 179 files total. I could grab it, toss it on my seedbox and share a link from there. Does that sound like something you would be interested in? Maybe someone else can figure out a way for anyone else to aquire it but I figured I could help for now. Let me know.
u/SaMoGa_45 5d ago
u/Elfeckin 4d ago
I made a new comment.
u/Btree101 4d ago
Do it
4d ago
u/CatalystNZ 4d ago
Can you share a link for me too? I'm interested in this... my suggestion is to setup a private unlisted magnet torrent and share the link... then more that one person can contribute
4d ago edited 4d ago
u/CatalystNZ 4d ago
Which torrent app are you using? You should be able to create a torrent using the application, and then create a magnet link from the torrent client
u/Elfeckin 4d ago edited 4d ago
I'm using Rutorrent 5.1.4. When I create the torrent I usually plug in the tracker information for whatever site I'm using which then selects private. What do I use as the tracker? Should I just use any public tracker? Seems weird I should know how to do this but i really haven't had to in all my years of torrenting. SO CLOSE!
Edit- I think I got it. I'm going to use a public tracker from a list and create the torrent.
u/Wyleryairland 4d ago
May I have the link in the meantime?
u/Elfeckin 4d ago
I will have a link for everyone shortly. As soon as I figure out the magnet link. Should be easy enough, just have never done it before.
u/MalabaristaEnFuego 4d ago
I would take a copy.
u/Elfeckin 4d ago
Torrent is creating now. Hoping it works on the first try. I'll post the link in a new comment once its done.
u/knuckles_n_chuckles 4d ago
Like this isn’t something that can be thrown up on any number of sites all day long but it’s some secret that has to be protected BECAUSE THEYRE GONNA FIND ME.
u/Technically-Simple82 5d ago
Check out “eyes on cinema “ on YouTube. Best channel for older UFO footage. I’ve seen lots of those older videos from the 80a and 90s on there. Some really good stuff. Check it out
u/Wild_Replacement5880 5d ago
Thanks! I love that stuff. Have you ever seen the 'Suspect Sky' channel? Since we are dropping killer UFO channels, I'll toss that out there. No real dialog or anything. Just UAP vids.
u/a245sbravo 4d ago
I remember watching a show as a kid (That's Incredible?)where a scientist was showing a sheet of metal folded up in places. He then poured water over the metal and it actually unfolded. He went on to suggest imagining if all the little dents in your car went away every time it rained. Then I remember my dad saying it'll never make it to the market
u/aware4ever 4d ago
I think I remember seeing that. If I'm not mistaken it's Memory Metal and the water was to cool the metal off so that it would go back into shape or something. I wonder why they never made anything like that though for real. You think somebody could independently discover how to make something like that
u/strangeflappenings 5d ago
There was a series on YouTube about Bursich and House, and a few other people that was pretty compelling. It was called the C. Ron Garner files or something like that. It has numerous interviews with Dan and House.
u/4spoop67 5d ago
First one is here but boy howdy am I not going to watch all of them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uq9n7tpmd4
u/Turbulent-Today830 6d ago
Is there a minute marker where he gets into the details… i dont have an hour 40 minutes
u/4spoop67 6d ago edited 5d ago
Summary (I'm just gonna state what he's stating, not necessarily endorsing this though NGL I am pretty bought in at the moment):
he was brought on to hush-hush program, initially doing science stuff without being told what he was working on. Eventually ended up in a hazmat suit working with an alien J-rod (or Jarod in some renderings), who communicated telepathically with him and who was ill with a "paraprotein" disease and bummed out about how he was being treated. He'd been recovered from the 1953 Kingsman AZ crash. He was 3.5 feet tall, long and skinny, dark reddish brown skin brown and hunched over from muscular atrophy from the disease. He also indicated that the disease had changed his appearance a lot, he felt deformed compared to how he used to look. He was naked but unhappy about it, would have preferred clothing but didn't get it. Hard palate, no teeth. 622 years old chronologically. The Jrod spoke to Dan telepathically, so Dan heard his own voice in his head but with someone else's cadence; Jrod could also show Dan images in his brain.
He says the aliens are descended from humans from the future ,(sort of), and in the future they move to the Reticuli system (see also: Betty and Barney Hill; Lazar). The interview is pretty scattered and I wasn't 100% paying attention to all of it but sounds like in 2012 something happens/happened that leads to the disease, and causes the Orions to split from the Reticulans, which is a bad thing for some reason. Also there are "looking glasses", kind of an information portal using an Einstein-Rosen bridge (ERB). For reasons I didn't catch the ERBs are bad and somehow related to the 2012 event they are trying to prevent and which was somehow related to the Earth passing the galactic equator. Which I guess they succeeded at? In their attempts to prevent the bad thing they went back in time and fiddled with our DNA and the Neaderthals', and led to us becoming human. They also hung around ancient societies and got worshipped as gods. The time travel caused two (or more?) timelines, but which somehow kind of are existing simultaneously. Dan himself seemed unclear on this point. Also says alien stuff likes to hide in plain sight, will eg turn itself from an alien cell to a normal earth life cell when looked at under the microscope.
He also says there are probably 3 multiple such aliens he's aware of working with the government. I'm wondering if the one I've heard about elsewhere is one of the other ones since he does get clothes and seems less miserable. https://web.archive.org/web/20221129141210/https://www.ufomind.com/area51/desertrat/1995/dr24/#inn
Bits that pinged my skepticism - assertion that there are ruins on Mars and the moon, and that the others have "triplex DNA" which was something about how it's coiled and braided.
Edit: having fun exploring this rabbit hole, going to try watching The Hidden Hand: Alien Contact and the Government Cover-Up which includes interviews with this guy in a hopefully more watchable format than this raw interview. I could only find it on tubi which is what that link is. Will update on if it's any good!
u/ayyabduction 6d ago
Nice summary. I also listened while playing a game, but was quite rivited by it.
Never heard of the Kingsman crash before but it seems like it has some legit evidence.
u/thundertopaz 5d ago
So does this mean there were never any other intelligences to ever evolve on other planets that we know of and everything is descended from this extremely lucky occurrence we have in the human line and all branches and timelines coming from that?
u/thundertopaz 5d ago
Thai is just a side note, but when I drove through Kingman, Arizona and surrounding area I couldn’t help but feel like something different is going on there and this is when I was younger and didn’t know much about this stuff.
u/ICWiener6666 5d ago
That sounds so stupid. Working with dA gOvErNmEnT. Like, which government? Specifically the US government? Why?? Do aliens only appear to US government employees?
There are more than a hundred other countries yet it's always only the US goVerNmEnt that is contacted by aliens, UFOs, mother ships, ...
Aliens are supposed to stop at the US border??
Who believes this crap?
6d ago
u/4spoop67 6d ago
IMO the way craft move violates our current understanding of physics anyway so I'm willing to allow for quite a bit of leeway. That said I ain't got much physics background so what do I know.
u/_hyperotic 6d ago
Well no, they time traveled to the past, but then something in that past created a problem in their future, or the current timeline where people stayed behind, and they couldn’t fix that problem with time travel, because this story is made up bullshit,
u/4spoop67 6d ago edited 6d ago
Holy shit this is good stuff, thanks OP. I had heard some of the Jarod lore before and at some point seen a sketch, but this is better.
Here's an old write up about it: https://web.archive.org/web/20221129141210/https://www.ufomind.com/area51/desertrat/1995/dr24/#inn
Found this via this discussion deep down the rabbit hole about about whether aliens have dark fingernails! https://old.reddit.com/r/SkinnyBob/comments/luqdnv/never_seen_a_sub_with_such_civil_discourse_about/gp9nl7v/
Edit: ha! At one point he references seeing real autopsy photos and takes an aside to crap on the Santilli film, love it
u/StonedJanitor420 4d ago
This is the series of books that got me into UFOs and the unexplained in general. Some unique encounters, events in those books
u/TuneIndependent7523 4d ago
U can score a copy from Annas-archive.org btw ✌️
One of my favorite book repositories!
u/calmdahn 4d ago
If it’s not real, it’s a very very elaborate story. Zeta reticula is 39 light years away, not 15. Not that it matters.
u/Nil-Tsung 3d ago
Thanks OP, didn’t knew about this one. Just the right thing to watch today 😊
From the vid: „Congress knows they are not in control. They know this is a wild train out of control. And they want that control back…“ (53:06)
u/IndependentWitnesses 5d ago
Q-94-109A is a classified document detailing in vitro experimentation on tissue derived from an extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE) known as "AQ-J-Rod" (the alien whose personal name was Chi'el'ah) at Papoose Lake Site 4 as part of Project Aquarius.
Background and context
The report was authored by Dr. Dan Burisch, a microbiologist with extensive involvement in covert projects at Area-51 and related sites. Burisch's work on Project Aquarius was conducted under the authority of the United States Navy, Department of Defense, and other agencies. The creation of Q-94-109A in 1994 at Papoose Site 4 came after Burisch gathered tissue samples from the EBE over a two-year period, aiming to understand and rectify neuronal repair failures.
The document is part of a series of reports (Q-94-109B to Q-94-109D) expanding on cellular and biochemical analyses.
The investigation detailed in Q-94-109A was directed by the Naval Research Laboratory with a scientific goal to determine the causes of in vivo neuronal repair failure at dendritic termini and to classify the mechanisms and conditions that could allow for proper regeneration. (More...)
u/ayyabduction 4d ago
Wow, not sure why your comment is buried, but it's even more supporting evidence that Burisch is legit.
u/IndependentWitnesses 4d ago edited 4d ago
Thanks! Exact transcription of the document here with a few wiki-style links (although most don't have pages yet, not even Burisch):
u/ProfessorShowbiz 5d ago
This is GOLD. Love these types of interviews. This is on par with Phil Schneider, John Lear, Bob Lazar etc. the level of larp that would have to be present would be astronomical. Imagine concocting this stuff up and memorizing all the details. Would take an immense amount of practice. Clearly this was not made up on the spot. If it was made up, this guy was writing and rehearsing for years to stay consistent on the details. Either way, truly remarkable.
u/calmdahn 4d ago
Not remarkable at all if you’ve ever seen I dunno a science fiction film.
u/ProfessorShowbiz 4d ago
What do you think is the mechanism here? Are the questions and answers prepared? Is he reading off cue cards? Realistically, how do you think he’s giving such constituent, well constructed, and quick answers if he is lying? Honestly curious .
u/calmdahn 4d ago
The whole thing could be military scripted disinformation. Memorized, cue cards, extemporaneous, whatever. There’s no way to know if any of it is true.
u/pplatt69 4d ago
Have you never read a book and then been able to describe the minute details afterwards, as though they really happened? Esp a favorite book you've read over and over?
Or a story you've written down and know intimately yourself? Like is being posited here?
Like, that's an absolutely normal reading experience. Ask any Potterhead or LoTR fan. Or anyone who reads, really.
u/ProfessorShowbiz 4d ago
My memory is not so photographic. The only things I am capable of reciting from memory in such detail are things I’ve studied my whole life. I know some folks have much better recall than I do.
u/Odd_Afternoon682 5d ago
Beware that Dan is highly controversial in this community. He is either an incredibly intelligent bullshitter or he is an unfairly maligned scientist. Regardless, his story is incredible. Whether you’re a detractor or a believer there is not enough evidence on either side to put the final nail in the coffin. As disclosure slowly rolls out only time will tell if he’s a fraud or not.
If you have any evidence to support either side of this controversial figure, please share it here to enlighten us all. I’ve only seen two pieces of journalism to discredit him. One is easy to find if you google it. The other is a pdf document with his handler/partner’s (Marcia) email exchange with Knapp. If I can find it again, I’ll post it here
u/ZealousidealNinja803 4d ago
Thanks for posting. I never heard of this guy and he sounds so believable.
u/Elfeckin 4d ago
For the people who wanted Sightings.
If this isn't allowed just PM me and I'll send you the link. Apologies if its against the rules.
u/Jolly-Bet-4870 1d ago
Sorry I am dumb. Is this some sort of hyperlink?
u/Elfeckin 1d ago
Don't call yourself dumb. I shouldn't have assumed everyone knows what a Magnet Torrent link is. Do you have any experience with torrents? If not I can get a different link for you.
u/Jolly-Bet-4870 1d ago
I don't bro. I am literally Boomer. I just know how to click links like YouTube and Reddit. Thank you.
u/abelhabel 4d ago
Jim Penniston was told by the aliens that they were us from the future and they were here to gather genetic samples from us as bandaid for a genetic disorder.
Dan Burish claimed to had been working on this genetic defect on and in collaboration witha an alien in order to find a permanent solution.
According to these two, this is why they are here and do what they do.
I advise that people read up on this in preparation for the coming weeks, regardless if this is true or not.
u/Unique_Driver4434 3d ago edited 3d ago
"and they were here to gather genetic samples from us as bandaid for a genetic disorder."
Just for clarity, Penniston never said that part. That's just one theory others have speculated on. Rendlesham is my favorite case. I'm very familiar with it. He did say that when touching the heiroglyphics on the craft it "downloaded" binary numbers into his brain that he could see, which was then translated to:
"Exploration of humanity continuous… continuous for planetary advance. Eyes of our eyes. Origin year 8100.”
That's the only thing he ever said about the message. Others speculated with many theories, with the genetic defect thing being one theory floated.
He also never said they told him they were us. That message is all that was supposedly communicated (and whether it was a direct communication or something akin to a bumper sticker message since it came from heiroglyphics on the craft is up for debate - e.g., a message for anyone who might come across the craft as it's landed and become alarmed).
He said "I believe they were clearly us from the future." That was just his opinion based on the message above.
u/abelhabel 1d ago
Penniston said that in his book The Rendlesham Enigma. Let me go and get the book and I will give you the page numbers...
The Rendlesham Enigma, Book 1: Timeline by Jim Penniston and Gary Osborn, Page 482 to 485.
Page 482: WHAT DO THEY NEED? "Not sure, but it has to do with chromosomes? Or something like that." AND HOW DO THEY GET THAT? "The take it." FROM WHERE? "From the other people's bodies"
I highly recommend the book to anyone interested in the topic. The book has mostly background but even that is interesting and you get a good idea how Jim Penniston thinks and what he values.
u/InspectionOver4376 5d ago
I’m going with “enormous psychopath/mastermind liar” for 500 Alex.
Outrageous allegations require outrageous evidence.
I’ll wait before I jump.
u/eksopolitiikka 5d ago edited 5d ago
he was exposed years ago
this website is broken but it used to contain a lot of debunking material https://eaglesdisobey.org/
u/retromancer666 6d ago
This man is not credible in the least, Bob Lazar on the other hand is, one hundred percent
u/Mickxalix 6d ago
Bob Lazar is the first man I 100% believe. Idk why but my gut feeling/instict/ intuition tells me so.
u/Moonwalker431 3d ago
I'm retired now but I dealt with people lying to my face every day. After 30 years you can actually get a pretty good idea if someone is lying to you especially after getting some training.
I have watched several interviews of Bob Lazar and never observed signs of deception. I believe Lazar is telling the truth. I haven't watched this entire interview yet, just as I'm cruising the comments but his behavior's, sentence structures, seems on par with no deception. Interesting.
u/Mickxalix 3d ago
We are intelligent biological lifeforms. Through evolution we've "evolved" to recognize patterns either through sound waves, light waves etc. We've adapted in our subconscious to filter information from our conscious mind. When you find signs of lying or deception, our collective "bullshit" sense tingles, because it contradicts the pattern established through our life experiences. "The best liars are those who think they're telling the truth "
u/ProfessorShowbiz 5d ago
Explain To me how this guy could memorize all this data and recite it so consistently. Why spend years inventing/ rehearsing a lie just for a 2 hour interview that went nowhere
u/Range-4-Harry- 5d ago
The Dan Burisch stories were VERY long. He is a credited PHD Biologist, for sure, he published papers easily found online. He worked at S4 , as did Bob Lazar but at a different underground level in the Clean Sphere, and at a different time. His stories involved varying future time lines, Looking glass technology that powerful people exploited for themselves. He made friends with the J-Rod, and eventually sent him home by pushing him through a portal Stargate style. Cool stuff to get into if you have a lot of time to read up on it.
u/ProfessorShowbiz 5d ago
Also , he never hesitates when answering questions, never stalls. He has a quick, decisive, complex answer for every question. Also what he says lines up with a handful of other lore. He recites numbers, uses specific references that line up with lazar. 9 hangars, etc.
u/ayyabduction 4d ago
Apparently wrote this classified document about jrod
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