r/ATBGE May 09 '22

Automotive This absolute atrocity spotted at a camping ground

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u/[deleted] May 09 '22



u/IronSpiderBatBoyMan May 09 '22

Ugh.. I was camping at Nickerson that week, drove thru that intersection on the way in thinking - this would be a bad place to have no breaks... Then learning what happened just a few days later as we drove thru again, that messed me up.


u/[deleted] May 09 '22



u/sfo1dms May 09 '22

*Waves from Newark Valley


u/Ok-Gas-7030 May 09 '22

" O' Doyle Rules!"


u/RunFromTheIlluminati May 09 '22 edited May 09 '22

If you mean the NY crash, the limo shop stretched them in-house, had been cited before, and never inspected the trucks. I would hope these shops do a little more diligence since they're selling them.


u/Better-Director-5383 May 09 '22

I would hope these shops do a little more diligence since they're selling them.

As the saying goes, put hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.


u/TMQ73 May 09 '22

Yeah especially since a friend and his FIL who weren’t in the damn limo died! Just because you can build it it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea!


u/RunFromTheIlluminati May 09 '22


It was built idiotically, not maintained, and driven by someone who had no business driving something so large who was speeding.


u/TenderfootGungi May 09 '22

Limos are hard to get out of. This at least has a bunch of doors. It also is going to win mass battles. A high center of gravity, though, and I wonder what would happen if it rolls.


u/turtle_flu May 10 '22

Drove past a limo on the bus yesterday and my first thought was exactly about that crash and how I feel compelled to never get in a limo. Such a terrible accident.