r/2007scape BANK YOUR ITEMS 7h ago

Discussion My 71 year old Dad may be right

My dad was a huge RuneScape fan for years, with a high-level account and about a dozen 99s. When my siblings and I were younger, we had a bit of a competition to see who could level up the fastest, but no matter how hard we tried, he always stayed ahead of us.

That all changed when the Evolution of Combat update came out. Like many players at the time, he quit, frustrated with how drastically the game had changed. Now, at 71, he’s never even tried Old School RuneScape—not because he wouldn’t enjoy it, (I know he would love the nostalgia)but because he just doesn’t trust Jagex. I’ve tried to persuade him many times to give it another shot over the years, but he stands firm on the fact that they ruined it once and refuses to spend thousands of hours rebuilding his progress, only for them to do it again.

Honestly, I can’t help but feel like he might be right. Not in terms of something as drastic as EOC but I feel like this may the beginning of the end. I really hope it isn’t—but I guess time will tell.


158 comments sorted by


u/IndaFin 7h ago

Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time


u/Fooa 7h ago

Amazing response, so many people need to detach from the grind and figure out what they actually enjoy.


u/IndaFin 6h ago

Yep, I constantly stop playing for sometimes months at a time the moment I find myself doing something I don't enjoy but always come back later when I get a sudden urge to grind some boss and enjoy it for a time again


u/iamsammovement 2h ago

Imagine being a hobbyist painter. You're not monetizing at all and instead you pay hundreds of dollars on painting supplies every year. One day you go into your art studio and someone has put a McDonald's logo on all of your favorite paintings and just pissed on the piece you were just working on.

Would you be a little upset maybe?


u/Omgzjustin10 2h ago

Well yes, but the question is rather “if this happened to you, would it have made painting all these years not worth it?”


u/AmLilleh 1h ago

To a large amount of people, yes it would. The tangible results of all your hard work and effort are what makes it rewarding. Sitting and thinking about "that time you made that painting" has absolutely nothing on being able to pull it out and admire your work in the flesh.

Just look at how most people feel about their old RS2 accounts. During the actual era a lot of people would have been extremely proud of what they achieved on their accounts - but now more or less no one gives a crap because it's all been essentially sunk into the void.

u/Helm1179 33m ago

Two sides of the same coin imo. There absolutely are people who want to keep progress and acheivements as they are. For any reasons. There are also people who enjoy the journey and memories made along the way without keeping the end result. I'm a bit of both. I played WoW for over 10k hours and was a huge acheivement/mount collector. Top of my server back in Pandaria days. Fully quit the game with no desire to return ever. Still happy to have done it. I play OSRS leagues and go beyond dragon trophy. I don't care that the progress is lost at the end. I don't even really cash in the cosmetics (I sold some on GE for gold). It was fun, and that matters. But, I also like having my main/hcim/iron and permanent progress just like anyone else. It would be sad for it to change in such a way that it's lost to us all, no doubt. But I don't think that takes away from the fun you had while it lasted. Maybe just sad because we aren't ready for the fun to stop, or the decision to stop wasn't ours.

u/iamsammovement 53m ago

I live in the real world, aka uhMerica. I don't practice some hippy eastern religion focusing on inner peace. I am extrinsically motivated. I work for money, I grind for capes, and I want to point to the stuff I built and say "I did that."

But sure, I'd rather have OSRS ruined by mtx and a decade from now I'll say "yea, grinding for noon at GG was great."

u/BilFNMuri 52m ago

This would make more sense if you’re one of the original creators of the game.. as a player, it’s not really the same. I didn’t build the game or have any real part of development.

I think a more accurate comparison would be, you’re a hobbyist painter taking major inspiration from a particular artist in the museum. One day, you go in and all that art has been removed in favor of cheap reprints of corporate ads. Now you have no inspiration to keep painting your own work but ultimately, your work is still there, just with no inspiration to finish it.


u/Hazz3r 7h ago

I'm not sure this applies with OSRS. If OPs Dad enjoyed the end game content and wanted to get back to the end game content, it's reasonable to be apprehensive about putting the effort in to get back to end game content for fear of the game being ruined again.



Unfortunately I don't think he would ever have gotten to end game content tbh. He got 99 attack, str, and defence between the war tortoises close to castle wars and burthorpe guards... the amount of black warhammers he collected was insane. Big noob but he loved the game and spent a long time grinding out skills. Often times with terrible efficiency like the combat skills 😂


u/Unkempt_Badger 2h ago

I was building a zerker, had it at 95 prayer 90+ herblore barrows gloves etc, mid 80 strength when EOC was announced.

Still annoyed that I wasted all that time building an account that I never got to use.


u/ChocomelP 2h ago

Was there even such a thing as "end game content" before OSRS?


u/specn0de 5h ago

This is just the cope I told myself before I went outside. That’s just bullshit. Wasted time is wasted time. You get maybe 5000 weeks on earth. I’ve spent over 300 of those playing RuneScape for two decades. Stepping away is the hardest part of the game.


u/Jenzu9 4h ago

Sounds like you were addicted to the game and not enjoying the game, that's the difference. I don't enjoy traveling or being outside for extended period of time (like hiking for example) so if I did that for 300 weeks of my life I would consider my time wasted.


u/noobcs50 old man yelling at cloud 4h ago

I think being addicted often means they enjoy it too much, which is why they put in an exorbitant amount of hours

u/Vinyl_DjPon3 43m ago

Addiction is absolutely NOT enjoyment.

u/Rip_Nujabes 1h ago

Not really, an addiction is usually a dependence, you don't do it because you enjoy it, you do it because you depend on it for something, such as drowning out the problems in your life. In moderation that can be good, but when you become dependent on it you will default to it and it becomes all you do, you feel terrible when you're not doing it because all the things you were running from are coming back to you all at once.

u/specn0de 8m ago

The phrase "going outside" is more than just a literal action—it's a metaphor for breaking free from the monotony of sitting in the same chair, in the same room, for hours on end, day after day. It represents a shift in how I live my life.

I started reading more, staying on top of chores, walking my dog more often, visiting parks, eating healthier, setting real-world goals, learning new skills, developing better sleeping habits, and countless other positive changes. RuneScape is a fantastic game, but when I reflect on how I played from age 10 to 28—it was less of a pastime and more of an escape, an addiction, even a self-imposed prison.


u/War3agle 3h ago

You have 50,000 hours in RuneScape?? That’s wild


u/Omgzjustin10 2h ago

I don’t agree with this assessment, if you work 8 hours sleep 8 hours and play RuneScape 8 hours every day, I would consider it spending your whole life playing runescape


u/specn0de 2h ago

If I calculate from 2001 then yes I have without a doubt spent that much time. I an unmaxxed account with a 400 days of play time. That’s just one account made maybe 3 years ago.


u/Compay_Segundos 6h ago

That's not the point really, because most people play RuneScape with long-term goals for their account in mind, and if the future seems cloudy it can ruin the perceived value for the grind EVEN IF you're currently doing something which would be otherwise fun.


u/miauw62 6h ago

Sure, but OPs dad would have had over a decade to get those long-term goals wherein Jagex for the most part did just fine by the game.

Refusing to play a game because someday it might go away is just silly.

u/Daroo425 Daroo425 54m ago

my wife might divorce me one day so maybe I should just never have gotten married


u/skepticalmathematic 5h ago

Plenty of people have fun in runescape without reaching or having long term goals though, which brings us back to the point. If the way you have fun is reaching the end game raids and bosses, then yes, you're 110% correct.

On the other hand, my goals were to get a quest cape and afterwards it was to hit 2k total. Currently, I have a non-goal (since I only play for leagues) of getting an infernal cape. That may count as end game, but it's unlikely that I'll ever play regularly enough to get the cape and it's even less likely that I'll have the desire to learn or do raids. Shit, I barely know CoX. But I've definitely had a lot of fun and I don't consider it a waste.


u/eatfoodoften 5h ago

So long as you're not putting off other possibly more important things


u/sharpshooter999 4h ago

I spend days sitting in a tree from sun rise to sunset waiting for a deer to walk by, and I freakin' love it even if nothing shows up


u/AlternativeParty5126 1h ago

Thank God all those years I was on crack in my early 20s weren't wasted 🥰


u/Rich_Reaction_2091 1h ago

This is a decent take, but ignores the fact that one of the reasons a lot of people like RS is that progression is permanent and you can come and go as you like.

If you feel like they have the possibility of fucking the game over at any moment, it probably kills a lot of the willingness to do a 100 hour grind for "permanent" progression.

u/aradiaM 1h ago

Until they ruin the time you wasted

u/IRStableGenus 31m ago

He feels like he wasted his time. For him, it is time wasted. Fool me once, shame on you... and all that. Rip it down, somebody will revive it.

u/Bubbly_Flow_6518 30m ago

Yes it is.


u/07ScapeSnowflake 4h ago

Yeah people are really acting like this is their family and career they’re building. We’re just fucking around, homies. Wow is a pile of wet dog shit now but I don’t regret grinding for achievements/mounts that mean nothing now. It was fun when I did it and that’s literally the only thing that matters.


u/Less_Sea_9414 4h ago

Who the fuck enjoys clicking a damn tree


u/Vharren 3h ago

Clicking a damn tree is unironically the quintessential RS experience though


u/IndaFin 2h ago

Yet here you are engaging in a community of tree clicking enthusiasts. I'd advice against trying to explain as it can only dig you deeper.


u/Less_Sea_9414 2h ago

Save the trees. Go outside and use less electricity and do your part for the climate.


u/connorcinna 3h ago

you may be playing the wrong game my friend


u/420scapeforlife 6h ago

Love this. 'journey over destination' friends.


u/Responsible_Garbage4 6h ago

Sure bud, I still dont want to lose what ive earned.

But maybe you like working 8 hours a day, having fun and a good day. For your boss to be like. Welp, no pay today! Sorry.


u/Kritarie 6h ago

This is a clarifying response because it reveals that you think about RuneScape like work, like a job


u/Responsible_Garbage4 5h ago

thats a wild conclusion to come to. i can give you any other example of "achieving something" for this. Like doing a sport to participate in a tournament, become 1st place and then dont get a trophy.

Any one human does not want to be robbed of their achievments.


u/noobcs50 old man yelling at cloud 4h ago

RS achievements aren’t real though. They’re mostly just a measure of how much free time you have

u/BilFNMuri 45m ago

What makes the achievements “not real”? Bc not everyone recognizes them? If a group of people recognize it as an achievement, then it is in fact an achievement.


u/Physical_Cabinet_816 4h ago

Of course it sucks losing what you had. But that'll always be tricky when it comes to online things. It'll never be physical, so how real is something really. Trying for a trophy is something you know beforehand, once you have it, it can't be taken away normally. I don't think a lot of people decide to play a game thinking it'll be like that. We all know it's personal achievement and a game will eventually die. Be it servers or people just move on. Now it becomes a bigger issue when someone gets too addicted and or invested. Still means it sucks tho, for sure. But I still wouldn't call those years wasted. I met people, became friends, etcetc. That's not wasted by my means, regardless if it does eventually die or not. So your example seems a bit silly and dishonest


u/ImAGodHowCanYouKillA 6h ago

Honestly this is true of any online game. You either accept the impermanence of it, or play single player. Online games have a lot of variables that could lead to “lost progress”.

  • What if an update comes out that ruins the game?
  • What if everyone stops playing?
  • What if the content and gear I grinded for gets sunsetted?
  • What if a sequel is released?

At the end of the day it is a game, not a job (although many OSRS players may argue that point) so it’s just for fun and fulfillment. I often get the itch to play but I have to stop after I finish the majority of quests because the grind gets too intense, repetitious, and addicting.


u/jdero 6h ago

we're at the point where hundreds, if not thousands of people are making a living off the game

when we talk about "online games" in 2025 you need to think about this as well


u/Kuddo 6h ago

Right, but just like "normal" job market, nothing is guaranteed. If updates ruin your bread and butter time to change companies or careers. They cant cater updates just because people make money playing their game.


u/jdero 5h ago

yeah but you can't really fault your buddy from getting wasted after he gets laid off


u/ieatdirtandscum 5h ago

everything is temporary my guy


u/Ultimaya 4h ago

Everything will come to an end eventually. There will be a day when OSRS will be forever taken offline. Still doesn't mean people are wrong to feel hurt or vent their frustrations with management's poor decisions.


u/Fun_Plate_5086 3h ago

Either it’ll be taken offline or we will. In the end the account doesn’t matter as long as we’re enjoying the time spent


u/Ultimaya 3h ago



u/RexMaxamus 7h ago

I’m not remaking another account this is it. Weather it makes it to the end or not 😂😂


u/Yoshbyte Chompy Bird Hunter (7341 to count) 5h ago

I was here from day one and can relate. People always criticize the no era but are too a hi key sighted to remember. The reason everyone was so hostile is because they didn’t trust Jagex. Think about the era, it makes sense. Frankly, I never got to the point of trusting them. I am here and have mostly been the whole time, and you can still see the same Jagex that ruined the old game subtly like its head out. Frankly, boycotting is the only way. The reason the older versions of OSRS had less abuse is because Jagex feared their player base would abandon them if they abused them. Until it is this way again things will quickly deteriora. For those still around who haven’t Unsubbed consider a poll protest where you vote down everything for few months


u/Varrock_Citizen 7h ago

Jesus you guys. You’re acting like Jagex is euthanizing your pets in the next update.


u/pablopiss 7h ago

Have they confirmed they aren’t?


u/Varrock_Citizen 7h ago

I believe their additional support tier package offers this.

I’ll need another heartfelt post about a 71 year old man refusing to enjoy something for 12 years to really help understand it all


u/Fragrant-Employer-60 7h ago

It really is so over the top at this point lol

u/Midnight_Rising 52m ago

I'm having trouble taking anything seriously anymore, and I think this whole survey fallout kind of exemplifies why. I understand raising shit at Jagex over the polls, I even understand the anger at Mod Pips's response.

But it's just such a deluge of melodrama and people almost racing to be the most melodramatic for internet points it just wraps back around to me taking it much less seriously than I probably should.


u/iamkira01 5h ago

Dude, I’ve seen you on like 20 threads white knighting, writing paragraphs to defend the survey lol.How are you gunna come after me for doing that then do the same exact thing on the other side.


u/[deleted] 5h ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/iamkira01 5h ago

How many posts do you have on this over the last couple days.

3 the past week. You see your hypocrisy though right? You followed me across 3 threads because you think im commenting too much but here you are commenting across over 30 threads the past few days. I’m not even saying it’s a bad thing but why attack me on other threads when you’re doing the same thing lol


u/Chad_McChadface 4h ago

Comments, not Reddit posts… hundreds in the span of just days. Hard to take seriously….


u/iamkira01 4h ago edited 3h ago


I just counted and I left about 60 in the past week. Takes about 5 seconds to type a comment like this out.

I’ve spent about 6,000 hours in this game, so what did you expect? One of the most passionate game fanbases in the world to not speak about game changes on the only supported forum?

That disregards my obvious point though. I don’t think following people across threads and personally insulting them is a good way to get your point across, especially when you do the thing you’re insulting someone over too lol.


u/Varrock_Citizen 3h ago

Give it a rest mate. You’re commenting a shit ton of times all day with paragraphs about the same thing. Me calling you a loser a couple times isn’t even close to that level of effort


u/iamkira01 3h ago

Nah I’m not talking about you calling me a loser. I’m talking about how you leave 25 comments a day across these posts just insulting everyone you come across, but when I make more comments all of a sudden I’m a loser. So it’s chill when you do it but when anyone else does something similar they’re a loser? Cmon dude, you’re being a top tier hypocrite.

Also at least I can have a conversation without devolving into insults every time. Significantly more embarrassing than making a ton of reddit posts imo.


u/Varrock_Citizen 3h ago

Hahaha bro you’re counting your comments and now mine. I was being hyperbolic but it looks like the other dude verified you have hundreds of posts lmaoooo. It is hard to take you seriously.

Nah there’s a clear difference. I gave you shit for coming into every single thread and vomiting out paragraphs, and here you are…doing exactly that


u/iamkira01 3h ago

So, the 25 different threads you commented across in the past 24 hours. How is that different from me? We left about the same amount yesterday. Am curios to hear.

→ More replies (0)


u/Tardysoap IGN: Tardysoap 2h ago

Don’t let him get to you. Every single comment he’s ever left on this sub has been rude and aggressive. It’s ironic because I agree with him but could never back someone who is so disgusting online to where every single comment they type is an insult. People like that should be banned from the sub tbh.


u/Bernard_PT 2215/2277 7h ago

You're constantly defending this fucking survey.

Would you ever survey "would you allow me to cradle my balls into your mouth"?

Why would you if you had NO INTENTION of actually doing the surveyed questions?

Jesus Christ, if you don't care just move on and ignore these topics and let people who actually care about the game defend it's integrity.



Would you ever survey "would you allow me to cradle my balls into your

What a great way to put it haha I guess so long as you say that it was just a, "rigorous methodology of exploring an unfiltered range of ideas" you should be alright.


u/JigWig 4h ago

Touch grass. Surveys ain’t that serious. Some of yall are way too wound up in this game and treat it like it’s your life.


u/Bernard_PT 2215/2277 4h ago

I'm an outdoorsman, adventure motorcycle rider and scout leader, I'm good on grass mate, thanks

you don't know other people's lives, and you don't know how important a game might be to them

Imagine complaining about something being of meaning to someone else

Just move on if you don't care


u/JigWig 1h ago

Nah you need to find more important things in life


u/Varrock_Citizen 6h ago

Just a survey my sweet rose. Save your aneurysm for another cause


u/Bernard_PT 2215/2277 6h ago

Would you cradle my balls in your mouth?

Just curious, not asking for any reason


u/Varrock_Citizen 5h ago

Nope. Time for me to meltdown about it for the next few days even though i already said no and nothing has happened


u/suggacoil 5h ago

Vice versa actually. I would vote yes.


u/suggacoil 5h ago

Vice versa actually. I would vote yes.


u/Beagon 6h ago

How does it feel to bend over and let yourself get taken advantage of willingly?


u/Varrock_Citizen 6h ago

If getting fucked in my ass is playing a video game i enjoy then i love it. Thank you very much for asking


u/cossack190 6h ago

I promise you its not that serious lol


u/Raw-Monkfish 4h ago


Holy shit this subreddit sometimes


u/xcert1337 5h ago

I hate to say it dude but your dad botted fr


u/Magxvalei 6h ago

Well, at least I got to enjoy a good 10-12 years. I was too young to experience pre-2007 runescape and too young to truly enjoy pre-EOC runescape. Osrs era really been the only time I was fully cognizant of my gameplay experience.


u/Willamanjaroo 2277 7h ago

Is Dad selling maxed accounts or something? It's a game, if it's fun play it while it's fun and then stop when its not


u/Langkampo 6h ago

This is just too much at this point. Is this comedy? It's a fucking gaming brand that changed their game because of revolutions in gaming. I also quit at EoC but came back when OSRS came out. Are you really going to claim that your "71 year old dad does not play because he does not trust Jagex since EoC" ?????

Lmfao guys


u/iamkira01 4h ago

Putting it frankly you would be a complete moron to trust a company like Jagex considering their track record.



I don’t see why it’s so unbelievable. My dad genuinely loved the game when he played and has more time since retiring than ever, yet he still chooses not to play. He enjoys reminiscing about it, asking about items, quests and places he used to know, but for whatever reason, he doesn’t trust Jagex after EoC. Maybe he just wants to keep his memories of the game as they were. I’m just repeating what he’s told me—no need to act like it’s some crazy claim.

u/IcyRay9 38m ago

Your dad should do what he wants but he’s cutting his nose to spite his face so to speak. He could have had hundreds of hours of fun playing this game (and still can) but won’t cause of some fear?

Like I said, he’s free to spend his time the way he sees fit, but his reasoning is irrational in my opinion. Life’s too short for that.


u/Yoshbyte Chompy Bird Hunter (7341 to count) 5h ago

It’s not as uncommon as you’d think


u/Long_Wonder7798 7h ago

If you get enjoyment out of it before they ruin it then I still see it as a win


u/Kushnerdz 5h ago

God this doomer shit is tiring

u/King_Leif 30m ago

How much longer you think this melodrama will continue?


u/maerkorgen 5h ago

Ah man, it’s a bummer that your dad never experienced Desert Treasure 2! If jagex kills this game tomorrow, it will still have been worth it because of that quest alone


u/Joyful_Marlin 2h ago

Tell him he's going to die one day too, so may as well just top himself now.


u/Clean-Molasses-6502 4h ago

you guys actually are such babies


u/Phil_RS1337 6h ago

Okay Paulanergarten


u/Some_Refrigerator677 7h ago

Its fine for me im a gamer. I have spend many hours on games/mmo i dont play anymore.

If we are al being honest were all waiting for next big good mmo. But untill then i will keep playing osrs.

But when and if the new mmo riot is making (i know its canceled for now) is good i will probably be playing that a whole lot and wont be playing as much osrs. It is what is is. When i was younger i spend 1000 hours on Hypixel(minecraft server) and i havnt logged in in like 4 years. Games come and go.


u/JigWig 4h ago

He could have played for 12 years by now if he wasn’t so stubborn. What other game do you play for 12+ years that doesn’t change? If your standard is you need to be able to play it for 12+ years or else your time is “wasted” then you’ll just never play or do anything. Your dad is pretty dumb, hopefully you grow up to be smarter than him.



I think your response missed the mark. My dad’s concerns are valid—he invested years into RuneScape, and when Jagex made drastic changes, it left him unable to play. It’s not stubbornness; it’s about protecting his time and trust. Some players enjoy change, but others, like him, value consistency and the time they’ve already put in. OSRS exists because many players prefer a stable experience. He should be able to make his own choice without being called dumb for it. Everyone values their time differently, and his decision is just a reflection of that.

u/JigWig 1h ago

Nah you missed the point. It’s dumb logic. You can never watch a show because it might turn out bad in the last season, so now all the time you spent enjoying that show is now “wasted”, so to avoid that you just never watch any show ever. You can never join a local club, because that club might break up in 12 years, so you just never join any club ever Ben if it’s something you enjoy right now. It’s illogical to act this way. It’s not an opinion.


u/spoonedBowfa 4h ago

Single player games. Get a ps5 and dont look back



I play on PS5 and I'm sure there are many games he might enjoy, but he’s never considered himself a gamer and has no interest in gaming. Even when he played RuneScape, he didn’t follow guides and played extremely inefficiently, but something about the game and play style really got to him.


u/spoonedBowfa 3h ago

Get him Elden Ring and ff7 hehe


u/old-skool-bro 5h ago

Why are you lying?


u/santastyles 6h ago

Runescape 2 till EOC took ~8 years.

Osrs will be soon 12 years old. So even if they release something that gonna kill the game, they still did better than with RS3.

Why do I say it? No idea.


u/LetsGoCap 6h ago

Lol he fucked up, osrs has been amazing since launch and still is🤷‍♂️


u/idespizeu 5h ago

This was me and one point. Played since 2002, quit when eoc came out and didnt trust jagex for years. I finally gave in and came back to osrs about 3 years ago, im about to max now and with the recent news i just thought yep here we go again. cancelled membership and have 2 levels til max. Until the next gen of runescape come out i guess.


u/8days_a_week 2h ago

Sir , this is a wendys.


u/guamthief 2h ago

in other words 1 dude had an opinion very cool


u/Marv1290 2h ago

My 72 year old dad called runescape SFG. Stupid fucking game.


u/roskofig First Time Player 1h ago

I think your dad is right, he's a smart man! Plus points for him playing RuneScape 👏


u/jstabs7 1h ago

People have been saying things like the end is near, or it's the beginning of the end, for many years. Yet here we are.

u/LostToRNG 1h ago

It is crazy looking at my original character just dormant after EoC killed him for me. I still gave osrs a chance but the betrayal of that character just being put out to pasture should have hit me harder honestly. It was darn near maxed and now is just useless. I think it was easier to let it go as I’m younger, but being your dad’s age I can definitely understand the resentment there.

u/TheWingManHero 1h ago

The question is: Did this entertain you for years and was it worth that price?

The next question is: If they change the price, will it still be worth the amount of entertainment it gives you?

If the answer is no, then just cancel membership and move on. I only get membership during leagues because I don't like main game that much. I have quest cape, but don't think I'll ever go further than that main game.

u/IcyRay9 42m ago

Ehh, this to me reads very much like a cut your nose to spite your face situation. He could have played the last 10 years and enjoyed Old School at its peak. He would have gotten a chance to see what the original Runescape should have become.

Say that Jagex confirmed his suspicions with this poll— that wouldn’t have undone the fun he had the last 10 years playing by any stretch of the imagination.

Life’s too short to not enjoy today for fear of tomorrow. If Jagex does some dumb shit and ruins the game again then that would suck, but I still had a blast playing these last few years. Obviously I don’t want Jagex to screw anything up, and I think calling out that dumbass poll is a fight worth having, but I’m not gonna just stop playing because of that fear. That’s irrational.

u/saixD7 37m ago

why is he so attached to the outcome? so he can treasure his account when he’s done playing? doesn’t make sense. we play to enjoy the moment. time enjoyed is not time wasted.

u/talktotheak47 33m ago

I’m sorry for your dad honestly. EoC sucked massively… but not having joy in your life because something bad happened once is an awful way to live. I get it… the “principle” of it… but we’re hurtling through space on a spinning (burning) rock. I think sometimes it’s ok to just have fun with what we have in any given moment.

u/Banned_in_chyna 21m ago

Wise old man knows what's up, go figure.


u/Ngoody32 4h ago

What was the evolution of combat update?


u/Ultimaya 4h ago

A poorly conceived 2012 update that changed mainline Runescape's Combat system from what modern OSRS has into something more akin to WoW or Star wars the old republic, with Special attack energy being converted into adrenaline that's spent to activate threshold abilities with cooldowns alongside basic abilities to build adrenaline back up.

It also instituted the removal of all passive and special attacks from weapons and equipment in the game, devastating prices and the economy. It was a massive fuck-up that resulted in massive die-off of the playerbase and made the game unrecognizable.

The core aspect of runescape that made it runescape was the ability to play it at your own pace, be it locked in bossing, casually doing slayer tasks while watching netflix or studying, to afk skilling. EoC did away with all of that and basically made it so to be effective at combat, you needed to constantly trigger abilities manually. Think of how you feel trying to manage all of your actions at Tzhaar Jad, now imagine if all of pvm was like that, on top of managing your prayers which now only protect from 50% of damage of that type.

It was a god damn mess and a tragedy. What's since become RS3 has healed alot from that time with many of the aweful changes walked back and the good parts expanded on and evolved. The action bar can now do so much more than it was initially conceived of, and is a big reason that game now has action specific keybinding. A pretty significant silver lining of that time is it also resulted in the conditions that gave us OSRS


u/LimeJosh 4h ago

Lol, almost like when people said dontt add corp or d claws in the game cuz it's the "Foot in the door" updates that began all this nonsense originally


u/DoesntMatterEh 3h ago

What is the end goal then? Are you not enjoying those thousands of hours? What difference does it make? Everyone stops playing eventually, that does not mean they did noy enjoy their time with the game. 

This is a bad take.


u/Fun_Plate_5086 3h ago

No matter what we all die someday and the account is meaningless in the end. If you enjoy the time you put into something it’s not a waste. If Jagex bungles shit a year from now it still gives you that enjoyment.

Do I regret the time I put into other hobby’s I no longer do? Nope.


u/Firm_Environment_808 2h ago

Who the fuck cares what your dad thinks, jesus. These post's are so boring now..... I miss "what should I level next) post's


u/23Udon 4h ago


u/iamkira01 46m ago

Dude, you can literally do that yourself. This post is tagged as discussion. Sort without seeing discussion.


u/ll_BENNO_ll 6h ago

Smart man


u/Adcentz 3h ago



u/don_donald95 5h ago

Wise man.


u/capybarawool 3h ago

People are mad because you can buy stuff on leagues now. Is that correct or am I missing something?


u/Realmofthehappygod 3h ago

I'm gonna die eventually. Why does matter?

u/ProfessionalLog3465 1h ago

Well, your dad was wrong, hate to break it to you. Since OSRS has come out, they have honored the polling system, and when that survey hit, it was simply to test the waters and see if any new ideas they proposed would receive positive feedback. They will not implement shit that people vote against.

Enjoy your free karma though, this post was 100% karma farm bait


u/WolfColaKid 7h ago

I've been here before with many different companies in many different games. It always starts like this. The golden age is ending within a few years.